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Join My Gang!!1 :OOO


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Hey d00ds.


If anyones buying the 360 game Saints Row, you might know that there will be gangs (clans) online, sorta like halo 2.


Well, me and my mates made the Grey Fox Gang (original, eh?) and we're recruiting members early for when it comes out, like most "gangs" are... Join us! Its a pretty sweet and easy to use website for 1 day of work.



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Good stuff, but why should we join your "GANG"


Whats so good about it ?


Good question man, heres the answer:


We've got one of the best websites for Saints Row gangs, have a look for some more, freewebs and bad eye hurting-ness.


We will arrange loads of games with other gangs for the ultimate warfare. (like 6+ a month)


Online gaming is fun in clans.


You can have rivals on the game, and that leads to your "allied gangs" to help you out, its all fun.


Theres no reasons not to join :grin:

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Thing is, I want to make a gang of mostly british not gangster wannabees, just people who want to have fun (and compete) online. Because all the other gangs are owned by american gangster wannabees, and a game like this makes them talk like idiots over live. I want to stay playing with "normal" people.


SO JOIN OUR GANG (H) </caps>

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