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Jet Lee Unleashed

Guest DS MaNiAc

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Guest DS MaNiAc

I saw this film the other day and.....It's great :grin:


Everyone should see it, it has the perfect mix, plenty of action but it actually has a good storyline.

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Ooops, yeah i saw this a while back. Its a fantastic film, great cast, great story and amazing fight scenes.


First Jet Lee film with an actual story...

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I have not seen it yet but have just finished watching ong-bak. It was fucking awesome, the best fight/action scenes I have seen and there are no special effects, wires or stunt doubles. Pretty stock standard story but my god its entertaining.


Unleashed will have to be extremly good to top Ong-bak.

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I saw Unleashed when it first came out and was blown away by it. I mean yeah the action scenes are great as they are in most Jet Li films but the acting skills of him were outstanding in this film. I have never been a fan of his acting just his fighting but the emotion and various expressions he put on his face were amazing and got exactly how he was feeling across to the audience IMO. Also Bob Hoskins played a good part aswell.

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