I got gold and silver from america when they were released over there because some friends brought them back for me. By the way, finding a level 125 Charmeleon is not cheating, is it? I loved beating people easily. By the way, I had a few 'real' level 100 pokemon of every type. I love playing with Mew, especially because people worshipped me after getting it. Before now I have just completed it again for fun. Marvellous days, when life was so simple. My birthday, a school trip and a birthday party in one day. What an opportunity to break out the SNES super game boy and trade, trade, trade! By the way, if I played using the Charizards in one player they went down to level one after a single battle. Most of the time I used 'properly' trained Mews, Mewtwos and Charizards.