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Xenoblade Chronicles X (4th Dec)


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Getting slowly into it. I like it again more and more. I was a bit afraid that I will not get into it, but I started watching the videos again and googled some things (missions, squads, increasing mechanical & co. levels), so now is everything much clearer.

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No, you can stay as your Avatar for the whole game. When Elma learns ShadowRunner and Last Stand, you can use that top sneak by enemies without them seeing you. That was the only time I changed.


You might want to use Gwin in your party because I think that was the character affinity that @RedShell needed when he was frustrated with being unable to progress the story.

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Great, as I don't like changing the main avatar.... I am using Doug as he is strong, plus Elma and Lin. I still have to learn more about skills, for now I am exploring and doing affinity missions (have to mine, so did some squad tasks to increase blade levels and mechanical skills, which gave mi G6 mining probe, so I have left the house while the game is on so the mining can be finished).


I will put Gwen in the squad when I am back, thx for the advice, I always try to use the arts my party want me to do as it increases afinity, so I hope that it will not be a problem.


And yeah, I had to google PUGES as I have forgotten what they are :D.


Am still on chapter 4 as I wanted to get into the game more before continuing with the story (requirements are met).

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Is there any advice for equipment as it is the biggest problem for me?


It seems there is just to much, plus it's a bit more complicated because you can improve some of the weapons and than there look better than the ones with higher attack points, while you can't remove the upgrades (you do have augments but it's a different upgrade).


I went for only one class, but now decided to level up the three main classes and than continue with the rest of the "sub-classes" so I can try more weapons out.

Edited by Kounan
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I would say equipment is not *that* important, generally enemies can drop better than what is available in the shop for weapons. For armour I would stick with just the highest you can afford, until about chapter 8/9. You should aim to get 'Candid and Credible' open (*) and to level 5 as quickly as possible. This opens up armour with treasure sensor gear that will massively improve the likelihood of a good equipment drop from enemies. Don't bother upgrading battle traits on armour and weapons before the end game unless you are desperate to gain a few more points to defeat a boss - augments are always better value for money/parts.


(* I think this is a quest involving L - possibly an affinity mission - you have to have a 30% survey rate for Oblivia)


As for classes - max out your favourite and move to another. At max level you will earn the best skills and arts that make all the difference in ground combat. After it is maxed you can use the weapons of that class with another class - making building up that other class far easier.

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The right of the two consoles - the one where you upgrade the manufacturers has 'upgrade battle traits'. But it is noyt really worth it until you have a weapon you want to keep for good. That is also where you build augments and new weapons/skells.

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The right of the two consoles - the one where you upgrade the manufacturers has 'upgrade battle traits'. But it is noyt really worth it until you have a weapon you want to keep for good. That is also where you build augments and new weapons/skells.


I know that, I was using it a bit, but now I will stop probably, but can you upgrade armor in a way LVL 1, 2, 3, or did you just mean battle traits?


Btw. is it worth to upgrade manufacturers (OK, it's not like you can spend so much miranium on something else) and which one should I choose?

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Sorry - you can only upgrade armour through battle traits and augments. If you want to, only use augments, but I did not until near the end game other than ones I found in chests.


Yes - upgrade Candid and Credible for Treasure sensor armour first, after it is unlocked, and then Sakaruba for level 50 Skells, when they become available.

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The right of the two consoles - the one where you upgrade the manufacturers has 'upgrade battle traits'. But it is noyt really worth it until you have a weapon you want to keep for good. That is also where you build augments and new weapons/skells.


How does it work with items you can exchange for reward cards?


I know how I get the cards and how I exchange them for items, but how do the items get there?


Do we, as players, decide what we are going put on the market? And if yes, how do we do it?



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I am not sure if this is what you are talking about, but if you get a weapon out of the ordinary from a monster drop there is an option to select the weapon and offer it as a treasure deal. (You can do this once per monster drop with a maximum limit of something like 5 per play session)


This will offer the weapon to anyone in your (possible) 32 man squad. They will get a notification on the screen and the first to see it and press minus will get the treasure.


Or do you mean reward tickets? If so, that is a completely different concept. When you complete a squad objective or mission, or fight either of the two global nemeses (Telethia Plume and Yggralith Zero) and break appendages you get reward tickets. You can then use those tickets in the network console of the blade barracks to get rare items - menu item 'Use Reward Tickets' - that can only otherwise be obtained by killing monsters. It is like another currency separate from the miranium and the money, but it saves you a lot of farming for rare monster part drops. Monster part drops are typically used to build augments, Skells in the late game or weapons, as well as complete quests in the earlier parts of the game.


You cannot buy the blue crystals though, so if a quest calls for one of those, you just have to keep respawning to find them. One of the more annoying aspects of this and the original game.

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I am not sure if this is what you are talking about, but if you get a weapon out of the ordinary from a monster drop there is an option to select the weapon and offer it as a treasure deal. (You can do this once per monster drop with a maximum limit of something like 5 per play session)


This will offer the weapon to anyone in your (possible) 32 man squad. They will get a notification on the screen and the first to see it and press minus will get the treasure.


I didn't ask about this, but now I remember that I've also wanted to ask about that thing :).


Btw. I always use the first option when I sign in (more focused on single player) do they still make 32 man squads when we do the missions?


And yeah, I have never played an online mission with other people, how do we do that?


Or do you mean reward tickets? If so, that is a completely different concept. When you complete a squad objective or mission, or fight either of the two global nemeses (Telethia Plume and Yggralith Zero) and break appendages you get reward tickets. You can then use those tickets in the network console of the blade barracks to get rare items - menu item 'Use Reward Tickets' - that can only otherwise be obtained by killing monsters. It is like another currency separate from the miranium and the money, but it saves you a lot of farming for rare monster part drops. Monster part drops are typically used to build augments, Skells in the late game or weapons, as well as complete quests in the earlier parts of the game.


You cannot buy the blue crystals though, so if a quest calls for one of those, you just have to keep respawning to find them. One of the more annoying aspects of this and the original game.


I was asking about this and I know that, but do we put the rare items for sale and then other people can find it on the console, or is it just self regenerating?

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The choice between squads is more of a declaration of how you want to play than anything else. I.e. Whether and how often you will get offered a squad mission.


You can play online with others by accepting a squad mission when offered or you can initiate one after you have completed the story (I think - I haven't actually done this.)


The items list that you can use rewards tickets for is a fixed list of every droppable material in the game. Rare items just cost loads of tickets.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I do have more questions :).


First just a comment, the skell makes the game a bit to easy, as you level up really quickly after you get the skell (I took L with me and he leveled up from 13 to 27 in about an hour and now he is on 41 or so. The fights are just not so interesting, but I am only on chapter 6 (I have finished it and can start chapter 7, but I am exploring again).


Now the questions. I was fighting Telethia Plume and after the HP points were depleted it just regenerated, what is that about?


And second question, I've took @RedShell with me :D and I could see a number on his avatar which was increasing with more and more enemies killed. What does the number mean?

Edited by Kounan
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I do have more questions :).


First just a comment, the skell makes the game a bit to easy, as you level up really quickly after you get the skell (I took L with me and he leveled up from 13 to 27 in about an hour and now he is on 41 or so. The fights are just not so interesting, but I am only on chapter 6 (I have finished it and can start chapter 7, but I am exploring again).


Now the questions. I was fighting Telethia Plume and after the HP points were depleted it just regenerated, what is that about?


The Global Nemesis is being fought by the whole internet at the same time. Therefore it needs more than one energy bar. This is therefore called its RP bar and each time you kill it once you remove one RP from the worldwide total.


After the fight, as well as getting the reward tickets for breaking appendages, you will get a ranking and further rewards (although sadly not tickets) based on how many RP you removed.


If you still playing when the nemesis is finally reduced to zero you get another chance to kill its last bar and get additional rewards/achievements.


And second question, I've took @RedShell with me :D and I could see a number on his avatar which was increasing with more and more enemies killed. What does the number mean?


I don't know as I have only ever done it solo. Perhaps it is a number determining contribution and rewards would eventually feed back to @RedShell s character. Or perhaps the number of RP his character removed.

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Yeah, I've read about it a bit later and figured it out, just I haven't seen the RP's.


I have to say, some of the affinity missions are a joke, you just fast travel from one space to another and talk, that's it.


I like most of the things in the game, but some of the missions are really boring.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I will continue here.


When it comes to parties I think that the required parties are about "99%" Avatar, Elma, Lin plus 1 and often actually it is any 3 but some characters as they get involved automatically.


You have a specific spot for every party member so it's easy to find them (only Elma you have to change time sometimes, but the "clock" is at the same place so it's not a problem. All the other guys important for affinity quests are on the same street.


Now, I do understand why people who gave up quickly don't like some things. I had similar problems when I came back to the game and it lasted for 6-7 hours, but the game literally opens up at one moment, when suddenly everything comes together and it is long before skells.


Again, when it comes to parties, I have played most of the time the party I wanted, only once have I let Lin and Elma out. Because you get Lin and Elma as you main partners, you don't really need to worry about party members. And because they are most of the time with you the most important affinity levels you get buy just playing the game regularly.


I am playing actively for over 100-120 hours if not more and I can tell you the party is not a problem at all.


The only problem you can have is remembering what all of the xenoforms (animals) are so it's harder to find it (but often you know the island and location on the island) plus when you have to look for specific shards as there you usually only know the island. But for that you can just use internet and find it faster and so enjoy the game fully.


The problem with the game are the first "few" hours and that lot's of people don't try to explore a bit more and try to enjoy it that way. After that everything is easy. I actually wasn't to happy with the skells at the beginning as it became to fast :D.


When it comes to grinding, Xenoblade "Wii" had the same problems and the side quests where a lot harder to finish compared to Xenoblade Chronicles quests.


I agree about the story it was better in Xenoblade, but the Xenoblade Chronicles X story also isn't bad at all.


Of course, everyone is entitled to his own opinion so the story, exploring or not and staff like that is not something I will ever argue about, but really, when it comes to party members and other technical staff that's something people really got wrong as they didn't waited enough, or the really expected something else from this game (and I don't mean Xenoblade Chronicles).


I think that @peterl0 finished the game in less than 50 hours or so and a lot of people did it, so it can't be that complicated.

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Party formation was not the only problem - I would also be told I could not do a quest until I did another. It was a bit tedious if I'm being honest.


Put simply though, selecting missions this way is a poor way to progress this type of game. Assembling parties of specific characters and then selecting a mission at usually the same place is not a fun or involved way of advancing the story. It is basically what you do in an MMORPG. I like a game where you go through a world and the plot unravels naturally - perhaps you visit a new town and find a new party member, and you travel with them; then you end up being forced onto a plane and fly to new place, where you're attacked by the enemy and crash land somewhere new.


No, you go back to the same place and select a new mission, which usually involves just going somewhere and killing someone/gathering some thing. After 20-25 hours and exploring a fair chunk of the world I was not left particularly excited. And that cool example I gave you, that happens in RPGs all the time. With a decent main character to boot.


Maybe I sound too down on this game, but it followed up an excellent game with a game that is decent but nothing that wowed me.

Edited by Sheikah
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This is different as it has to do with players preferences and that is something you can't really argue about. It's personal choice. I am happy XCX went this way as I have played XC just recently and I liked the change.


I was more talking about "technical" things which really weren't such a problem as it would seems when you listen to people who didn't play it long enough (it's not a dig at these people it's just talking from a position of more experience as I have played the game a lot longer).

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