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On 05/05/2022 at 10:27 AM, Ronnie said:

Agree, that's my favourite one too, and I'll happily watch it (and TPM itself) plenty of times, but I do think that within the context of the film itself, that's a perfect example of 'I guess we duel now', and you have to pull yourself out of the film to understand its meaning, based on what we knows happens next, if that makes sense? Still a cool fight though. 

I think having to pull yourself out of the fight to realise what's stake and see the subtext is what makes it stronger than the other duels in the prequels for me, as it's more along the lines of what we got in the original trilogy in that way. Anakin loses what he needs most at the end of this duel - he needs a father figure, more than anything, which through his entire interaction with Qui-Gon is clearly the direction their relationship was going. There's just that added layer of depth, which, personally, I love when it comes to storytelling; it's a classic "show don't tell", but also, "please just look a little closer." 

On 05/05/2022 at 10:27 AM, Ronnie said:

But equally, Maul's rematch with Kenobi in Rebels is perfect too, completely different, very short but it fits the story-telling. 

Absolutely agree, think that's a wonderful duel, both in its brevity and it's obvious reverence for the massive influence samurai films had on George/Star Wars. Despite its brevity, that duel still manages to have so much additional subtext too, such as Obi-Wan changing his form from Ewan's in the prequels to Sir Alec Guinness's in A New Hope, or the fact that Maul straight up attempts to use the same move on Obi-Wan here as he did Qui-Gon in TPM (uppercut to the chin with the hilt of his lightsaber, which left Qui-Gon open to being speared through, whereas Kenobi slices through when it's attempted) -- both videos below are linked to specific moments I'm talking about. 

It's completely overlooked by most, but a similar thing also happens in the final duel of Revenge of the Sith.

"It's over Anakin! I have the high ground!" has been meme'd to death - and out of context, I do think it's a funny line - but Obi-Wan is very explicitly warning Anakin here that he knows exactly what he's going to do here. Hell, he even straight up says "Don't try it." But why? Because he's done what Anakin is about to do himself once before, in TPM. 

Here, Maul is the one who has the high ground, and Obi-Wan jumps up and flips over him midair, catching Maul off guard before he divorces Maul's torso from his legs. 

Now compare this to Obi-Wan and Anakin's duel on Mustafar. "It's over Anakin! I have the high ground!", "You underestimate my power", "Don't try it"...

...and Anakin jumps up, flips over Obi-Wan's head like Obi-Wan did to Maul, but then Obi-Wan slices overhead and the duel is over. 

Say what you will about the length of the fight, it's really intelligent set piece storytelling which, let's be honest, goes above and beyond what is needed here: Obi-Wan totally could have just sliced Anakin up in a pretty boring way. The decision to purposefully handle the scene like this adds subtext to their relationship and to their characters - Obi-Wan knows that Anakin is as brash as he was in TPM (if not more so), and so can predict that he would attempt something like this. 

That it happens not once but twice (vs Anakin in ROTS and vs Maul in Rebels), and both based on his encounter with Maul, speaks volumes about the character of Obi-Wan. Losing his master absolutely haunted him - of course he's going to tear apart every moment in his head thinking what could have been done differently by his master for him to survive, and likewise, he would have realised how lucky he was that Maul was overconfident when in a winning position, and so learns to keep his cool. I actually think it's this duel in TPM which informs so much of Obi-Wan's character: he goes from being pretty brash in TPM to being much wiser by AOTC. Not to mention, too, that he was never anywhere near as great a swordsman as Anakin, or even Maul - so it's natural that his duelling style became increasingly defensive and calculated. 

Generally, I think the best moments in the prequels are where there's very little going on in terms of dialogue and more what is being presented on the screen. George always had that, though -- I mean just look at Luke staring off into the binary sunset in ANH. I don't think it goes anywhere near improving the films as much as I would like it to, but I do think it's things like this which are often overlooked. 

On 05/05/2022 at 10:27 AM, Ronnie said:

I wonder if they were wary of making her stumble because of the whole "female protagonist" thing, they didn't want to show her fail because it was a big deal at the time that a Star Wars lead was a woman etc. 

Unfortunately, I really do think they were. I think it's absolutely awesome that girls have a female lead to more directly relate to (I don't think Padmé was that for my generation, or at least as much as she could have been, because there's just that not much to latch onto), but I do just think there are times in the sequels where I question if certain scenes would have been handled the same way if the lead had been a male.

The scene in particular which always comes to mind is when Finn and Rey are on Jakku and are fired upon by those TIEs and running through the market, Finn grabs Rey's hand to help her as they're running and she straight up says "Let go of me! ... I know how to run without you holding my hand!" It can be explained away by her solitary upbringing and independence, but it's one of those moments where I don't think you'd get the same if a male character were in her role (and, in fairness, they wouldn't hold hands to begin with I feel if the genders were reversed). Not as egregious as that all-female scene in Endgame (there was a similar and better scene in Infinity War), but I remember it taking me out of the movie a bit whenever I watched it. 

This is the same company that hired a black man to be one of the leads and then removed him from marketing in China, though, as well as the kiss between two women at the end of ROTS, so you know ::shrug:

On 05/05/2022 at 10:27 AM, Ronnie said:

The TROS soundtrack seems to be missing a bit. One of my favourite bits from the film is when Poe and Finn rally the troops before the Falcon flies in one direction while the starfighters fly in the other, all to the incredible sound of March of the Resistance (top tier SW tune that, for me), but it's nowhere to be seen on the soundtrack, kind of weird.

Yeah, unfortunately that's the case for pretty much every Star Wars soundtrack out there, and the current "remastered" releases of the original trilogy soundtracks are no exception. The most notable track missing from those that comes to mind immediately is Funeral Pyre for a Jedi from ROTJ (ironically, it's the alternate and unused version of this which is plastered over trailers/video game endings/etc.). 

While I didn't listen to the TROS soundtrack too many times, the thing that struck me immediately is that so much of the music on the soundtrack itself isn't in the movie at all...which I think is heresy, considering it will most likely be the final Star Wars score completely worked on by John Williams. 

As for locating the particular use of the Resistance theme on the soundtrack, I probably won't be of much help not having watched the film for so long, but have you seen if you can find it in the For Your Consideration soundtrack for the film? These are soundtracks put together specifically for Oscars consideration, and often include extra tracks not featured on the official OST, so you might have some luck locating it there. If you haven't had any luck by the time I get to TROS, I'll be sure to track it down :p

Bit of a side note, as I don't think I've been as clear as I need to be on this before: I do love the score to the sequels, and I think it has some amazing original stuff in there -- March of the Resistance, Rey's Theme, Kylo's Theme, Rose's Theme, a lot of it is wonderful. It's just one of those where I (admittedly unfairly) compare it to the prequels, which just have layer upon layer of musical subtext which the sequel score generally lacks. As I have said before, though, I do think it depends a bit too much on returning themes and cues from the original trilogy which can make it feel like it's more derivative than it is. 

Look, I love John Williams and his music to pieces, and obviously Star Wars is the absolute pinnacle of his music for me, but for me I think the prequels is where Williams basically said "okay, this is where I prove that I'm a musical genius." I'll try to cover some of the highlights of it when I get around to rewatching the films and listening to the scores, but the guy went beyond the realm of stupid talent for me when I gained a better understanding of the genius that he'd put into those scores, and so the sequel soundtracks were always going to have a tough time by comparison. 

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19 hours ago, Julius said:

Absolutely agree, think that's a wonderful duel, both in its brevity and it's obvious reverence for the massive influence samurai films had on George/Star Wars. Despite its brevity, that duel still manages to have so much additional subtext too, such as Obi-Wan changing his form from Ewan's in the prequels to Sir Alec Guinness's in A New Hope, or the fact that Maul straight up attempts to use the same move on Obi-Wan here as he did Qui-Gon in TPM (uppercut to the chin with the hilt of his lightsaber, which left Qui-Gon open to being speared through, whereas Kenobi slices through when it's attempted) -- both videos below are linked to specific moments I'm talking about. 

It's funny my nephew, who was 10 at the time, seemed to be a little disappointed by how short it was. Kids these days eh. Guess it kind of shows it's hard to please everyone, as if it needed saying. But yeah I certainly noticed him changing lightsaber stances to match Qui-Gon's, didn't pick up on the move Maul used at the time though.

19 hours ago, Julius said:

Say what you will about the length of the fight, it's really intelligent set piece storytelling which, let's be honest, goes above and beyond what is needed here: Obi-Wan totally could have just sliced Anakin up in a pretty boring way. The decision to purposefully handle the scene like this adds subtext to their relationship and to their characters - Obi-Wan knows that Anakin is as brash as he was in TPM (if not more so), and so can predict that he would attempt something like this. 

I have zero doubt that a lot of thought and meaning went into the duel, and you've definitely made me see bits of it in a different light and well as a lot of good thoughts on Kenobi. I guess the issue for me is I just didn't connect with the majority of the prequel characters at all, so any scene involving them happened with one hand tied behind their back. Whereas I love the sequel characters so if there are any story shortcomings they're easier to shrug off because I love watching any scene they're in.

19 hours ago, Julius said:

Generally, I think the best moments in the prequels are where there's very little going on in terms of dialogue and more what is being presented on the screen.

Certainly agree there :D It's the old Harrison Ford quote about how you can write this stuff George but you can't say it, which unfortunately, I know I go on about it a lot, also seems to apply to the Mando-verse. Maybe clunky dialogue is just a Star Wars thing lol.

19 hours ago, Julius said:

The scene in particular which always comes to mind is when Finn and Rey are on Jakku and are fired upon by those TIEs and running through the market, Finn grabs Rey's hand to help her as they're running and she straight up says "Let go of me! ... I know how to run without you holding my hand!" It can be explained away by her solitary upbringing and independence, but it's one of those moments where I don't think you'd get the same if a male character were in her role (and, in fairness, they wouldn't hold hands to begin with I feel if the genders were reversed).

I chuckle at that bit every time, but yeah not sure what they were trying to do. Their chemistry in that film is a lot of fun to watch I guess I don't really look too deep into it. I think it might be more of a comment on Finn's goofiness than Rey's supposed fragility (she was seen not needing Finn's help moments before).

19 hours ago, Julius said:

Not as egregious as that all-female scene in Endgame (there was a similar and better scene in Infinity War), but I remember it taking me out of the movie a bit whenever I watched it. 

That scene in Endgame was one of the cringiest bits of cinema I think I've ever seen. Awful. Mando chapter 16 did it perfectly. Cara Dune, Bo Katan, Sasha Banks and Fennec Shand all kicking ass on the cruiser. It was subtle and yet noticeable at the same time.

19 hours ago, Julius said:

While I didn't listen to the TROS soundtrack too many times, the thing that struck me immediately is that so much of the music on the soundtrack itself isn't in the movie at all...which I think is heresy, considering it will most likely be the final Star Wars score completely worked on by John Williams. 

I imagine they'll release expanded versions in future? Isn't that how these things work?

19 hours ago, Julius said:

As for locating the particular use of the Resistance theme on the soundtrack, I probably won't be of much help not having watched the film for so long, but have you seen if you can find it in the For Your Consideration soundtrack for the film? These are soundtracks put together specifically for Oscars consideration, and often include extra tracks not featured on the official OST, so you might have some luck locating it there. If you haven't had any luck by the time I get to TROS, I'll be sure to track it down :p

Thanks but sadly not on there either. Thinking about it, it probably makes sense that it's missing as from what I remember it's pretty much a carbon copy of the track from The Force Awakens, so maybe that's why. I get chills watching the ships leave Ajan Kloss as it plays though.

You should definitely give the soundtrack another listen though, maybe after your re-watch. It does some really nice things with Rey's theme towards the end. Same with the Force theme and the bit on the Death Star wreckage too. :heart:

Looking forward to your rewatch when it does happen, be interesting to hear your thoughts after some time has passed. I find a lot of SW content a bit of time always helps, once you've shed expectation. A few Mando eps didn't land for me at first, but then after a bit of time I began to love them.

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3 hours ago, Ronnie said:

*squints to try and catch any clues* ... nope, that's literally just an empty stage :laughing:

An empty stage...which is grey, meaning we're going to be diving into the ambiguity between the light and dark of the Force, and also: space whales :p

Think we can also deduct that a temp or PA or someone probably spent 5+ minutes trying to balance Filoni's cowboy hat on the corner of that there director's chair for this photo :laughing:

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4 minutes ago, Julius said:

An empty stage...which is grey, meaning we're going to be diving into the ambiguity between the light and dark of the Force, and also: space whales :p

Think we can also deduct that a temp or PA or someone probably spent 5+ minutes trying to balance Filoni's cowboy hat on the corner of that there director's chair for this photo :laughing:

And that chair is probably as far away from a practical place as possible, but the temp's not paid enough to give it more thought 

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Funny, we were just talking about the lightsaber fights of the various trilogies. Whilst I've said I'm not a fan of excessive choreography I trust them to do a great job here and as we've talked about @Julius it makes sense for where the characters are in their lives.

Spoiler-ing this next image of Obi Wan with his lightsaber out just in case:



More news:

Looking forward to hopefully getting a clearer picture of the big screen slate of films in a couple of weeks. There's a ton of projects floating around!

Not news, just thought this was a cool comparison, all lovely posters. The first two in particular, but I appreciate the Boba Fett one giving us a different colour palette to the usual amber/teal/red/blue tones that are pretty ubiquitous in action film posters these days

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Well, this warms my heart. 

It's 100% true, and I'm glad that my childhood heroes on the silver screen are getting the love I always thought they deserved :peace:

15 days to go. I'm nervous, but so, so excited :bouncy:

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11 hours ago, Ronnie said:

No surprise, but still nice to have confirmation, livestream confirmed! 



Big fan of Andi and Anthony, the latter's been doing Star Wars reacts with Tim Gettys et al on Kinda Funny.

Happy days!

Feel like it's been a hot minute since we've seen Andi and Anthony (I miss the days of The Star Wars Show), so glad they'll be back, and hey, Hector Navarro is pretty solid too (used to regularly guest on a movie podcast I watched before he started turning up more places). 

I'm really curious to see what stays behind closed doors this year, got to imagine anything Mando S3 is likely staying on the premises, potentially some Andor stuff (like a scene/part of an episode? Imagine the trailer would be wise to drop here while Star Wars attention is running white hot with Kenobi), maybe Bad Batch S2 (again, imagine we'll get a public trailer drop, but they might show off an episode of two as they've done with their animation panels in the past). Either way, I just hope it's handled a bit better than it has been in the past where they don't say "we've got something for you!" before cutting the stream, and instead basically wrap the stream up before showing things off to attendees (I'm 100% fine with things being kept exclusive for attendees, just don't want it waved in my face, if that makes sense? :p). 

In any case, I've started flipping through the panels to plan what I'll tune in for, and man, what a stacked year, should be a great time for you @Ronnie! Not having to make the choice between attending a publishing panel and David Collins talking about the music of Attack of the Clones is a decision I'm very glad I won't have to make :laughing: think I'll be tuning in for everything being livestreamed, there's a lot to enjoy it seems: Lucasfilm's Studio Showcase, Light & Magic (I'm very hyped to see and hear more on the ILM documentary!), Attack of the Clones' 20th Anniversary (curious to see if they've managed to get Ewan and Hayden to attend this, but imagine a lot of the usual convention names are a shoe-in), Mando+, Tales of the Jedi, Bad Batch S2 and the Closing Ceremony. 

Exciting times ahead :bouncy: can't wait to hear Cantina Band on repeat between shows, but hope we get more Cantina Band 2 representation than we've had before :p

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1 hour ago, Julius said:

Feel like it's been a hot minute since we've seen Andi and Anthony (I miss the days of The Star Wars Show), so glad they'll be back, and hey, Hector Navarro is pretty solid too (used to regularly guest on a movie podcast I watched before he started turning up more places). 

They really should bring the Star Wars Show back now that things are starting to ramp up again since TROS and Mando S3. Kristen Baver is a good host too.

1 hour ago, Julius said:

I'm really curious to see what stays behind closed doors this year, got to imagine anything Mando S3 is likely staying on the premises, potentially some Andor stuff (like a scene/part of an episode? Imagine the trailer would be wise to drop here while Star Wars attention is running white hot with Kenobi), maybe Bad Batch S2 (again, imagine we'll get a public trailer drop, but they might show off an episode of two as they've done with their animation panels in the past).

Mando S3 seems the most likely in that Mando+ panel, I think that opening showcase will have too many eyes on it to cut away for attendance-footage only. The opening episode of Bad Batch S2 would be cool but American audiences frighten me a bit in terms of watching things on a big screen. They need a bit of British reserved-ness I think :laughing:

1 hour ago, Julius said:

Either way, I just hope it's handled a bit better than it has been in the past where they don't say "we've got something for you!" before cutting the stream, and instead basically wrap the stream up before showing things off to attendees (I'm 100% fine with things being kept exclusive for attendees, just don't want it waved in my face, if that makes sense? :p).

Tricky thing to juggle logistically really because you say your goodbyes for the purposes of the stream, and then have to tell everyone to stop standing up/leaving when the cameras cut out haha. And rest assured if there is exclusive footage I will 100% wave it in your face about how amazing it was to see it and how you missed out :grin::heh: Before giving my full thoughts of course.

2 hours ago, Julius said:

In any case, I've started flipping through the panels to plan what I'll tune in for, and man, what a stacked year, should be a great time for you @Ronnie! Not having to make the choice between attending a publishing panel and David Collins talking about the music of Attack of the Clones is a decision I'm very glad I won't have to make :laughing: think I'll be tuning in for everything being livestreamed, there's a lot to enjoy it seems: Lucasfilm's Studio Showcase, Light & Magic (I'm very hyped to see and hear more on the ILM documentary!), Attack of the Clones' 20th Anniversary (curious to see if they've managed to get Ewan and Hayden to attend this, but imagine a lot of the usual convention names are a shoe-in), Mando+, Tales of the Jedi, Bad Batch S2 and the Closing Ceremony. 

I knew you'd like that AOTC music one!

The schedule is a funny one because up until a week ago that Friday morning slot was strangely empty, which is weird given those first 11am panels of the day are the big ones. I wonder if it was supposed to be for Fallen Order/Lucasfilm Games but something changed at the last minute. Maybe Respawn weren't ready in time or something.

For me I'm probably not going to go too crazy panel wise, and I won't get my hopes up about getting into any of the 11am ones. It's randomly drawn, and they're opening the lottery up any day now, so please keep your fingers crossed. If I get into just one of the Showcase, Mando+ or Bad Batch S2 I'll be happy. 

Other ones I'm keen on are the non-fiction publishing one, the Doug Chiang one definitely, Anthony Daniels and behind the scenes of Mando, so hopefully manage two or three of those at least. Then there's some smaller non LFL ones that sound fun: "The Secret Miniatures of the Star Wars Prequels", "The Art of Star Wars Poster Collecting: ‘70s to Modern" and "How to Build a Droid" :D

I'm not much of an autograph hunter but I did just book a ticket to get one from Greg Grunberg. Now I just need to decide whether to have him sign a print or my Snap Wexley bobblehead lol. Was tempted to have Taylor Gray sign my Art of Rebels book but I probably shouldn't splurge all my savings on this trip. More than I already have that is.

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7 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

They really should bring the Star Wars Show back now that things are starting to ramp up again since TROS and Mando S3. Kristen Baver is a good host too.

Glad I'm not the only one that thinks this! There really is a lot more news now (seems Lucasfilm have finally figured out their groove, and having the space for shows on Disney+ definitely helps), so I think there's definitely space for them to do it - heck, if they were smart, they'd upload something like that weekly/fortnightly/whatever to Disney+'s Star Wars page as well as the YouTube channel. 

Admittedly haven't seen much of Kristin, but from what little I have seen of her, she seems a nice presence to have around :peace:

12 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

Mando S3 seems the most likely in that Mando+ panel, I think that opening showcase will have too many eyes on it to cut away for attendance-footage only. The opening episode of Bad Batch S2 would be cool but American audiences frighten me a bit in terms of watching things on a big screen. They need a bit of British reserved-ness I think :laughing:

Oh yeah, for sure. Think we might see some concept art, heck maybe even a trailer, on the Mando+ stream (I do expect about half of it to be Q&A stuff, just considering this is the first time Mando is getting fan interaction at an event like this since it launched - which is nuts!), but I definitely think they'll have something to show off to attendees at that Mando+ panel; I mean, it's Favreau and Filoni, they *definitely* won't be able to resist :p

As for Bad Batch S2, I'm not a betting man, but if I were, I'd be betting a whole lot on it getting the first two episodes shown off to attendees (way, I don't know, a ship I'd definitely regret losing in a bet). From memory, it's something Filoni did at Celebration for Rebels S2, S3, and S4 (I can't remember for the life of me what happened with S1, but I think it got the same treatment?), and I think they also premiered S5 E1 of TCW at a Celebration (for Maul's revival), and to top it off, there was that time that he brought those incomplete rigs for S7 of The Clone Wars to Celebration. 

So if/when it is there...good luck with that American audience :p speaking of which, are you planning on catching any of the confirmed screenings they've got for fans, like Siege of Mandalore or Attack of the Clones? Watching Siege of Mandalore in a crowd has got to hit different with a crowd like that I'd imagine :D

26 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

Tricky thing to juggle logistically really because you say your goodbyes for the purposes of the stream, and then have to tell everyone to stop standing up/leaving when the cameras cut out haha. And rest assured if there is exclusive footage I will 100% wave it in your face about how amazing it was to see it and how you missed out :grin::heh: Before giving my full thoughts of course.

Oh yeah it's not an easy one at all, honestly I think they should just say "bye to those watching from home, but those here celebrating with us, stick around as we've got something else to show you." We're going to find out there was something shown one way or another just from excited attendees, so I think they might as well just say it, rather than what I'm pretty sure at the Mando S1 panel and some panels we've had before where they would just say "we've got something else!" and then all of a sudden the stream would stop ::shrug: just saves the pain as one of those stuck at home watching! 

And oh yeah, that's totally fair, I'm sure I'll be the exact same way whenever I get to go to Celebration :D

29 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

I knew you'd like that AOTC music one!

I think the timing of it is pretty abysmal but man, David W. Collins is basically the one who opened the door up for me when it came to finding more depth in the music of Star Wars (and in general).

He had a show he hosted on Rebel Force Radio called 'Star Wars Oxygen: The Music of John Williams' where he and Jimmy Mac (one of the RFR guys, basically played the less informed role and asked a lot of good questions) would go through and break down the tracks of the films, the history, some of the music theory, and point out some absurdly smart stuff; since then, I've been pretty obsessed with a lot of that stuff from some of their teachings, and it's helped me pick up on so much more when I listen to music. Most of his work is around sound design and music, so unsurprisingly, with Empire being the film (at least at the time) with the most cut music, he actually edited John Williams' original score back into the film to show at Celebration one year. 

Unfortunately, RFR landed in some heat in early 2017 (if I'm remembering right due to some sexist and derogatory comments about women), and David W. Collins either left over that or just fell out with RFR, but either way, they stopped after getting through the original trilogy, prequel trilogy, VII and some of Rogue One. It's awesome stuff, and in my opinion the absolute best fan content when it comes to Star Wars.

To further compound the unfortunate circumstances, these podcasts were free, but RFR took them down a while back and have been putting out "remastered" versions (a glorified reason to just make it a Patreon exclusive thing at one of their middle tiers). And it gets even worse: no-one saw this coming, and so seemingly no-one has archived any of them! I go in every few months now, sign up for a month and Patreon, and am backing them up everywhere I can do; so far, they've got back up to Attack of the Clones again (they're taking the mick honestly with how slowly they're dripfeeding them), and I've been enjoying giving it all a listen, but man, it's annoying it's locked behind Patreon, and a Patreon of people I don't really want to support at that. 

Regardless -- I'll share some of their findings and my own on the music when I post my thoughts after rewatching the film, think it'll definitely be a good way to show off the strengths of each film's music and some cool findings, one of the things I noticed in Rogue One when it came out has had me dizzy for years :peace:

1 hour ago, Ronnie said:

The schedule is a funny one because up until a week ago that Friday morning slot was strangely empty, which is weird given those first 11am panels of the day are the big ones. I wonder if it was supposed to be for Fallen Order/Lucasfilm Games but something changed at the last minute. Maybe Respawn weren't ready in time or something. 

Yeah, I thought that was weird too; at the moment, if the Fallen Order sequel is turning up at all, I doubt it's much more than a trailer being shown off at the Lucasfilm Studios Showcase (though not TV/show/film, it's by far always the biggest stream, and if there aren't other games/enough they want to show up, I could see it sneaking in) or at the closing ceremony. I do also wonder if maybe someone's come along and agreed to show the game off as we head towards Not-E3 and the summer? Or maybe the game has just slipped further back than where we all think it might be in development? ::shrug: 

1 hour ago, Ronnie said:

For me I'm probably not going to go too crazy panel wise, and I won't get my hopes up about getting into any of the 11am ones. It's randomly drawn, and they're opening the lottery up any day now, so please keep your fingers crossed. If I get into just one of the Showcase, Mando+ or Bad Batch S2 I'll be happy. 

Other ones I'm keen on are the non-fiction publishing one, the Doug Chiang one definitely, Anthony Daniels and behind the scenes of Mando, so hopefully manage two or three of those at least. Then there's some smaller non LFL ones that sound fun: "The Secret Miniatures of the Star Wars Prequels", "The Art of Star Wars Poster Collecting: ‘70s to Modern" and "How to Build a Droid" :D

Yeah, I think the lotto system is a great change, just a shame though that it really makes the Jedi Master VIP package that much more of a desired thing, so fingers crossed for you! Out of the Showcase, Mando+ and Bad Batch S2, is there one specifically you'd want to go to over the others? If I were attending I think I'd have the obvious answer of the Lucasfilm Studios Showcase :p

Those other ones sound like a blast, and I think the smaller panels at Celebration are always super cool -- there are definitely niches within the many folds of the Star Wars fandom (some gravitate towards exhibitions of props, others to the ships, others yet to concept art, etc.). That Secret Miniatures of the Prequels stands out to me in particular of those non-LFL ones you mentioned, and of the LFL ones, seeing a Doug Chiang panel would be awesome! 

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3 hours ago, Julius said:

Glad I'm not the only one that thinks this! There really is a lot more news now (seems Lucasfilm have finally figured out their groove, and having the space for shows on Disney+ definitely helps), so I think there's definitely space for them to do it - heck, if they were smart, they'd upload something like that weekly/fortnightly/whatever to Disney+'s Star Wars page as well as the YouTube channel. 

Great idea. There's definitely a market for a news/feature/interview type series on Disney+ like the old SW Show. Something people can tune into every couple of weeks or whatever.

3 hours ago, Julius said:

Oh yeah, for sure. Think we might see some concept art, heck maybe even a trailer, on the Mando+ stream (I do expect about half of it to be Q&A stuff, just considering this is the first time Mando is getting fan interaction at an event like this since it launched - which is nuts!), but I definitely think they'll have something to show off to attendees at that Mando+ panel; I mean, it's Favreau and Filoni, they *definitely* won't be able to resist :p

Be interesting to see what's discussed about Mando in the Showcase vs the deeper dive on Saturday. Especially as there's also another hour long panel of behind the scenes on the show straight after! Lots of Mando content, rightly so tbh.

It's tricky (and dangerous) to speculate what the storyline for S3 could be, but what the Armorer suggested about repenting in the mines of Moria below Mandalore sounds about right. At some point they're going to have to introduce Thrawn though for that crossover event. Maybe this is the moment? Then again that could be a fair few years off.

3 hours ago, Julius said:

As for Bad Batch S2, I'm not a betting man, but if I were, I'd be betting a whole lot on it getting the first two episodes shown off to attendees (way, I don't know, a ship I'd definitely regret losing in a bet). From memory, it's something Filoni did at Celebration for Rebels S2, S3, and S4 (I can't remember for the life of me what happened with S1, but I think it got the same treatment?), and I think they also premiered S5 E1 of TCW at a Celebration (for Maul's revival), and to top it off, there was that time that he brought those incomplete rigs for S7 of The Clone Wars to Celebration. 

Couldn't tell you what they did for Rebels though as I shamefully wasn't a fan back then, but the Bad Batch panel is only an hour, so I think one episode is more likely? I'm really excited for S2 regardless. 

3 hours ago, Julius said:

So if/when it is there...good luck with that American audience :p speaking of which, are you planning on catching any of the confirmed screenings they've got for fans, like Siege of Mandalore or Attack of the Clones? Watching Siege of Mandalore in a crowd has got to hit different with a crowd like that I'd imagine :D

Didn't realise they were screening Ep 2. But nah, I'll give those a miss. I've watched most of TCW though I still haven't actually watched the very last arc. It's on my todo list but I'd rather do it in the comfort of my own home than surrounded by whooping Yanks!

3 hours ago, Julius said:

He had a show he hosted on Rebel Force Radio called 'Star Wars Oxygen: The Music of John Williams' where he and Jimmy Mac (one of the RFR guys, basically played the less informed role and asked a lot of good questions) would go through and break down the tracks of the films, the history, some of the music theory, and point out some absurdly smart stuff; since then, I've been pretty obsessed with a lot of that stuff from some of their teachings, and it's helped me pick up on so much more when I listen to music. Most of his work is around sound design and music, so unsurprisingly, with Empire being the film (at least at the time) with the most cut music, he actually edited John Williams' original score back into the film to show at Celebration one year. 

Unfortunately, RFR landed in some heat in early 2017 (if I'm remembering right due to some sexist and derogatory comments about women), and David W. Collins either left over that or just fell out with RFR, but either way, they stopped after getting through the original trilogy, prequel trilogy, VII and some of Rogue One. It's awesome stuff, and in my opinion the absolute best fan content when it comes to Star Wars.

I'll check it out!! Sounds really interesting. I'm pretty clueless when it comes to the music side of things so maybe this will help a bit.

3 hours ago, Julius said:

(they're taking the mick honestly with how slowly they're dripfeeding them), and I've been enjoying giving it all a listen, but man, it's annoying it's locked behind Patreon, and a Patreon of people I don't really want to support at that. 

Gotta keep people subscribed long term I suppose! It's pretty poor if the content was already released in the past though!

3 hours ago, Julius said:

Yeah, I thought that was weird too; at the moment, if the Fallen Order sequel is turning up at all, I doubt it's much more than a trailer being shown off at the Lucasfilm Studios Showcase (though not TV/show/film, it's by far always the biggest stream, and if there aren't other games/enough they want to show up, I could see it sneaking in) or at the closing ceremony. I do also wonder if maybe someone's come along and agreed to show the game off as we head towards Not-E3 and the summer? Or maybe the game has just slipped further back than where we all think it might be in development? ::shrug: 

The closing ceremony could be a good shout? Tbh I don't think it'll appear at all, I think the game is behind schedule a bit and people are now saying it's a 2023 release, so yeah ::shrug: as brilliant as the original game was, it was a buggy mess at launch so let them take their time. I think Jeff Grubb suggested it was next-gen only though, so if that's true, that's good news at least.

3 hours ago, Julius said:

that it really makes the Jedi Master VIP package that much more of a desired thing

I was pretty tempted by the VIP pass tbh, extortionate of course, but guaranteed access to every panel? That would have been brilliant. Tbf though, the livestream will be perfectly fine too. I'm probably going to be catching up on it back in my hotel room each night haha.

3 hours ago, Julius said:

Out of the Showcase, Mando+ and Bad Batch S2, is there one specifically you'd want to go to over the others?

Tough one. I guess the Showcase, even if I'm not as hyped for Kenobi as the majority are (still v excited obv). More excited for Andor, I reckon that's going to surprise a lot of people. The thing is I'm going to have to tune into the Showcase live anyway so probably easier to be in the room than catch it on a monitor somewhere or watch it on my phone :hmm: 

Turns out you can try and reserve a spot at 9am each morning for all the other panels, but that's first come first serve, so we'll see how that goes!

Not long now!

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15 hours ago, Ronnie said:

Be interesting to see what's discussed about Mando in the Showcase vs the deeper dive on Saturday. Especially as there's also another hour long panel of behind the scenes on the show straight after! Lots of Mando content, rightly so tbh.

It's tricky (and dangerous) to speculate what the storyline for S3 could be, but what the Armorer suggested about repenting in the mines of Moria below Mandalore sounds about right. At some point they're going to have to introduce Thrawn though for that crossover event. Maybe this is the moment? Then again that could be a fair few years off. 

Honestly, I completely missed that Mando was mentioned in the description for the Showcase, I kind of just assumed it was all being saved for Mando+! Will be very interesting to see how they handle it then, I'd hazard a guess that Mando+ would be more likely to have the trailer so that it doesn't overshadow anything that has a trailer in the Showcase that isn't going to turn up anywhere else (for example, Andor), but on the other hand, they could totally have the trailer at the Showcase so that they can just dive right into discussing S3 (and maybe show the trailer again) in Mando+...who knows? ::shrug:

Yeah, I'm very interested to see how S3 goes -- at the very least, after it got a mention, I'm sure we'll see the mines and the mythosaur at some point, though maybe not necessarily in S3? But then again, they've been very quick to hop to teased plot points when I thought they were teasing things a few seasons out! 

15 hours ago, Ronnie said:

Couldn't tell you what they did for Rebels though as I shamefully wasn't a fan back then, but the Bad Batch panel is only an hour, so I think one episode is more likely? I'm really excited for S2 regardless. 

The way they handled it previously for Rebels was that the panel itself (i.e. talking about the season, the trailer, concept art, Q&A type stuff) was scheduled for the hour, and then the episodes they premiered were shown as an add-on to the panel but were unscheduled, so it wouldn't actually be shown during the panel times itself, so the panel is 11:00 to 12:00 and then the episodes, if shown, would be shown from 12:00 to 12:45? If that makes sense. 

Did a bit of nosing around to see if anything else is scheduled that might conflict, and the Siege of Mandalore screening is at 13:00 the same day, which would definitely have an overlap in audience...but then, it's a bit suspect that it's on the same stage and would start not too long after a potential Bad Batch S2 premiere? It at least saves Filoni a walk :p

But yeah, not to get your hopes up, that's just how they've handled it before. It's been a while since we've had a SWC, they could be doing things differently -- I don't expect it to happen, but I do also wonder if they'll do anything with Disney+ for some of the things held back for attendees a few weeks later? Again, just one of those things where they didn't have a service like that to funnel this stuff through before. 

16 hours ago, Ronnie said:

The closing ceremony could be a good shout? Tbh I don't think it'll appear at all, I think the game is behind schedule a bit and people are now saying it's a 2023 release, so yeah ::shrug: as brilliant as the original game was, it was a buggy mess at launch so let them take their time. I think Jeff Grubb suggested it was next-gen only though, so if that's true, that's good news at least. 

Maybe? Though I'm personally not getting my hopes up for anything new at the closing ceremony, as I can't remember the last time they saved something big for the closing ceremony. I thought it was 2015 with the Rogue One teaser for attendees, but that was actually shown at a Rogue One panel -- I think they planned to have that show end more as a future look at Lucasfilm, but that was the year Josh Trank was "sick" and things got moved around pretty late; the future look at stuff, at least for the films and shows, seems to be concentrated in the Showcase...but again, it's one of those where, like Mando, it would be weird (just from a marketing POV) to potentially have multiple first trailers drop within the same hour and a half? So maybe saving it for the Closing Ceremony would be the right call. 

I do think it should show up, even with the potential delay to 2023 (which is what it is). I'm normally not a fan of showing things too far out, but I think there are some exceptions to the rule, and I think showing the Fallen Order sequel off in some form at SWC would just be right; if there are plans for a Celebration next year it likely won't be early enough for the game to get it's dues, and let's be honest, the first game was announced unceremoniously with a title and brief synopsis from Zampella sitting an EA conference, whereas I think it shouldn't have been announced there and should have been saved for SWC when they had that entire panel for the game. Especially with no EA conference this Not-E3, the only real alternative in the next few months would be Summer Game Fest...which, I mean I like Keighley but the events are very inconsistent and poorly paced, so I'd rather it and the team see some love from Star Wars fans at Celebration! 

Yeah, I saw what Grubb said about it being next-gen only (wasn't a huge fan of the supposed title he shared), and for a split second I wondered what they were doing and then remembered the state of the first game at launch, and...yeah, that's definitely something they need to do. Maybe I'm just growing more intolerant of leakers but it seems like the most pointless leak of them all (this is happening more and more frequently) so that rubbed me the wrong way a bit -- who wasn't expecting the sequel to drop late this year/early next? Feel like he should've just kept quiet so fans could enjoy it when it is shown off, as it's a very different beast to some other leaks we get where it's an update on something we hadn't heard from in a while. ::shrug:

Quick aside, but I really, really hope that things like your outfit and lightsaber(s) carry over from the first game, that'd be neat! 

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16 minutes ago, Julius said:

Yeah, I'm very interested to see how S3 goes -- at the very least, after it got a mention, I'm sure we'll see the mines and the mythosaur at some point, though maybe not necessarily in S3? But then again, they've been very quick to hop to teased plot points when I thought they were teasing things a few seasons out! 

Yeah they're definitely not hanging about with storylines. I read a rumour that S3 would be the final season though, which would be really surprising. I expect a Mando film down the line though regardless. 

16 minutes ago, Julius said:

The way they handled it previously for Rebels was that the panel itself (i.e. talking about the season, the trailer, concept art, Q&A type stuff) was scheduled for the hour, and then the episodes they premiered were shown as an add-on to the panel but were unscheduled, so it wouldn't actually be shown during the panel times itself, so the panel is 11:00 to 12:00 and then the episodes, if shown, would be shown from 12:00 to 12:45? If that makes sense. 

Ah ok fair enough! There's gaps between the panels' scheduling so that would make sense.

16 minutes ago, Julius said:

But yeah, not to get your hopes up, that's just how they've handled it before. It's been a while since we've had a SWC, they could be doing things differently -- I don't expect it to happen, but I do also wonder if they'll do anything with Disney+ for some of the things held back for attendees a few weeks later? Again, just one of those things where they didn't have a service like that to funnel this stuff through before. 

I'm really not fussed about watching any episodes as part of the crowd to be honest. If it happens cool, it'll be a fun experience, but I'd be just as happy to watch from the comfort of my own home.

16 minutes ago, Julius said:

it's one of those where, like Mando, it would be weird (just from a marketing POV) to potentially have multiple first trailers drop within the same hour and a half? So maybe saving it for the Closing Ceremony would be the right call. 

Lucasfilm/Disney seem to be very keen on spacing out the announcements and trailers, probably rightly so tbh. They focus on one show at a time, then when it finishes, talk about the next thing. But then again Celebration is different so if there's any time for a big news drop with lots of stuff, it's there. I think with Kenobi out the following day, their marketing for it will pretty much be done with, so they can put out other trailers in close proximity maybe.

16 minutes ago, Julius said:

Especially with no EA conference this Not-E3, the only real alternative in the next few months would be Summer Game Fest...which, I mean I like Keighley but the events are very inconsistent and poorly paced, so I'd rather it and the team see some love from Star Wars fans at Celebration! 

For sure, Celebration is the game's moment to shine, but it's absence on the panel schedule suggests it just isn't ready. I suppose EA could drop a teaser trailer online and make a Twitter announcement while Celebration is on?

16 minutes ago, Julius said:

Yeah, I saw what Grubb said about it being next-gen only (wasn't a huge fan of the supposed title he shared), and for a split second I wondered what they were doing and then remembered the state of the first game at launch, and...yeah, that's definitely something they need to do. Maybe I'm just growing more intolerant of leakers but it seems like the most pointless leak of them all (this is happening more and more frequently) so that rubbed me the wrong way a bit -- who wasn't expecting the sequel to drop late this year/early next? Feel like he should've just kept quiet so fans could enjoy it when it is shown off, as it's a very different beast to some other leaks we get where it's an update on something we hadn't heard from in a while. ::shrug:

Yeah, leak culture is really annoying, and frankly pretty childish. All done for internet points. Re: the subtitle, it would have been so much cooler to see it pop up at the end of the trailer, but no, Jeff Grubb needed people to pay attention to him. :indeed: Like you say, updates on something a ways off is fine, but what's the point of leaking the subtitle two weeks before it potentially debuts.

On a separate note, I've got some swag to hand out at the convention, apparently that's a thing lol




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31 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

Yeah they're definitely not hanging about with storylines. I read a rumour that S3 would be the final season though, which would be really surprising. I expect a Mando film down the line though regardless

Yeah, I always had a gut feeling it'd be a four or five season affair tops, but with him cropping up elsewhere I could definitely see it only being three seasons. 

Hadn't even thought about a Mando film, but makes a lot of sense, especially if it's the finale or if the crossover event is a film to give it the budget it would.probably deserve. Surprisingly there haven't been too many TV series transitioning to or making use of films to cash in, but I'm sure Disney will be tangentially aware of the precedent being set in Japan at the moment, where box office records are being crushed by continuations of anime making their way to the silver screen. 

35 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

Lucasfilm/Disney seem to be very keen on spacing out the announcements and trailers, probably rightly so tbh. They focus on one show at a time, then when it finishes, talk about the next thing. But then again Celebration is different so if there's any time for a big news drop with lots of stuff, it's there. I think with Kenobi out the following day, their marketing for it will pretty much be done with, so they can put out other trailers in close proximity maybe.

Yeah, it's a weird one. Normally I feel Lucasfilm were very predictable in how they handle these things, but post-COVID and without an SWC in 3 years, there's just so much news they have that they could potentially drop here that it's pretty insane -- and that's the case even if we only consider the shows already announced, no doubt there's so much else in the works. 

I definitely think whatever comes next in live-action after Kenobi - it's got to be Andor, surely? - will get a trailer here, like you say they can strike while the iron is running white hot with Kenobi debuting within 24 hours of the event and all eyes in fandom turning to Star Wars news for a weekend. 

38 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

For sure, Celebration is the game's moment to shine, but it's absence on the panel schedule suggests it just isn't ready. I suppose EA could drop a teaser trailer online and make a Twitter announcement while Celebration is on?

Yeah, I guess EA could drop a teaser and announce it through Twitter the same weekend like you mention - it'd still get a lot of buzz - I just think it'd be weird, as that's one of those things where if it does get a trailer, it makes sense to me that it'd be shown off somewhere at SWC, because no doubt that would be one of those trailers they'd be showing off on one of the big screens while you're walking around on the floor? 

I'm not sure. The lack of a dedicated panel to me just suggests they likely weren't ready or are busy having to rearrange things (for whatever the reason for the supposed internal delay was), but a trailer is one of those that could sneak into another panel in lieu of it not having a dedicated panel to the game itself or to games in general (as you mentioned, such as at the Closing Ceremony).

I'm not expecting it, but I mean, the first game was announced with Zampella sitting in a crowd, just saying the name and describing it briefly, so wherever we see it - Celebration, a Tweet, or carrier pigeon - I just hope it's given a bit more pomp and circumstance for its announcement than that :p

46 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

Yeah, leak culture is really annoying, and frankly pretty childish. All done for internet points. Re: the subtitle, it would have been so much cooler to see it pop up at the end of the trailer, but no, Jeff Grubb needed people to pay attention to him. :indeed: Like you say, updates on something a ways off is fine, but what's the point of leaking the subtitle two weeks before it potentially debuts.

Yeah, exactly! I won't lie, it was cool having him come out of nowhere during 2020 - the weirdest year for a lot of reasons, and where traditional gaming marketing was thrown out of the window, leading to a lot of dry spells and unnecessarily spread out announcements - but these days it's grating more than anything. Definitely an annoying one ::shrug:

47 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

On a separate note, I've got some swag to hand out at the convention, apparently that's a thing lol

Oh man, those look really neat! 

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5 hours ago, Julius said:

Hadn't even thought about a Mando film, but makes a lot of sense, especially if it's the finale or if the crossover event is a film to give it the budget it would.probably deserve. Surprisingly there haven't been too many TV series transitioning to or making use of films to cash in, but I'm sure Disney will be tangentially aware of the precedent being set in Japan at the moment, where box office records are being crushed by continuations of anime making their way to the silver screen. 

I think it makes too much sense to ignore really, this crossover event thing must be a film surely? I suppose it could be a special Disney+ only 2 hour thing, but you have to figure they want their own Avengers type thing. 

5 hours ago, Julius said:

Yeah, it's a weird one. Normally I feel Lucasfilm were very predictable in how they handle these things, but post-COVID and without an SWC in 3 years, there's just so much news they have that they could potentially drop here that it's pretty insane -- and that's the case even if we only consider the shows already announced, no doubt there's so much else in the works. 

I'm curious how much more there is that hasn't been announced yet. Especially on the Disney side of things. I'm trying to go in with low expectations, we know of plenty of things already announced and most haven't even started production yet (Acolyte, Lando, Droid Story) so not sure how much more there could be really.

5 hours ago, Julius said:

I definitely think whatever comes next in live-action after Kenobi - it's got to be Andor, surely? - will get a trailer here, like you say they can strike while the iron is running white hot with Kenobi debuting within 24 hours of the event and all eyes in fandom turning to Star Wars news for a weekend. 

Andor next for sure. I'm really curious about the release schedule, unless they double up you can't even fit Kenobi, Bad Batch and Andor all in 2022, let alone Mando S3. 

5 hours ago, Julius said:

I'm not expecting it, but I mean, the first game was announced with Zampella sitting in a crowd, just saying the name and describing it briefly, so wherever we see it - Celebration, a Tweet, or carrier pigeon - I just hope it's given a bit more pomp and circumstance for its announcement than that :p

That was so weird and awkward :laughing:


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Attack of the Clones first released 20 years ago today! 

Probably my least favourite film in the saga overseen by George, it has its moments...but they are few and far between. 

Still, though, it gave us one of the best love themes in all of cinema, a proper throwback to the romantic scores of old Hollywood in Across the Stars...

...one of the best sound effects of all time...

...and the awesome planet of Kamino. 


And, I mean, this is probably owed to it mostly lacking dialogue, but I always thought the ending was probably the strongest part of the film:

A lot of cool musical stuff going on there :D

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Vanity Fair's June cover story, written by Anthony Breznican, is a piece on Star Wars' move to television and their abundance of shows: 

There's also a mention of a new show, which is still without a name:


Another new series on the horizon doesn't even have a title, just a code name: Grammar Rodeo, a reference to an episode of The Simpsons in which Bart and his schoolmates steal a car and run away fora week, using a phony educational event as an alibi. The show takes place during the post-Return of the Jedi reconstruction that follows the fall of the Empire, the same as The Mandalorian, but its plot remains a secret. It's created and executive-produced by director Jon Watts and writer Chris Ford, who made Spider-Man: Homecoming for Marvel. A casting notice has called for four children, around 11 to 12 years old. Inside Lucasfilm, the show is being described as a galactic version of classic Amblin coming-of-age adventure films of the '80s.

Can't help but wonder if that's why John Watts stepped down from Fantastic Four? 

Either way, great way to ramp up towards Celebration at the end of next week :D

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19 hours ago, Julius said:

Still, though, it gave us one of the best love themes in all of cinema, a proper throwback to the romantic scores of old Hollywood in Across the Stars...

I'm not one for remembering many of the more subtle musical themes, but this one sticks out. The way the film ended with it booming was great. 

19 hours ago, Julius said:

...one of the best sound effects of all time...

A month or so after seeing the film in the cinema I picked up a pirated copy on VHS (?) in some random market in Notting Hill on VHS, and I remember the first thing I did was fast forward to the asteroid chase.

9 minutes ago, Julius said:

Vanity Fair's June cover story, written by Anthony Breznican, is a piece on Star Wars' move to television and their abundance of shows: 

Wow, well I know what I'm reading over lunch! That sounds really interesting.

Amazing photography too of course.

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2 hours ago, Ronnie said:

I'm not one for remembering many of the more subtle musical themes, but this one sticks out. The way the film ended with it booming was great. 

For sure! We got a similar thing at the end of Empire too with Han and Leia's love theme leading straight into the credits. Episode I mirrors VI in similar fashion (both end on a celebration track), and Episode IV's Throne Room, Leia's Theme, and an encore of the Main Title are included in the credits for Revenge of the Sith. 

It's like poetry, it rhymes :p

2 hours ago, Ronnie said:

A month or so after seeing the film in the cinema I picked up a pirated copy on VHS (?) in some random market in Notting Hill on VHS, and I remember the first thing I did was fast forward to the asteroid chase.

Honestly can't blame you, it's one of the few shining spots in an otherwise really bad film (even by the standards of the prequels). Definitely felt very Star Wars-y :D

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Good read from VF, Diego Luna comes across well. Rosario Dawson comes across as incredibly non-trustworthy from an NDA pov! And I'm almost certain the rumours about Grammar Rodeo were saying it was set in the High Republic, but the article article seems to suggest it's in the same New Republic timeline as Mando etc. Maybe we'll find out in a little over a week

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5 hours ago, Ronnie said:

And I'm almost certain the rumours about Grammar Rodeo were saying it was set in the High Republic, but the article article seems to suggest it's in the same New Republic timeline as Mando etc. Maybe we'll find out in a little over a week

It's Breznican and Vanity Fair, so I'm sure that passage about the show taking place during the era of the New Republic is based on *something* very substantial and which they've been advised of directly by someone from LFL, but it's a shame they don't really go into who they were told that by. Just seems really weird to come out and share the codename of something currently in production too to me, at least in something as high profile as VF. 

Honestly, wouldn't surprise me if some wires got crossed or some assumptions were made to reach the conclusion that it takes place in the High Republic, especially with how many projects are in the works right now! Does make me wonder that if it does take place in the New Republic era, if there's anything from the High Republic era in the show? 

I'd happily take either, in any case, I just care that the story being told turns out good :D

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6 minutes ago, Julius said:

It's Breznican and Vanity Fair, so I'm sure that passage about the show taking place during the era of the New Republic is based on *something* very substantial and which they've been advised of directly by someone from LFL, but it's a shame they don't really go into who they were told that by. Just seems really weird to come out and share the codename of something currently in production too to me, at least in something as high profile as VF. 

Honestly, wouldn't surprise me if some wires got crossed or some assumptions were made to reach the conclusion that it takes place in the High Republic, especially with how many projects are in the works right now! Does make me wonder that if it does take place in the New Republic era, if there's anything from the High Republic era in the show? 

I'd happily take either, in any case, I just care that the story being told turns out good :D

Since Rangers of the New Republic got cancelled (?) it makes sense to fill the void with something else. Not saying that this rumoured series will be in any way similar story wise, but if they're building a big crossover thing it makes sense to have more than just Mando, Boba and Ahsoka. God I wish they were still making the Rangers show :cry:

But yeah I'll take either era really, but the Mandoverse could be more beneficial in the short term, then once the publishing of the main High Republic novels is finished with then there's a more fleshed out sandbox for shows to play in.


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