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Just finished this game. I'll post detailed thoughts at a later date, all I'll say for now is:


. Dagran ran after Zangurak and didn't get killed, he was just lying there. He ran after General Asthar and Asthar mysteriously died. He planted the stuff on Jirall. Then he was absent for all of the final third of the game. So obvious."


Edited by Mokong
Automerged Doublepost

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Just finished this game. I'll post detailed thoughts at a later date, all I'll say for now is:


. Dagran ran after Zangurak and didn't get killed, he was just lying there. He ran after General Asthar and Asthar mysteriously died. He planted the stuff on Jirall. Then he was absent for all of the final third of the game. So obvious."


well I for one...


I both did and didn't see it coming. While I was fully expecting to have to fight Dagran, coming up on those last Chapters and the lead up to Zangurak I was actually thinking the Dagran bit would be in the epilogue chapters for some reason :heh:


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well I for one...


I both did and didn't see it coming. While I was fully expecting to have to fight Dagran, coming up on those last Chapters and the lead up to Zangurak I was actually thinking the Dagran bit would be in the epilogue chapters for some reason :heh:


Well, I really enjoyed it in the end and have started another play through from scratch. I'm enjoying it even more the second time. I think my problem was that I was levelling enough so all my weapons did was chip damage! Now I'm downing bosses in a few hits!

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I gave the Plus Play a go, cutting down enemies in one go with no chance of being downed was attractive, but no incentive to go through the whole game again so soon.

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I've picked up both Xenoblade and Pandoras Tower, but won't be getting Last Story. Is there anyone that isn't getting either of the other RPG's that wants to swap their Last Story code for any of the following games:


Mario Party 9

Kid Incarus

Pokepark 2: Wonders Beyond

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Just cleared this from my backlog, I have to say although I enjoyed it I think it is my least favourite of the 3 "Operation Rainfall" titles, yet I was expecting to like it the most of the 3 before I played any of them! My main problem was the combat rarely needed too much more than running up to enemies and slashing away at them, which meant when some of the boss battles actually required some tactics I had to remember what all the special moves did :heh:. That and the frame rate would drop so much in some fights that timing guard counters became extremely tricky.


I did enjoy the fight with Jirall towards the end, not so much for the fight itself but for the way he breaks down completely. Kind of reminds me of Zant in Twilight Princess. Also yes I agree the Dagran showdown at the end was way too predictable!


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