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Speaking Irish, Singing Filippine and Chinese

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Ok just uploaded 3 new vids to my youtube account.


The first just me doing a vlog in Irish (with English subtitles)


The next two are Kareoke vids in different languages

the first in Tagalog (Filippine)

Kung Ako Na Lang Sana (with you through the years) by Bintuan Escalante



the second in Chinese

Can't Help Falling in Love by F4





Thank god you apologised for your bad Grammar as Gaeilge!


Tá sé iontach ag éisteacht leis an Ghaeilge ar an idirlíon ar aon nós!

Maith thú!


Tá do Ghaeilge fós go hiontach, go háirithe taréis cúig nó sé bliain. Stop mé ag labhairt Gaeilge go rialta blian nó dhó ó shin nuair a d'fhág mé an scoil. Caithfidh mé smaoineamh i bhfad níos mó anois, ní thagann an gramadach agus an litriú chugaim chomh tapaidh na laeantha seo.


Phew, cheers for giving me a chance to practice, it's been a while! I've gotta try and stay fluent, it'd be a shame to lose it after spending 14 years speaking it nearly every day.

  KingJoe said:
Dude, where can i get a copy of 'Cant help falling in love with you' in Chinese from?


If you want it on actual CD i do know it was on the Lilo and Stitch soundtrack in China you could try import that, or see if you could just import the single or album. The band is called F4


Don't know if you'd find it on itunes or anything, i have it on mp3 which i got by means i must not speak of....:woops:


Or actually if you want i could email you a copy of the .mp3 file i have


And to you fellow Irish who already posted (and those yet to post)


Go raibh mílle maith agut : peace:


  Sparko said:
it'd be a shame to lose it after spending 14 years speaking it nearly every day.


Yeah, i feel the same, i gotta try watching TG4 more maybe or something, its a shame only a few people every speak it outside of school


  conzer16 said:
Thank god you apologised for your bad Grammar as Gaeilge!

I said i better be safe, i'm actually surprised i did aswell as i did and remembered as much as i did, its easy when you're just "thinking" it, but when you gotta speak it somehow seems harder to remember


  Stev2604 said:
Tá mé completely screwed!

That just made me laugh


  The Villan said:
Makes me want to be able to speak Scottish Gaelic

Do they still teach that in Scotland? I've never heard it, expect the few phrases in Braveheart, but even then it sounded Irish, one guy said "amadáin"(sp?) once which is Irish for fools

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