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Pokemon Black & White 2

Debug Mode

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The Nintendo Direct conferences typically focus on Japan. America has their own focusing on some of the same games and Europe has received translations of the Japanese one. Now P+NA is out, it's unlikely to have a mention


You never now what is going to happen if not at E3 it should be announced

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Yo Serebii, are you sure that BW2 info is confirmed for next week? It looked like Battrio information to me, but the sound and visuals from Keyhole aren't very reliable for me so I may have it completely wrong.


Yeah bulbapidea says its Battrio information or is it a April fools day joke

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Yo Serebii, are you sure that BW2 info is confirmed for next week? It looked like Battrio information to me, but the sound and visuals from Keyhole aren't very reliable for me so I may have it completely wrong.

100% Positive



今回は「ポケモンクイズキャラバン」! ゴルゴ所長・レッド博士が埼玉県和光市におじゃましてきたぞ! クイズが大リニューアル! 黒白クイズ第2弾の「クイズ!ブラック2・ホワイト2」! ほかにも「ポケモンパズル 間違い探しクイズ」「ケルディオ リレークイズ」など、新クイズから目が離せない! 新クイズを勝ち抜くのはいったい!?

ポケモンバトリオVも大特集! 夏の映画でも活躍する伝説のポケモン、コバルオン・テラキオン・ビリジオンの強力パックが登場! レッド博士の腕前にも大注目だ!


Translation of the bold part: Also, Pokémon Black 2 & White 2 - Lots of latest news


Do note I hate April Fools and the only pranks I partake in are when I reveal legitimate things on April 1st just to screw with people's heads as seen on April 1st 2007 (http://www.serebii.net/archive/April-2007.shtml) and various forum things. I strongly oppose misleading people with false information. The April Fool's stuff I enjoy are things like the current Google Maps thing.


Nope, it's confirmed, they admitted they didn't want to bring Nobunaga to the West.

Not quite. They said there are no announcements. PR talk. Based on sales of P+NA (being better than Ranger games and Dungeon games), I can see them deciding to release it, but perhaps after B2W2

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Translation of the bold part: Also, Pokémon Black 2 & White 2 - Lots of latest news


Ah sweet! Good to hear we're finally going to see/hear something


Not quite. They said there are no announcements. PR talk. Based on sales of P+NA (being better than Ranger games and Dungeon games), I can see them deciding to release it, but perhaps after B2W2


I was being sarcastic, but I keep forgetting that the internet doesn't portray sarcasm very well!


EDIT: Just repaired my Pokemon Gold catridge! Battery had been dry for years and I found a spare 2032 battery to replace it with, nerve racking stuff getting those solders off!

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