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Hideo Kojima forced out of Konami, Kojima Productions to be disbanded


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Nintendo really would do well by offering big Japanese talent a home. Perhaps setting up an near-autonomous company providing exclusives to Nintendo platforms is the way to go; it would give Nintendo some great exclusive content and, hopefully, ensure Japan has a strong gaming development community in the future.


It's not as if these companies are struggling though, they just don't see the value in developing for consoles anymore. Konami are making more money off their mobile sector than they are on the consoles. It's cheaper and more profitable.


Square-Enix is another example of this, with them posting some very healthy profits thanks to their mobile output.


The mobile market is so big in Japan that it's come to a point where it simply can't be ignored if you are looking to make money making games, hence why Nintendo are now entering the sector.

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Im pretty sure Konami are already doing what they need to in order to stay successful. They've gone about a lot of their business in a horrible way lately but to be honest, video games are only a small section of what kind of business they are and probably one of their least profitable ones at the moment.

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