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WWE's New Year's Revolution


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Well, as I expected it was all about the main event. I was dissapointed to see Angle eliminated so early. I was totally pissed off when it was left with just Cena, Masters & Carlito because I knew Cena was going to retain the belt. It was a total surprise that Edge decided to cash in his money in the bank title shot! It totally made sense for him to cash it in at a time like that! Happy with the end. Now lets hope he doens't lose it to Cena on Raw...that would be a big mistake and the fans would be really pissed.


What can they do with Cena? They have to keep him out of the main event (for a little while at least). And a heel turn may actually do him good if he goes back to the way he was orginally.

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true. But thats because Edge cant call himself Mr. money in the bank anymore. All he's got is Money in the sack and Rated R now.


Just watched revolution last night. Mostly because I heard Edge was the new champ. I cant complain really. He could be a cool champ, infinately better than cena.

Thought Angle would last longer though.


Skipped most of the matches, but caught helms' match. Alright I suppose. Sad to see "suger shane" busted down to this level.


What are they doin with shelton benjamin!? Really?

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