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Trauma Center: Second Opinion


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Err... no, I didn't know that. Okay, i feel stupid now... dorky.gif


So what are all the ranks possible, and in order please? :) I can't find this info anywhere, not google, not gamespot, not gamefaqs...


EDIT: Ok, now I have S on all chapters up until and including 2-1, and a B on that Z-1 chapter.


Are the ranks S, A, B, C? I can't seem to get lower than a C.


There's one rank higher than "S" and thats "XS"

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HAHAHAHAHA, i finally did it, i beat the "Fallen Heroes" level on normal mode.. AT LAST, the 3rd patient with defteria(sp?) always destroyed me.


I went back to start of the game and went through all the levels on Hard mode, got as far as the level before "Fallen Heroes", changed back to normal and did "Fallen Heroes", it took me 3 tries, but even on the first try i could tell i was doing way better than before.


Also went and beat the next level too (about 5 tries)

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This game is awesome, I;m on 6-3 on Normal. The game is hard. I just love it, the control is utter perfection, and I love the Wii missions too! I can't wait for the sequel - see what they do when they concentrate on the Wii. Also interested to see how they can add variety and freshness into the operations - I mean there can't be that many things to do!

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I cannot do the Pandora's Box mission! Been stuck there for over 2 weeks now... :angry: Have used a guide but it doesn't seem to help. Anyone got any tips?


That's the same mission I'm stuck on now. I watched some tutorial video about how you go about removing the Triti, but I always seem to miss one so it grows back like crazy.

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Ah i think that's the first mission with the triti(sp?) guilt


The one with the triangles and spikes?


Whatever difficulty level your on there is one easy way to beat it and beat it fast....


that is, use your Healing Touch right away to slow down time, take out all the spikes and then remove the triangles... you still gotta be fast though, remember time won't be slowed forever, and try not to make any mistakes when taking out the spikes.


You can do it without using the HT, but it is of course hard and you need to be fast and know what your doing.


I always start at the top, remove the first two rows of spikes then remove as many triangles in the row as you can before the spikes grow back.


If a triangle multiplies lower on screen don't worry. If you can manage to just keep repeating, removing all spikes on the top two rows and getting the triangles they can only multiply downwards, and if there's no space they can't multiply.


Prolly didn't explain it right, but it's kinda hard to type in words

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Mokong,you tried the X missions yet om extreme mode? I can't do the first one.


Same here first one is killing me too... how many X missions are there.


Manit's a tough SOB, the patient takes so much damage it's damned hard to keep the vitals up and kill the guilt at the same time

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Yea,I struggle to take out the second Kiraiki.I would guess there's 8 for each docter and one for each guilt.Savato will be...well you know how hard that will be :heh:


Doesn't help when he gets a certain amount of cuts,the serum you inject just doesn't raise his vitals.Gonna be a real challenge to complete.

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Do you get anything for doing the levels on S rank? Dont know whether to go through normal and get S rank on eberything or try through Hard mode! If I dont get anything Ill go through hard mode!


I love this game!


You unfortunately don't get anything except bragging rights for getting all XS's.

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Thats a shame, I love games that give you an incentive for getting better scores. So the extra missions people are talking about are the ones that pop up throughout on the right handside with naomi Kishima?


No, there were some extra missions when you clear all off Nozomi's and Derek's missions IIRC. These can then be played with either doctor.

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Just beat the X1 level for both doctors.


Was easy once you come up with the right strategy


Start off with the big cuts first, the ones that you have to drain the blood from, get them done ASAP, if you have to inject serum for a bit try to keep vitals above 50. When you got the big ones done, quickly stitch up the others, BUT leave one. Inject serum to get vitals to max then get the last cut and the Guilt appear.


Next is all about speed, stitch cuts first and fast, try to ignore vitals until the drop below 40, then try get them to the 70's, deal with Guilt as fast as you can one at a time, any cuts work on right away.


When you've got the last of the first set of Guilt, MAKE SURE to leave one cut, kill Guilt first, and raise vitals to max, then activate your Healing Touch THEN deal with last cut. Once you do the a big Guilt and one small one appear, deal with cuts first and try to take out the smaller guilt then the bigger one. With your HT on it should be a breeze.



the X2 mission i actually surpirsed myself and beat it first time with Dr. Styles, even though the game tries to trick you into thinking if seemed easier than you thought it would be till you realize, crap it ain't over.


But haven't beaten it yet with Naomi, her X missions seem to be a little bit harder than Styles' prolly because of her HT power

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Done X-1 now but I can't seem to do X-2 for a couple of reasons.1)Batteries are low on juice and 2) When I go to the second part where there's 2 pairs,when I cut out the first one the Vitals jump right down.I think that's when I should of used the healing touch...


Yeah, you usually get to the "cutting point" after you've drained them for the 3rd time, so when i got them drained twice i used HT and tried to get the vitals up as high as possible first, as the vitals drop like 30 points when you get to "cutting point". Once you get one pair out quickly take care of tumors and the second pair should be easy once you keep the vitals up.


You can be very unlucky as the movements are random so you could end up with same colour guilt touching each other a lot and causing a massive amount of tumors which will kill ya.


I didn't have that problem with Styles (did his first time) but it happened a lot with Naomi, though after a good load of tries i did it.


Beat X-3 with both already (thought being the guilt that it is, Stlyes' HT makes it way easy... but of course again Naomi's is kinda hard.


Stuck on X-4 now though....grrrrrr

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I just did the first mission where you disarm a bomb earlier, I think it's chapter 3-8 or something. Man, the operations have been fine, but disarming a bomb was awesome! Unscrewing the bolts, moving pins back and forth, uses the Wiimote to its fullest!

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