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  dabookerman said:
no one has seen the cisco systems advert. random like the ibm ones?

They don't need adverts. If you ask anyone who knows about networking etc. The best machines come from cisco. As most of the routers used on the internet are cisco ones. This has rasied some eyebrows, mainly because some of the router source code was stolen from them a while back. Imagine if someone had found an exploit on those and used it...


I don't think that nintendo will sell out to them. But some kind of collaboration would probably be fruitful...

  Kurt R said:
Nintendo is a family company and they wont sell it.

And I've never heard of Cisco, there's no way they'd have the money to buy Nintendo.


Oh they do... Cisco are a BIG company, worth nearly $100 Billion! Dont believe me? Then check it yourself...

Cant seem to find a value on Nintendo, which seems a bit odd but around the $30-40 Billion mark would probably about right so it wouldnt be that unlikely a buyout at all

  Librarian said:
yeah right... Im thinking of buying New York or Los Angles.. I just can't make up my mind..


looks like that if you ask me.

they may think about it. really doing it is not only their decision. :heh:


Nintendo could easily be overtaken by Cisco. It seems a bit odd for Cisco to do it, but claiming 'Nintendo will never be overtaken' when you don't know how it works is just stupid to say.

  DCK said:
Nintendo could easily be overtaken by Cisco. It seems a bit odd for Cisco to do it, but claiming 'Nintendo will never be overtaken' when you don't know how it works is just stupid to say.


Ahem... you should think about it another way

Microsoft wanted to buy Nintendo... they said no.

Microsoft would have offerd MASSIVE amounts of money... more than Cisco


Im 100% sure Nintendo will tell Cisco where to stick there cash!


There's only been slight interest in that (if there ever was, the story could be BS) - and Hiroshi Yamauchi made very clear that he wasn't selling his part of the shares. There never were concrete plans of buying Nintendo.


Even if they said no (and they won't do that because Microsoft 'sucks') there is always a way to take legal action against holding shares. Another option would be to buy pretty the shares that aren't Yamauchi's (or whoever won't sell them) and become a major share holder. This means you can partly control the company.


The reason why Nintendo was never bought by Microsoft is probably that it wasn't worth the investment and investing in the Xbox was more feasible. Nintendo costs more money than the money it costs to make your own console, so they chose the second option.


Cisco, not being a major software house with the technology or manpower to run a part of the game industry, would gain that stuff if they'd buy out Nintendo though. Buying out Nintendo could be a good move if they wanted to make profit out of the game industry.

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