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Cats or Dogs?


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I really like both, but if I had to pick one, I think I'd go for the dog. At the moment we have four cats at home (we've had seven in total), and I have to say that I totally do not agree with the "low maintenance" stuff you're all talking about. Our cats like to make a big mess in our house (right now they're only allowed in the garage anymore, but they still manage to make an awful mess in there), pooping and peeing and puking everywhere. Also, they bring in dead animals and we have to go to the vet with them quite often because they always manage to get sick or wounded on their hunting sprees. I still love them though, I think.

We've had a dog, but we had to put her to sleep like, a year and a half ago; it still hurts me very much because I miss her. She really was like a friend to me. Dogs can give you so much more love than cats do; cats only like to stay because you feed and pet them. Dogs are a lot more loyal in my opinion. And a lot of fun to play with too.


ye i have to agree- dogs are just mor affectionate and fun to play with altho i like cats too

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I have two cats and two dogs, and i prefer the dogs by far, although my mum and my sister do most of the looking after them, so i dont have to walk the dogs every day, etc.


i find the dogs much more fun to play with, whereas the cats are outside most of the time, and when they do come in its either with a dead animal or to just (sometimes on my bed, covering it in hairs, which i hate)

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I love cats, but my sister's alergic. I'm off to Uni soon and I'll be getting a cat in my second year hopefully.


Dogs however, I can't stand. Does anyone else have a fear of their open mouthes? Is that just me? There's something about a dog with its mouth open that makes me feel ill. I like dogs who close keep their mouthes shut.






^^ eww!




^^ That's fine.

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I love cats, but my sister's alergic. I'm off to Uni soon and I'll be getting a cat in my second year hopefully.


Dogs however, I can't stand. Does anyone else have a fear of their open mouthes? Is that just me? There's something about a dog with its mouth open that makes me feel ill. I like dogs who close keep their mouthes shut.






^^ eww!




^^ That's fine.


Those smaller dogs (like the one in the second pic), tend to be preferred by cat people. I think its because they behave more like cats. Anyway, I have no problem with dogs' mouths; in fact, I'd love a dog like the one in the top pic.

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I'm more of a cat person. We've got 3 at the moment and they're all very individual.


Not got anything against dogs but I've never owned one and don't like 4 facts about them:

- you have to take them for walks, whereas cats do it themselves

- they bark, cats don't

- they poo in annoying places, cats are discreet and bury it

- some of them jump up at strangers answering the door, this really annoys me.


I'm sure for dog owners that's part of the fun, but I get really annoyed with all the dog shit on the pavements around here.


All animals are great though. They teach you a lot in life.

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Those smaller dogs (like the one in the second pic), tend to be preferred by cat people. I think its because they behave more like cats. Anyway, I have no problem with dogs' mouths; in fact, I'd love a dog like the one in the top pic.


Hmm... maybe it's an actual phobia I have? haha oh well.

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