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For me, so far, Tales of symphonia is better but only because I didn't really get on with Skies of Arcadia. Played it for a hour but then I just wasn't feeling it.


I've only recently got tales of symphonia (7hours in) and I must say its brilliant. I am really enjoying it, taking my time and exploring everything. Its the first RPG that I've found to be accessable (well for me anyway) and its goood.


As it's Tales of Symphonia related I thought I'd post the link here aswell like I said I would.


Tales of Symphonia Ebay item


And I had the same experience as you bambooo, with preferring ToS over Skies (even though I rated ToS 7/10).


Skies is brilliant, but it just seems quite dated presentation wise..........but it's story definitely beats ToS's.

  babooo said:
[...]Its my first proper RPG that I've played and its awesome.
1st RPG = awesome. For the die-hard fan of the genre = derivative. I did not particularly find it challenging, both the story (save the world = old hat) and battle system (which is about the only reason I still play RPGs) are mediocre. The gfx style (cell shaded) is also mundane.


Hopefully it'll keep me busy for a long time...
Spent a good 60+ hours with this.

im up to 100+ hours now...


anyway. i thought that id put a post in, because i was having an epic battle with the 2nd sword dancer, things were looking grim... then for some reason Colette stuffed up the spell she was casting...


yes thats right. this is the first time ive EVER seen her cast the 'holy judgement' spell, and i didnt know it existed until an hour ago. couldnt believe it!

the spell, needless to say, made mince meat of the sword dancer... but christ thats powerful!


wow 100+ that's what it said on the back of the box guaranteed although i finished it in 61 hours or so. it was still one of the best games i ever bought for my cube though and I loved it from start to finish. I wish they'd put more anime style cut scenes in though as they really brought it to life in the rare occassions they did use them. Also the final boss was surprisingly easy I thought... I never managed to get the whole co-op thing working but i heard it does and sounds fun, although hardly essential as it is really intended as a single player experience.. i would definitely recommend people who dont have it and own a cube go out and buy it!

  vicious77 said:
wow 100+ that's what it said on the back of the box guaranteed although i finished it in 61 hours or so. it was still one of the best games i ever bought for my cube though and I loved it from start to finish. I wish they'd put more anime style cut scenes in though as they really brought it to life in the rare occassions they did use them. Also the final boss was surprisingly easy I thought... I never managed to get the whole co-op thing working but i heard it does and sounds fun, although hardly essential as it is really intended as a single player experience.. i would definitely recommend people who dont have it and own a cube go out and buy it!

it took me about 40hrs the first time through... im doin it for a 3rd time now :heh:


yeah. the last boss is quite easy, but you need to go out and find the superbosses! they are quite a challenge!


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  Raven said:
but you need to go out and find the superbosses! they are quite a challenge!

Not to mention getting everything (Titles, full Item-Collection/Monster List etc).

That takes quite some time and effort to accomplish.


I'm going through TOS at the moment. I like the battle system but the story is a clone of FFX. After completing RE4 just before starting this, it makes the storyline even worse.


Why can't they ever put in a decent story in an RPG? (Well...SoA's story was a break from what seems to be the norm in RPGs, although it's still about someone trying to take over the world, Pinky!)


But yeah, I'm liking it so far. Thought I would have seen some of those excellent Anime cutscenes shown in the trailer, but not yet. Hope they aren't just saved for the ending.

  Beanie said:
I'm going through TOS at the moment. I like the battle system but the story is a clone of FFX. After completing RE4 just before starting this, it makes the storyline even worse.


If you haven't played it all the way through how can you say the story is a clone of FFX. I've heard of those claims early on in the game but it does take a twist.

  The-Ironflame said:
If you haven't played it all the way through how can you say the story is a clone of FFX. I've heard of those claims early on in the game but it does take a twist.


You're right, it does change. And one of those twists is just like in FFX! "We can't let Yuna/Colette die; there must be some other way!", states Tidus/Lloyd. It does have enough in the middle to stop it from being a full-on clone but there are many similarities.


And just to nitpick: Any else noticed the typos? Like having colons between words instead of a space and having "[]j" at the end of a sentence instead of some other characters?


Obviously it doesn't ruin my enjoyment of the game but I've never seen it in any other game.


I finished it in 40 hours first time and I found quite a few secrets. Actually thats a lie, the first time I played I somehow managed to skip all the parts in the desert (sorry forgot the names of places) and went right to the water dungeon. So I started again and did it right because my characters were too weak because they werent supposed to be there.

  Beanie said:
You're right, it does change. And one of those twists is just like in FFX! "We can't let Yuna/Colette die; there must be some other way!", states Tidus/Lloyd. It does have enough in the middle to stop it from being a full-on clone but there are many similarities.


And just to nitpick: Any else noticed the typos? Like having colons between words instead of a space and having "[]j" at the end of a sentence instead of some other characters?


Obviously it doesn't ruin my enjoyment of the game but I've never seen it in any other game.


It's a bad translation while they had to convert and put in the several other languages for the PAL. It makes you wonder whether it's actually as simple as copying the dialogue English from the American version and whether they actually checked it for errors.

  Beanie said:
You're right, it does change. And one of those twists is just like in FFX! "We can't let Yuna/Colette die; there must be some other way!", states Tidus/Lloyd. It does have enough in the middle to stop it from being a full-on clone but there are many similarities.


And just to nitpick: Any else noticed the typos? Like having colons between words instead of a space and having "[]j" at the end of a sentence instead of some other characters?


Obviously it doesn't ruin my enjoyment of the game but I've never seen it in any other game.

yeah. noticed those square thingys... didnt mind too much.

heh. still think its like FFX? i bet the story is still changing... like when:


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  Raven said:

heh. still think its like FFX? i bet the story is still changing...


No, it's not like FFX. It gets less and less like it the further I go on. It was just the whole "Chosen One" thing and the temples. The meat of it isn't FFX-ish at all, which I'm glad for.


The skits are good for developing the relationships between the characters and I find myself searching for those glowing things dotted around to see what they say. That Genis is a cheeky mofo! I feel myself wanting to come back with an answer.


But I'm enjoying it more now I've fully got to grips with the Unison Attacks and what everything does. I'll take a guess and say I'm 2/3 of the way through, and so far it's a "yay" from me.

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