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Making Games

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Has anyone one here had a go at making games?


We've been looking into making some small browser based games to act as a little freebie at work. We came across a rather awesome bit of software called Construct 2, which acts as a visual editor to HTML coding.


I've been fannying around with it at home and this is the result of about an hour and a half's messing around:


Goafer's radtastic ship (with turret) of badassitude.


The plan is to make a side scrolling shooter in a similar vein to Parodius.

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Looking good so far :) How easy is Construct 2 to use?


Trying to learn Unity 3D myself at the moment and looking forward to the 3.4 update that will bring native 2D support.

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It's pretty easy so far. I've gone from completely inexperienced in HTML to the ship in about 8 hours or so, 6 of which were on and off at work making a number puzzle game (sort of like the numbers round in Countdown), so weren't really relevant to sprite based games.


The free version is pretty good so far, so I'd recommend giving it a try if you're curious. The tutorials on the website are very good too.

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Has anyone one here had a go at making games?


We've been looking into making some small browser based games to act as a little freebie at work. We came across a rather awesome bit of software called Construct 2, which acts as a visual editor to HTML coding.


I've been fannying around with it at home and this is the result of about an hour and a half's messing around:


Goafer's radtastic ship (with turret) of badassitude.


The plan is to make a side scrolling shooter in a similar vein to Parodius.


Thanks for the heads up I've kind of had an idea for a game for a while something simple but wasn't sure how to go about it maybe this will give me the incentive.

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Made this Trials clone in 2 days at work, including drawing all the sprites and background. The bike works as a bike should, IE the rear wheel spins when you accelerate, which provides the movement. The front wheel is just a freewheel.


I've replaced the guy on the bike with a basic stick man for now, since the character I originally used is a mascot and I don't want to publish it. I think this has kind of borked the ragdoll when you fall off, but meh.




I kind of want to add working suspension next, but I think I'll start again for that with my own game, rather than one I've made for work. That is if I can be arse, obviously.

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Really impressive especially as it only took you 2 days! :)


Hope you are enjoying making it too.

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Started again from scratch with the goal of making working suspension on the bike.


This is the result of a few hours of pure frustration


Next up I've got to make the rider, some actual levels, a title screen and I'm dabbling with the idea of a level editor. The only thing with the editor is the saving a loading of levels, although I reckon it's doable.


I'm also dabbling with bike settings (spring rates for the suspension etc), but that might cock up the bike's handling, preventing wheelies etc.

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