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Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Your Island Diary


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Thought it'd be neat to have a thread dedicated to the day-to-day/week-to-week of everyone's islands, to give us all a place to look back on the development of our islands over the coming months/years. Not to be confused with the main thread for the game or the thread to share friend codes, fruits/trading and photos

I've stockpiled info on my journey over the last week and spent a bit of time just typing this up, so this might be quite a long first post, but I'll try to update this thread a bit more frequently than once per week to hopefully avoid that :p without further ado, here was my first week with Animal Crossing: New Horizons


Day 1 | 20/03/20
The Lone Wolf Loan Tanuki of Kyoshi

Arrived late into the night on our destination island, which is filled with peaches. Axel the Elephant and Rocket the Gorilla were the other passengers on my flight. Found that most of the access to the island is cut off by a river connecting to the sea on the same side of the island, but that's no big deal. We'll find a way. 


After a short evening campfire, and settling on the name of Kyoshi for the island, we set ourselves up in our tents on camping beds, and slept as soundly as one could probably be expected to. Even if only for a couple of minutes.


Not long after waking up, I clambered out of my tent to start trekking around the island, only to be attacked by a bunch of wasps accidentally shook out of a tree. Welcome to Kyoshi, I guess. 


Finally, I took out a small loan out from Tom Nook, our island getaway guide, and the one who sold us the getaway package. It's in bells, a currency I'm not familiar with, and apparently I owe him 49,800 of them, or his cryptocurrency which is part of some reward scheme called Nook Miles - I'd need 5,000 of those. This will allow me to upgrade from my lovely little tent to, hopefully, a more spacious house. A convincing bloke, but I have a hunch that this isn't his first rodeo. Anyways, he introduced me to Timmy and Tommy. I guess they're related?

Oh, and did I mention my island has peaches? I love peaches. 

Day 2 | 21/03/20
For Our Fearless Leader


Out on my morning stroll along the beach, I came across a seagull in a navy uniform, just lying there, unconscious. After pestering him into waking up, it seems like he's a bit of a seafarer, and has seen his fair share of stuff. I helped him track down his communicator parts to get in touch with his other navy buddies (are they all seagulls too?), and he said he'll thank me with a gift in the mail. Don't know how he's going to do that without jotting down my address but, uh, okay. 


I then met Nook's friend, Blathers. An intelligent guy with a major interest in flora and fauna, fossils and fish - and a seemingly deeply rooted fear of insects - he's asked me to collect a bunch for him so that he can get a permit for a museum to be built on Kyoshi. We're on a remote island with like five residents now, so I'm not sure how he's going to be keeping the lights on, but okay buddy. Building starts tomorrow. Hope they don't wake me up...

Spent quite a lot of time playing around with the design app on my NookPhone, designing some nice t-shirts and sweaters. 

Also visited a bunch of islands through Dodo Airlines to help collect materials, and catch some fish and bugs for Blathers. Even found a gold nugget, but don't tell Tom. Something one of those grounded birds said didn't sit right with me. 


Anyways, met Bangle the Tiger, Ozzie the Koala and Gladys the Ostrich during my travels to these islands, and I've invited all of them to join me on Kyoshi. We're safer and stronger in numbers, after all!


To cap the day off, I cleared my initial loan with Nook to the fine tune of 5,000 Nook Miles, and the twins Timmy and Tommy have asked me to collect some materials to help build a shop for the island, which I gladly agreed to do for the little fellas. Anything to better the island...

Day 3 | 22/03/20
Nook's New Empire

So the museum is being built, and they're being noisy about it. I delivered all of the materials to Timmy and Tommy, and so their shop is under construction too. Busy times on this island. *Too* busy. 

Did my usual morning stroll, and saw Axel sitting down...and he wasn't getting up. Naturally, as our well-meaning Representative, I went over to check on him. Poor guy has been hitting the iron too hard...


Nook got me building bridges to better connect the island, as I've had to pole vault over rivers to this point, and the reason he's asking is because we've got three new residents moving in soon! We held a ceremony, and I was rewarded with a ladder for my efforts. Yay, I can now reach things above head height! 

Celebrated with a quiet evening of fishing. This island has some beautiful views. 


Also caught a sturgeon whilst out visiting some more islands to spread the good name of Nook and Kyoshi. So, naturally, it's time for one of my trademark witty remarks! I can't control myself...


Day 4 | 23/03/20
Twinkle, Twinkle

Happy to say that I cleared my second loan of 98,000 bells, and now I've taken out another for 198,000 bells to get the room made bigger - it's still practically a studio at this point. 


With the completion of the museum, I donated the several dozen fish, fossils and insects that I'd been hoarding to Blathers' noble cause, and he seemed happy with the progress we'd made together. And I'm happy for him, too. Had a look around the museum, and it looks great. Like, questionably great. Does Blathers have connections?! 


Met Harv during my late afternoon walk, seems a nice enough guy, but maybe a little too relaxed...


Made some major headway with preparation work for the houses of the new residents, completing the specifications for all of them. Hopefully we'll have someone moving in tomorrow! Also met Blathers' sister, Celeste, late at night, who told me about the stars, so I had a walk around my island and found this great nighttime view. 


Day 5 | 24/03/20
Face Mask Folly!


Bangle moved in today. She gets on my nerves. 


I then got stung again, and found Gulliver stranded on our little island once again. Helped him out again, but seriously, the guy needs to take better care of himself! 


Then went around the island and did my normal routine of checking the island for fossils, fish, insects and materials. Did a fun little customisation workshop with Nook. I feel sorry for the pale chub, poor little guys have a tough time of it.


Then ended the day in self-isolation. Games mirroring life. 

Day 6 | 25/03/20
A Fruit-full Day!


Had a belated ceremony for Nook's Cranny, those guys seem happy. Oh, and Ozzie moved in today too, at long last! Real kind fella. Bangle's still getting on my nerves and is threatening to speak to me all of the time!

Spent much of the day visiting islands, catching a lot of rare fish (such as oarfish) and insects (like the orchard mantis!) that I haven't come across before, and came across an island filled with oranges, which I haven't got growing on my island yet. So, naturally, I pick all 57 of them, planting 7 around my island and flipping the other 50 for 25,000 bells! 

At the end of today, I've managed to whittle down my loan from 168,000 bells to just 10,000 bells. I also picked up a Customisation Kit for my NookPhone to have a black case, but mostly, this day will go down as a great day for fishing and fruit-picking! 


Day 7 | 26/03/20
The Day The Ostrich Came


At long last, our third resident, Gladys the Ostrich, moved in today! Happy to say that I went over to say hi and let her know she's welcome on Kyoshi. And to be suspect of Nook.


Also met Saharah for the first time, who I ended up buying a rug from. She seemed nice, but why won't she let me look at what I'm buying before I give her my bells?! Cut from the same cloth as that Nook, I guess. Speaking of whom, with a third resident now having moved in, he revealed that Resident Services is getting a makeover tomorrow, and so will be closed for a day. Interested to see how that turns out. 

I also paid off the remaining 10,000 bells on my loan, meaning that we're now getting a room added to the back of the house for a 348,000 bell loan. I wonder if all of these loans are destroying my credit file?


Finally, finished the day off with some more island-hopping, and delighted to say that I found another orange-filled island. With the 57 oranges I picked and the rare fish I reeled in, I managed to rake in nearly 40,000 bells from Timmy and Tommy, a few seconds before closing time. That stress was totally worth it, because I'M RICH!

Edited by Julius
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Just now, BowserBasher said:

First, love the post. Second is your name of your island based off of the warriors And island from Avatar: The Last Airbender like mine is?

Firstly, thanks!

And secondly, yes! I actually saw the day after release that you posted the name of your island in the friend code thread, ended up being a happy coincidence. You know what they say, great minds! I take it you're a fan too? :yay:

I'd actually been brainstorming an island name for a good week or two leading up to release, and have a notes page of plenty of names which I whittled down to just ten. Yeah, I ended up choosing none of them and just went with Kyoshi on the day as a spur of the moment thing! :laughing:

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1 hour ago, Julius said:

Firstly, thanks!

And secondly, yes! I actually saw the day after release that you posted the name of your island in the friend code thread, ended up being a happy coincidence. You know what they say, great minds! I take it you're a fan too? :yay:

I'd actually been brainstorming an island name for a good week or two leading up to release, and have a notes page of plenty of names which I whittled down to just ten. Yeah, I ended up choosing none of them and just went with Kyoshi on the day as a spur of the moment thing! :laughing:

Love the show. Mine came about only a few days before release. I had no idea what to call mine, my other town names had always been from films or shows I liked so I started thinking of recent shows and films and nothing was coming. Then I thought it’s now an island so started thinking island names. Nearly went with Nublar (Jurassic Park) but then Avatar popped into my head and I started thinking of islands in the show. Thought of a few that might work but Kyoshi Island worked best and here we are. 

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