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...or one man's brave journey to turn an indie/metal/emo (sorry to the other music lovers!) community on to PROG. ROCK, part 1. :awesome: (yes i'm being slightly tongue in cheek).


Basically I'm a prog-rock obsessive who is frequently pissed off by the complete ignorage of the brilliant underappreciated genre by the vast majority of mainstream music, music press, and music fans. So :D I thought I'd start on you guys - ignore the incredibly dodgy mullet and 'doc' cape, and watch the whole vid - look at his (Rick Wakeman of Yes') freaking fingers!! -


http://www.youtube.com/watch.php?v=VSChIdwvgag&search=rick%20wakeman -


It might be incredibly cheesy, but I'd like to see the Kaiser Chief keyboard man attempt it!! Also of note - youtube.com is flipping incredible, blows Google video out of the water, for finding videos of ANYTHING you'd ever dream of. barring porn. Now all we need is a way of getting it onto our iPod videos...!


Prog I say! ;)




The rap i listen to is wot I consider to be better than all this mainstream garbage, but no one would be intrested by it, thus meaning, this thread blows.


Very tasty, nice arpeggios and all that, but who really cares how fast his hand his moving? To really appreciate what he's playing play the music without the video and listen to the progressions without thinking about his chops.



The rap i listen to is wot I consider to be better than all this mainstream garbage, but no one would be intrested by it, thus meaning, this thread blows.


What, in the sense that you make no sense? You're kinda missing the point of this thread in that I'm trying to introduce a wider range of misunderstood or underappreciated music to the board, thus meaning, you complete douschebag. ::shrug:

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