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Internal HDD

The Peeps

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I'm looking to buy a new internal HDD as my current one is quite old and I'm having some issues with it...


I don't need anything fancy, just something up to date. I had a quick look and saw this: http://www.dixons.co.uk/gbuk/whitebox-generic-internal-3-5-sata-hard-drive-1tb-11255568-pdt.html


Just wanted to see if there are better deals to go for or any preferred brands. Thanks for any help :p


<obviously this was meant to go in tech... can a mod move it please? @Dan Dare or anyone else :p

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I've been warned off Seagate, @Yvonne! I think I was recommended WD or...Samsung?


GAH! Just seen I have a Seagate in this computer! Hmm. Well, my advise would be fairly standard, look on somewhere like ebuyer and check reviews etc. Ebuyer's probably pretty decent pricewise too? I dunno, I've been confused since all the HDD prices got thrown out of whack.

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