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Nintendo and kiddy gamers


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Too bad you didnt get to give the NES a whirl.


I think Nintendo accepts and takes pride in being attractive to kids. Im glad they were there with theyre camp, inoffensive, and totally addictive games when i was a kid. I cant imagine being 6 or 7 years old and having Grand Theft Auto or Killer 7 as my first videogame.

I think that the best thing would be if Nintendo would release EVERYTHING!

A GTA-killer for the adults, an Excitebike game to challenge Sonys Gran Turismo Motorcycles (it's called sumtin' else, bu I don't remember), containing super-realistic physics and Graphics, plus a variety of real motorcycles on fictive tracks (I hate the dull GT tracks. I'd rather race in a regular town, with houses than concrete walls everywhere), and still keep making the games they've allways been making...

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Nintendo are like Pixar. A lot of people just dont get it, and sony and microsoft wont allow them them to either (that is to say do the best to promote the kids only image)


At the moment my perception of Nintendo is that of Disney back in the seventies and eighties. Pixar would be more like Sony before PS domination.


Whilst Disney studios kept core business going with mascots like Mickey, Donald et all mostly via TV. Disney over the years failed to appeal to their ageing Mass audience who grew up watching Disney animation in the Cinema.


The younger generation @ the time had moved onto toon based animation like those of Hanna Barbera and were now more accustomed to more modern Special FX films.


Remember all those poor Live action movies Disney churned out during this period. Just compare Blackhole to Star Wars! :cry:


Whilst there animation series of yesteryear still holds true even today! Their live action catalog would be considered garbage by anyones standards.


Luckily Disney weren't too pig headed in publishing Pixar movies like Toy Story and enbraced the quickly emerging CGI medium rather than shun it!


Even if some of their animators shunned CGI animation in the beginning.


See Tron reference @ IMDB

Many Disney animators refused to work on this movie because they feared that computers would put them out of business. In fact, 22 years later Disney closed its hand-drawn animation studio in favor of CGI animation.


The movie was passed over for an Academy Award nomination for Best Visual Effects because the Academy felt TRON "cheated" by using a computer. (Seven years later, The Abyss (1989) would win for its computer visual effects.)


Looking back now. How ironic!


Ninetendo need to do what Disney and Toyota have achieved since there hey day. Reposition themselves for this generation.


Disney have strenthened their ties with Pixar, whilst Toyota who known globally as a mass market car manufacturer established Lexus for the luxury car market having repositioned their core business with Rallying and F1 racing.

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At the moment my perception of Nintendo is that of Disney back in the seventies and eighties. Pixar would be more like Sony before PS domination.


Whilst Disney studios kept core business going with mascots like Mickey, Donald et all mostly via TV. Disney over the years failed to appeal to their ageing Mass audience who grew up watching Disney animation in the Cinema.


The younger generation @ the time had moved onto toon based animation like those of Hanna Barbera and were now more accustomed to more modern Special FX films.


Remember all those poor Live action movies Disney churned out during this period. Just compare Blackhole to Star Wars! :cry:


Whilst there animation series of yesteryear still holds true even today! Their live action catalog would be considered garbage by anyones standards.


Luckily Disney weren't too pig headed in publishing Pixar movies like Toy Story and enbraced the quickly emerging CGI medium rather than shun it!


Even if some of their animators shunned CGI animation in the beginning.


See Tron reference @ IMDB


Looking back now. How ironic!


Ninetendo need to do what Disney and Toyota have achieved since there hey day. Reposition themselves for this generation.


Disney have strenthened their ties with Pixar, whilst Toyota who known globally as a mass market car manufacturer established Lexus for the luxury car market having repositioned their core business with Rallying and F1 racing.


you obviously misunderstand my comparison. Pixar like nintendo create products that while outwordly "appear" to be aimed at kids can be easily enjoyed by every member of the family if given a chance.


I remember walking into Monsters Inc thinking i cant believe i have to watch this kids film, then came out having thoroughly enjoyed the film and also realizing it was a film that could be enjoyed by people far older than I, and that was one of the intentions of the film to be accessible to a wide audience of vastly ranging ages.


Frankly i dont subscribe to the belief that nintendo has lost touch with gamers, gamers just got bored/tired of them (among other things), and nintendo just needs to find way to spark interest again, which is what they are trying to do with rev


and isnt 'cars' pixars last film with disney?

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would just like to add to the kiddy-gamer thing...


was talking to a guy at work (whom is 21 years of age) about good games where you can manipulate time. anyway, i brought up zelda-majoras mask and explained how the game plays on the whole 'groundhog day' concept.


the reply to this was "so can you go beserk and massacre everybody and then go back and everything is fine?"


anyway. i think that this is the screwed up (i wanted to use a nastier word there...) attitude that nintendo has to overcome. the dickwits out there that have strange ideas on what makes a good game.

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Its true about Nintendo being more accessible in general anyway i think. The DS is the prime example at the moment, y girlfriend like yours wont mind picking it up and playing, she loved Bomberman and Nintendogs, now she wont play for long i'll admit but its still a great feeling to see her enjoy playing something i like. Its the same with the GameCube however, she wont mind playing nice colourful games like Mario Kart and Mario Party, shes even accustomed to a few fights on Soul Calibur as it is pretty colourful.


Now, i recently bought a 360, she wont go near the thing. Seriously. I dont know whether its because shes in protest of me spending all that money on a console but either way i think theres some element of just not feeling welcomed by it. It looks cold, it looks scary and technical to her, its just not friendly and she wont ever play no matter how many times i ask.


Maybe if i get a game more to her tastes she might give it a go but i think it still remains fact that Nintendo have some kind of friendly 'come play, it wont hurt' vibe surrounding them. This whole post might not make sense but, hey!

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I blame Mortal Kombat for the current "Oh look blood and violence best game ever!" attitude. If Nintendo want to appeal to more adult people they should emphasize the little things they have in their games. Like the political commentary in Pikmin 2. Or try to have them noticed as art. Games like Zelda (not just WW) have beautiful art but only people who play Nintendo appreciate it.

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I don't know what to say. Times are a changing. Nintendo being proactive!


Nintendo of America marketing boss Reggie Fils-Aime has announced a plan for downloadable content for the DS from demo stations at thousands of retail outlets.


Speaking at DICE, Reggie Fils-Aime once again urged the industry to embrace new demographics, even if it means running ads during Oprah.


Let's hope Europe get's same treatment!

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the problem we have here is that lots of kiddy games are also really good and deep. i dont see many people completing paper mario without a struggle.

its just now the decisions are made looking at the box. dont judge books by their front cover.

but you also get the crappy kids games like Cat in The Hat. Nintendo probably were given a choice of the game to be published on their system, but didnt want to have the 'seal of quality' badge on it as it would be too embarassing. as with xbox and ps2...


"itll make us a bit of cash"

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