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Region-free GC games?

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I've been wondering about this for a while, will the Wii be able to play GC games from any region? I think it would be a good move, seeing as Japan and US will still sell GC games after the launch of the Wii, but the Uk won't. THerefore they can get a profit from importers.

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i hope so, than i can play baten kaitos origins and super paper mario becouse they are not on the release list in europe :'(

(btw i updated my post i hope its now understandeble)

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Super Paper Mario will be released in Europe regardless, and it's on GAME's release list. Baten Kaitos though...

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It's about time for Nintendo to take that route (and they should do the same with Wii titles)


DC had a interesting idea on how to do it... "just leave it to the developer to decide" and made some "limited" international versions like Shenmue and Sonic Adventure without regions lock and both japanese and US english on the game, Xbox 360 goes the same way for some titles (and I'm not sure if Xbox1 did).


Anyway, for a game like baten kaitos origins that isn't (probably) coming to europe why not releasing it without zone protection? it's the natural thing to do.


This way they can keep the best of both worlds, and of course, 95% of their titles will still be region locked.


We still have to learn how Wii's gonna be region locked... if that lock is solely by the firmware (that is upgradeable, btw) we might see some inexpensive firmware hacks turning off region lock.

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GC games should be region free otherwise I can't play a lot of them on the Wii because I imported quite a few games. Wii games should be either region free or at least be released within a month in EVERY country. It is horrible to wait for 2 months and longer for certain games - especially when the german translation is bearly unplayable.


The problem is I really doubt Nintendo wants to go that route. It will be region locked including a quite heavy delay for many games until they reach the EU shores.

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Meh, I kind of expect Nintendo to retain region lock for the GameCube games and disable the FreeLoader. That would be bloody typical.

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It would be typical. But the region-lock-less DS got a good reaction for not having one, hint hint at the Wii?

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all hand helds have been region free.



i really hope the freeloader works on the wii. too much space taken up by my consoles.

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I hope they make it region free for GC games and Wii games. The PS3 is region free and I've read a few times (although I don't know if its true or not) that the Xbox 360 is region free but its up to the publishers whether it takes advantage of that or not.


The Wii being region free would be a major selling point because I have a few imported GC games I still play regulary.

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The Xbox 360 can be region-free - most games are not however. PS3 AFAIK will be region locked like the PS2.

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