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Posts posted by BlueStar

  1. It's worth noting Mascarpone had been giving the ref shit all game, not just then. You could clearly lip read him shouting "FUCK OFF! OH, FUCK OFF! FUCK OFF!" at the ref earlier on.


    Harsh booking or not, the commentators, his team mates and everyone watching could see exactly what was going to happen as soon as he started marching over so it was stupidity even if it wasn't malice.

  2. No matter how big it became, it started as a tiny Jewish sect, which could have been completely forgotten about if the Romans hadn't adopted it while being the most powerful force in the world. If that qualifies as a spin off or not is subjective, I guess.

  3. The Abrahamic religions, ie Islam, Christianisty and Judaism are all cut from the same cloth, have the same origins and all worship the same God (as well as having common figures like Moses and Noah in their religion). I've heard some Christians refer to themselves as "perfected Jews", if that makes them a spin off or not I don't know.

  4. How many of you atheists will be getting Easter Eggs on Sunday? I would think rather a lot...


    And what exactly do chocolate eggs have to do with Jesus? It's primarily about the coming of spring, new life and fertility (hence the name easter, from the fertility goddess Eostrous) Of course a festival with those themes is a good place to tack on the part of the Jesus story where he comes back as a zombie, what with it being about rebirth, new life etc.


    I celebrated christmas too, but I can't remember Jesus being involved at all (then again I don't know any christians). Getting together with family, the legend of Santa, the elves, rudolph, present giving, eating turkey, meeting old friends, having parties and of course a sickening orgy of consumerism. Face it, modern Christmas is a secular festival. Saying you can't celebrate Christmas or Easter without beliving in Jesus is a bit like saying you can't celebrate it if you don't believe in Santa or the Easter Bunny.


    Do you do anything for Halloween? Do you actually believe your costume will scare away evil spirits, witches, ghosts and goblins?

  5. Because science aknowledges unknowables, other possibilities, changes its views as new evidence comes to light and thus works in theories , while religion is dogmatic and falsly claims to work in absolute truths.


    Also, you don't prove things untrue, you prove things true. The burden of proof is on the person maintaining God exists, not vice versa. Could you go to court and prove you're NOT a murderer? How could you prove to me there is not a 4 headed purple monkey somewhere in the world?


    Religion operates outside the contraints of science and so it doesn't need to follow the rules. The theory that there's a god is not a theory at all because it's not testable. Unlike a scientific theory there's simply nothing to test because the people making the assertion cannot provide the evidence to check as it's a matter of faith, not coming to a decision based on evidence. If it was, relgion would be pretty shit.

  6. I think "identify as" includes a lot of people who simply put "protestant" or whatever on surveys just because they were christened, probably don't know the first thing about what sets their religion apart from others and never set foot in church except to be married and buried.

  7. Hillarious that some thick fucker's first post in this thread was "fucking sandniggers", Bangladesh being of course known for its deserts in spite of being slap bang in the middle of a huge fertile delta that spends most of its time under about 5 feet of water.

  8. Of course libertarian ideology will be forced on people, the changes will have to be enforced against the will of people who are against them and there will have to be powers in force to prevent people forming what the paranoid nutters in ultimate control would consider a 'state', either on a national or regional level.


    In spite of the political differences, the fanciful idea everyone will muck in and make a lovely land where no-one needs welfare because of all the sunny happy people will help out the poor and homeless with their new charities is certainly a bedfellow of communism, it's just the means of achieving it which is different. The ultimate (and unachievable) aim of communism is that once the utopian society is reached there will be no need for the state any more so it will dismantle. The totalitarian revolutionary government is supposedly only there on a tempory basis until this is reached.


    The reality of true libertarianism would be small gated communities of the incredibly rich with private services (especially security), and 90% of the county a chaotic ghetto with no power, water, law or order in permanent state civil war between a threadbare, underfunded police force, corrupt vigilantes and drug gangs. But like I say, there's no point arguing about it because the entire idea of a libertarian Britain is a fantasy.


    EDIT: Just to add I've found an alarming number of 'libertarians' who are pro-death penalty. I find it quite strange that these people who supposedly want a minimalist, powerless, skeleton state also want the current (Evill, corrupt, oppressing, all-powerful etc) state to have to power over life and death, placing it in a bucket alongside such freedom loving, hands-off states as China, Iran and Saudia Arabia...

  9. You're welcome to think that. Get a tattoo about it if you like, that will show the Man. Libertarianism is up there with other flavours of anarchism and utopian communism in "Wooly headed rebellious idealism which never has a cat in hells chance of working anywhere in the world land". Which is a good thing, because like some opposition parties the wack-job conspiracy nut anarchists who pretend it's some kind of legitimate political position (Libertarian politicians are hilarious, you might as well declare yourself a vegetarian butcher) can bang on and on about how great it will be without any danger of actually having to put it to the test and exposing the fatal flaws which a five year old could have pointed out in its very basis.


    You also find that people who are very vocal about people being able to do whatever they want without impacting on others tend to think of all the great things they'll be able to do and the freedoms they'll be able to have when they're going their own way without need for support or 'oppression' from the Man. Delve deeper and you tend to find they're not too happy about some people they don't like having similar freedoms (something they've not thought about as much in their freedom fighting euphoria) and start making tenuous connections to how this impacts on them - For instance 'Libertarians' who are against gay marriage because they claim it 'devalues' their own marriage and thereby infringes on their personal rights.

  10. Horse shit. Libertarians generally believe that a people's rights end where another person's starts. The state are the tyrants. Protect my body, and my possessions, after that, the state needs to go and get fucked.


    Like I say, off you go - grab some guns and some of those dollars with Ron Paul's face on and fight the power, comrade.

  11. There certainly seems to be a surge of rebellious sixth formers who've decided to try their hand at anarcho-capitalism and declare themselves liberatarians on message boards. I preferred it when libertarians simply bought enough weapons and canned food for a small country, made a complex with their followers out of reach of government mind-control rays (this bit is easier if you let them believe you're some kind of messiah figure) then waited for the FBI and ATF to come along and ask why you've made up your own currency, you've not paid taxes for 5 years and you're mixing up semtex in your bath, so everyone can have a good old fashioned barney.


    "There isn't much point arguing about the word "libertarian." It would make about as much sense to argue with an unreconstructed Stalinist about the word "democracy" -- recall that they called what they'd constructed "peoples' democracies." The weird offshoot of ultra-right individualist anarchism that is called "libertarian" here happens to amount to advocacy of perhaps the worst kind of imaginable tyranny, namely unaccountable private tyranny. If they want to call that "libertarian," fine; after all, Stalin called his system "democratic." But why bother arguing about it?" - Chompsky

  12. I don't see the problem with falling house prices, seeing as they're artificially and ludicrously high already. If it stings the people who are buying 20 houses each and either leave them empty watching their value rise or rent them to people who can't afford a house because dickheads are buying 20 each and not living in them then I'm hardly going to shed a tear. Anyone who buys property thinking they are going to rise and rise in value up to infinity deserves a harsh financial lesson anyway.

  13. So Newcastle fans, how confident are you that King Kev will turn it round and do you still think getting rid of Fat Sam was the right thing to do?


    It was certainly the right thing to get rid of Sam, we're still paying for his dodgy deals and mismanagement now and it's his team which are showing no backbone. If replacing him with Keegan was a good idea or not is another story. After being linked with the likes of Deschamps and Houllier I was pretty put out when Keegan was announced, but once he was you have to get behind him.


    For what it's worth I'm sick of clueless southern arsehole Sky fans constantly going on about what Newcastle fans think or want, how big a club we think we are, how we'd prefer to lose 4-3 than win 1-0, and all this other shite when their entire knowledge on the subject comes from tabloid rags. Speaking of which, considering we're such a small club it's funny that we seem to take up about 10 pages of every paper's sports section when things are going wrong. Burnley beat Chelsea yesterday, Portsmouth beat Man U at Old Trafford, Liverpool beat us, but none of those teams are on the back page of my Sunday Mirror today, it's an A4 sized picture of Keegan and Terry Mac.

  14. Yeah thats the way I see it...the likes of Ronaldo, Pires, Zokara all go down for anything, I think Gerrard goes down after strong tackles, rather than trying to stay up, because he thinks he deserves the free kick or pen, so doesnt see why he should stay up...slightly different to diving but by no means any better...


    Well he's just done his trademark "superman" without ANY tackle, nevermind a strong one. Just running alongside the defender, realsied he wasn't going to make it to the ball, weeeeeeee, down I go. Ref! REF!


    Him and Ronaldo are joint top of the soft diving cheat league in this country.

  15. Freak goal for Liverpool :(


    Gerrard diving in the box every time anyone goes near him at usual, dunno how he avoided a yellow for that last one seeing as neither the ref or the linesman was fooled by it. If he was foreign people would be calling him a soft **** and a cheat. Somehow being English he avoids that.

  16. To be fair, this one is actually on point.


    Unlike my off topic post, on a nintendo forum in an earthquake thread, of an earthquake-phobic character from a Nintendo format game doing the animation used to show his reaction when an earthquake hits in the game.

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