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Difficult Games

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While writing the answer to Dr.Bob's question "What do you look for in a game?" I thought: "Hm, you don't really know lots of difficult games..."


That's why I need you: Recommend me some challenging games. Old, new, bad, good. Give 'em to me. I need to have an even bigger backlog.


Preferably games from the NES or SNES era, but anything from any other generation is also fine :D

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On the NES:



This game is awesome, really well made and really difficult. It is generally difficult through challenge, although there is a cheap mechanic where enemies knock you back and send you to your death when you are full health. I've beaten this, without save states. A very good game.


Castlevania 3:

Probably the best of the NES Castlevania games. Multiple paths, multiple characters and loads of challenge, again the only unfair bit is the knock back. I have beaten this, but only using save states, to beat this properly is virtually impossible due to an insane last stage which requires you to complete the stage and three boss forms in one life.


Blue Shadow:

This has different names and also is known as Shadow of the Ninja. It is like Ninja Gaiden but much better and more balanced. You need real skill and there are far less frustrating and unfair moments. I can't actually think of anything bad about this game. I have beaten it, without save states.


Mega Man 2:

Any of the NES Mega Man games would suit you, but I picked this as it is the best on the NES and requires real skill without being unfair. I beat this without save states.



This game is insane and has a couple of different play style and some of the most difficult challenges on the NES. It has a couple of unfair jumps, but most of it can be beaten with hard work and level memorisation. The underwater bomb defusing level is one of the hardest levels in any game. I beat this using save states as the last level is too much!


Probotector/Probotector 2

These games are really good, and they're shooters rather than platform games. They have a high level of challenge, but are very fair. I've beaten the second without save states, it's actually a rare example of a sequel being better than the original.



This one is a scrolling shooter. It is very good and has an excellent selection of powerups which you choose the order and configuration in which they attach to your ship. It is hard and the difficulty is ramped up if you are killed as you lose everything you have built up. I have beaten this with save states.


Life Force:

The sequel to Gradius and another fabulous game. I recommend this over the original as it's a little better designed and a little more forgiving. I loved this as a kid and my friend lent it to me and I beat it on the original NES without any save states!


EDIT: Funny thing is, nearly all of these are Konami games, how the mighty have fallen!


On the SNES:


Super Castlevania 4:

The finest game in the Castlevania series, a multi-directional whip, amazing graphics and sound and great use of the SNES technology. Also, a brilliant challenge that is both fun, varied and fair. There's only one moment in the game that had me getting angry. Also, bosses are mint. Completed this one on the console without save states.



Very different to the other games I've mentioned as although it is a shooter, you are in a mech and you have a life bar. It is a difficult game and presents quite a compelling challenge where at times you are overwhelmed and at other times you feel like you're piloting an invincible death machine. I've never actually beaten this!


Super Probotector:

If you loved the NES games, try this. It's awesome and takes everything you saw in the NES games to the next level. It also has some free roaming top down stages to add variety. The only bad thing about this is it has just six levels and leaves you feeling slightly short changed. I beat this as a kid, but beating on the hardest difficulty, I still haven't done that!



Another space shooter from Konami. This is the best one they made on the SNES and beats Gradius 3 (which is an incredible game) because it performs so much better and doesn't suffer the slow down. It is also all skill, there's no unfair or silly moments. You also get to customise your ship before you take on a level and there's no powerups! I beat this as a kid.



This is very rare, but if you know where to look you can find a copy. I haven't beaten this and have only played it a couple of times, but the challenge is incredible and so are the graphics. It is quite complex to get to grips with, but once you have it plays so well and you will start pulling off incredible moves and challenges that were once frustrating will be fun and rather spectacular.


Super Star Wars series:

These games were ace! I beat them back in the day, but they were tough, Empire Strikes Back being the hardest. But despite the difficulty, they are fair, they are varied in game play styles and they look and sound great. If you like Star Wars, other than Dark Forces, these are probably the best Star Wars games ever made.


Diddy Kong's Quest:

The Donkey Kong series is hard, but this game is the hardest of the lot and my favourite. There are a couple of unfair moments and certain bits had me shouting at the TV, but never the less, it is a very difficult game and one that you will probably get a lot out of.

Edited by Zechs Merquise
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Thanks : peace:


I'll definitely avoid the Turtles game because I don't consider memorizing levels a challenge.

And I'll probably avoid the games which you said had unfair elements in them (except the Castlevania installments) because...well, they are unfair.

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Thanks : peace:


I'll definitely avoid the Turtles game because I don't consider memorizing levels a challenge.

And I'll probably avoid the games which you said had unfair elements in them (except the Castlevania installments) because...well, they are unfair.


Good call!


I could have chosen far harder games, but I picked games that were hard but fair and presented a challenge without presenting a rage inducing melt down!


Ikari Warriors on the NES for example, it is much harder than nearly any of those games and can only really be beaten with an infinite lives cheat. But the game is hampered by unfair controls, unfair enemy placement and several other design flaws.


Anyway, have fun - but make sure you true Blue Shadow, I love that and I'm sure anyone looking for a challenge will adore it!

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