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What' this game all about anyway, what do you do?

It's a game made by Tim Schafer and his company Double Fine. He used to work on the Lucasarts adventure games back in the day (Monkey Island, Full Throttle, and Grim Fandango) until he left and set up his own company.


I've had about 3-4hrs playtime with the PC version, and this game is seriously good. Many funny moments so far and the art style of the characters and the environments is damn quirky and a breath of fresh air. The game is mostly made up of adventure/platformer moments, but overall it really does mix it up gameplay wise.


I'm not sure I'll have the time to go back and finish it. But I think people should def try it if you find it for a low price. Ignore the PS2 version, as it's apparently bug ridden. Xbox version is the one to get, and if you've got a decent controller for a PC (360 or ps2 adapter one) you can't go wrong with that either as this game looks lush on high res widescreen.


Shame it's not a 360 BC game.

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I've got the PS2 version and its fine so far. :bouncy:

Well tbh, the story, gameplay and comedy elements will all still be there.....its just that I've heard if you can get either of the other versions over the PS2 version then it's best to do so.


I really do hope I get the time to get back into it and to actually finish it. Must do it before Zelda arrives on the scene.

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