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Stupid things you did as a kid


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When i was in 3rd or 4rd grade me and my class mates thought it would be really fun to start throwing rocks at the school (it was a seperate building with some plastic thing covering it so every rock left a mark) and i saw a shoe on top of the building and i thought it would be brilliant idea to use a big rock to get the shoe of the building, i ended up breaking a double-glass window and noone beleived my noble story of trying to saving the shoe :nono:

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Not so much a kid or that long ago I must say but I used to pull up girls skirts at school, and in some cases pull down their underwear. I did that on and off between the age of, like 6 to 13, to girls who did something annoying to me so as far as I was concerned it was justified. Looking back I was such a twit back then. I got a few cautions from the house master. Some girls really hated me for it and one girl I met last year still held grudge against me for exposing her in the class.

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Guest Ford Prefect

i kicked someones teeth out at play time when i was 10 :P


dropped a 4 pint bottle of milk on its side on the kitchen work top and redecorated the kitchen in milk. it was even hanging off the artex on the ceiling!


when i was 5 i managed to get hold of some spray paints and had a go at respraying my pedal massy furgason tractor. ended up spraying my wellies and trousers too!

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Guest Ford Prefect

i saved the stealing till adulthood :P

stuff like tins of paint and paint brushes, tubes of caulk, bags of filler and the such like. from work or college.

got a nice stockpile of wood taken from old shipping crates from work here. no one gonna miss them so they ended up here. already made a nice chair out of some....

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when i was in the lower years at primary school my friend put a piece of string in his mouth so i ran up to him and pulled it, ending up with him pulling his tooth out.

Also, me and two other friends found loads of heavy duty tape and those poly filler tubes which we stuck the tape to the road then stuck the tubes to the tape, as we thought a car would get stuck then spin out of control....it didnt work however it did make a few cars stop (not because of the tape) a old guy got out and told us to pick them up so we just ran off.

Finally i also used to do that voice recording thing which i copied from Home Alone 2 where he record his voice, rings the hotel and books a room. However i didnt do it to hotels just typed in random telephone numbers.

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