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Quite a lot of maths is pretty pointless. I mean, when are you ever gonna use surds in real life? WHAT IS THE POINT! :cry:



It's usefull for engineers and scientists and the like. Just think at the people who built your house, designed your iPod, created the the hardware on the pc you're using, find cures for diseases, doctors,...


And it also develops your mind, allowing you to analyze problems, make certain situations abstract and find solutions for them. It seriously gives you an advantage, as a developped mind gives you numerous advantages in life.

im doing math gcse now (top set) and i definatly know im not taking AS in it.


That's probably a good idea; I found a GCSE paper the other day, and couldn't believe how easy it was.


Mind you, if the only reason you dislike it is because it's boring, it does get a lot more interesting at AS (and A2).


I'm going Standard Grade maths (Scottish GCSE eqiv.) and after seeingh this I defiantly want to do Advance High (Ummmm... 6th form?) maths! It loosk so much fun, I find maths the greatest thing ever and often have dreams of love about it. My brother got a 1-1 Honours (or Masters? Meh..) degree at Edinburgh, so I come from a mathy family.

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