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Time for Gaming


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A lot of it can just be the kinds of games you end up playing in the end, this year and most of last year every big title was an open world adventure packed with stupid amounts of grindy side quests, its really easy to get lost to them and not make that much progress in the story. As gamers we are always looking for secrets and feel a need to finish every single mission/quest, it can lead to games just becoming artificially long.


To be fair even if i somehow managed to somehow exist without any sleep id never get everything done, there literally isnt enough time in the day.

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Games, especially open world ones may be ridiculously long but at least we get out moneys worth. A cinema ticket for example is about a tenner and you get a few hours (at most) out of it where as a game you get potentially hundreds of hours out of it. All for about 45 quid.

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I work long hours, but they are stagnated throughout the week and day. 12 hour working days are common, but with a 2/3 hour lunch break in the middle, where I eat and then play for a couple of hours. The weekend is non-my-gaming due to family, except for those party games and Lego stuff messing around with my son. There are not enough hours in the day, I need 5 more.


Despite this I try to finish games to their fullest, my most recent endeavor is Assassin's Creed 4, up to now I've put over 60 hours into it, but it's taken many many weeks to get there. Xenoblade Chronicles X will last the whole of next year for me ;)

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