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I'm looking for a better camera. The main things it will be used for is landscapes and cats, but I'd also like to take more pictures when I'm out (and not have to be wary about phone battery).


I'm looking to spend under £200 on one.


A good camcorder function would be nice, but not required. The same goes for WiFi. Resolution doesn't have to be amazing if the picture quality is good enough.


I probably should elaborate.. Maybe later. I don't actually have hands-on experience, but I'd get a Sony camera myself (though I'd save up for something more prosumer or professional).


In the meantime, go to flickr, enter the model in the searchbox, and check if you like the pictures. This is how you decide if a camera or lens is for you, without hands-on experience.


Flikr pages:


One problem with this particular camera, is that it seems to share its modelnumber with a type of car.. So you get a bunch of irrelevant pictures.


As for video, check youtube or vimeo. Apparently people aren't that interested in the video features of this camera, as I can barely find any footage, let alone good footage. This is the most interesting thing I could find:


Thanks for the information. Seems like it would suit my needs, and the NFC is an even better touch as I can share the photos while I'm out.

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