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Resident Evil 0 HD (2016)


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It depends if you don't mind the tank controls. I just played through Resident Evil 3 last week on the Vita ( see the 2016 Gaming Diary thread ) and it still felt like it held up really well.


Resident Evil 2 is really god tier stuff though. 4 campaigns, great story, excellent antagonist, brilliant music, just a flat out awesome game.


I really like Code Veronica, as well. The opening cutscene to the game is still fantastic to watch. The extended version that was released on the Cube and PS2 had extra Wesker stuff in it and it felt far more fleshed out. Easily better than the Dreamcast version, although I do miss the feature of having your health bar on the VMU. :D


I actually have the HD collection sitting on my shelf waiting to be played. Well, at least Zero. I finished Resident Evil HD a couple of Christmases ago and it's still fresh in my head.


Are you going to do a no save run on this game? I've read there's a part where the frogs jump out of a fountain that you need to be real careful about as they can one shot you. I remember a Hunter did this to me on RE HD. I had to start my run again. :(


Oooo Interesting. So what RE games are available on Vita then?

Older ones I mean. Perfect console to replay the older games on really!


Once I'm done with Zero I will look into the older games more.


Re the no save run, it pretty much terrifies me due to, as you say, the frog. Although it doesn't one shot you, it basically grabs you with its tongue and drags you away into the water. Once it grabs you (if it grabs the player you're controlling, or if you're alone and your other character is somewhere else) then it's game over. But you can shoot at it with the other character to ward it off (even if it's already grabbed you) so it isn't as big of an issue as a hunter, for instance.


Also, Zero is slightly easier in that you can do the no save run on easy with unlimited ammo magnum (as far as I am aware) so it allows you to play through and get the S RANK achievement along with the achievement for not using a first aid spray (which I did on my normal play through anyway), not combining herbs, and not using a health recovery item.

Pretty tough!


But I'm determined to get the full 1000g. When I enjoy a game as much as I have with this, I like to complete it fully. Or try.

I know the game well enough now due to 2 play throughs and Leech Hunter mode to give it a good crack anyway.

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Resident Evil Directors Cut

Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil 3


Have you faffed around with Wesker Mode yet?


Interesting, thanks. May have to check this out.


And not yet. Don't think it unlocks until Hard mode has been completed. So I will hopefully have that done tonight but I have a feeling there may be more of the game left than I think. :woops: Although I know I'm in the last area now.


Actually, just looked and think Wesker Mode unlocks on completion of any difficulty, but I haven't bothered with it yet due to following a guide advising me the best order.


I think I will just jump straight into Wesker mode after hard mode. All the unlockables from Leach Hunter mode carry over to Wesker mode and there are Wesker specific trophies /achievements to nab, so may as well kill 2 birds. :grin:


Aaaaand completed on hard! :D:yay: !


What an absolute epic that last battle was. It has taken me almost 2 hours just for the final bit. Had hardly any health left and had to try and save Rebecca from being battered by Queen Leach as she opened the roof to see her off!


But I'm so glad I managed to finish it! I didn't think I was going to be able to at first.


Ahhh. Hopefully that's the difficult bit done. I can mop up the easier achievements now before attempting a no save run. Urgh!

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Wesker mode and NO SAVE RUN complete.


Yay. :yay:


1 failed no save run attempt last night. And it was just a regular zombie that killed me. Just ran into it. :shakehead

Not very clever Aneres :heh:


Today was much smoother.

Although did stop breathing on my run to the final boss when the frog jumped out the water! :o

One magnum shot and it was dead though. :D


Couldn't quite do the no save run and the 'no medical items used' on the same play through. I just survived off green herbs but did unlock the cheevo for not combining herbs. So now, all that's left are a couple of secret achievements (which I'll get on my last play through), along with the no medical items used. But that'll come from an 'Easy' run where I can save my progress.


No save run wasn't too bad. The infinite Magnum Revolver really helps you out, but it can get a little worrying when Rebecca is in charge of it as she is a bit slow to shoot unlike Wesker / Billy.


Wesker mode was a hoot! :awesome:

Hearing him fume when Rebecca orders him to stay is hilarious! Same when he summons her to join him. "COME". Hahah.

I also love the red glowing eyes!


Bit pissed off I didn't gain my S rank here. i completed it in 2 hours 45, and it has to be done in under 3:30 for the S rank. But I don't recall seeing a ranking at the end, so part of me thinks you can't S rank Wesker mode. Presumably because it is set on easy by default? But I'll just blitz through my last play through again and hopefully get it that time.


Very enjoyable game. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Currently fuming.


Completed Hard mode on my PS4 version first off and then last night spent nearly 3 hours completing Leach Hunter mode (which is also on hard mode, as it goes off your save file). Almost gave up a few times, but somehow got through it.


Feeling pleased with myself, I loaded my save file this morning to do leach hunter again (trophy for just collecting 50 of one colour leach and then leaving the mansion) but I quit out straight away as I didn't get the right set up for the run I wanted (there's 2 different ones which affect item placement which depend on the herbs you get on the mansion floor).


But the stupid game always wants to save when you quite leach hunter (despite me not actually playing it), and I accidentally selected to save and did it over my hard play through save file. So the game then doesn't recognise a completed save.


I wanted to cry.

Thankfully, the save of leach hunter seemingly didn't erase over the file, presumably because I didn't actually do anything on leach hunter and just quit out.


So I went through on hard again, to try and do a no save run. With unlimited magnum, it isn't to bad, but hard mode is very difficult and bits are tricky.

Guess where I died?

The final boss. :cry::mad:


Absolutely devoed.


Really can't cope going through it again. I can feel my patience running out with this game, but I didn't complete it fully on my One due to trading in before I managed it, so I really want to on this. But damn!!

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Noticed you were playing this again last night, @Aneres11. You really are a trooper! Hope you nab that platinum.


Thanks H-o-T!


I managed to do a no save run which I was pleased about.


I'm currently going through Wesker mode as it's automatically set to easy, and I'm going to nab all of the health achievements (for not using any), but it's easier said than done!


Thankfully, with me S ranking my last playthrough, I've unlocked unlimited ammo rocket launcher which will hopefully make things easier! : peace:


Carrying on with that today on my Vita, so once done with that just need to do leach hunter, then a mop up and should be done! I say it like it'll be a walk in the park! :blank:

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Platinum GET. :yay:


At. Fucking. Last.


I don't ever wanna see this game ever again until the next remake of it :laughing:


Loved it though. Really good game and I am pretty chuffed I managed to platinum it as I was close to throwing the towel in many times.


It wasn't a difficult platinum, but it was a bit annoying to have to replay the game over and over again. It's good in that it allows you to get to know the game, so later play throughs are much quicker, but it still grates.


Anyway, all done. Can't even with Resident Evil, so this is going back on the shelf whilst I play something else.


I have noticed Revelations 2 is cheap now, so might have to dip back into RE sooner than I thought I would... As I enjoyed that game and wouldn't mind playing through it again.

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