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Should I buy an Xbox?

That Guy

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I'm going to get a bit of money soon and I'm wondering, should I buy an Xbox, or do I just save it and get a 360?


Baring in mind the only game at the moment that I want on 360 is Kameo, and I wont have a lot to spend (probably just over £100), I'm thinking Xbox will be the better option for me at the moment. Also, the games I plan on getting, some of them wont play on the 360 (Jet Set Radio Future, Shenmue 2). Burnout and Half Life will and I might get Halo 2.


I'm thinking maybe I should get an Xbox as something to tide me over until Revolution is launched, or until some more 360 games are out and are more readily available.


So what do you think? Is it worth £100 to get and Xbox and a couple of games?

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The Xbox is a superb machine with some truly great games...BUT in my opinion i would buy a 360 and Kameo.


That way, at least you have a console which has another 3+ years of games to come out and it won't be obselete anytime soon. Fair enough Kameo isn't the longest game in the world, but the best 360 games are starting to come out in March/Summer anyway so you have a bit of time to save-up for another game or something...


You can play Halo 2 and Half Life 2 on a Xbox360 anyway (you have to get a emulator disk for Half-Life 2 though).


So i say go for the 360!



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Yeah, maybe you're right. I could always get Halo 2 and Kameo on Xbox 360. It's just at the moment all I have is a Dreamcast and the only games really I want to play are Headhunter and Soul Calibur. I may play through Shenmue again. Maybe I should save for a couple of months and get one.


Where's the best place to get one?

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Say more 4-5

That's why he had the + on the end of the three!


But I agree with Stocka. If you really want Shenmue 2 that much then you can pick it up for around £20-£30 on ebay, and that price will most likely increase in the future if you are ever tempted to sell it on.


I would hold out until the end of this year for a 360, as it'll be getting a price drop shortly before Christmas..........plus the range of games would have increased in both the amount and the quality.

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Well I'm trying to get it exactly these last few days (SII Dreamcast) and its going for over £35...second hand.

I am trying to get it for no more than £30, but it doesn't look very likely. Earlier I had a bid for £30 and I got outbid by someone by around £42. Crazy.

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