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iOS and Windows.


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Afternoon y'all.


I'm probably going to sell my MacBook Pro and get a average Windows notebook as I seem to use my iPhone and iPad 90% of the time and can't justify having a £1000 laptop for how little it's used.


My only concern is how Apple stuff works on Windows, and I just want to know if there is anything that won't work. I'm guessing not, I just want to make sure.


Obviously Safari and iTunes are fine, does wireless syncing work? Does MobileMe/iCloud work fine?


Basically is there anything I should be aware of?



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Hm, I used to agree but now I think Itunes works fine on modern Win 7 machines. It goes like lightning on my i7, and pretty well on my g/f's year-old mid-range laptop. Not as well as it does on OSX though. And of course, it's much slower than the likes of Foobar, but then that won't sync your apps or anything like that.


iCloud works fine. Wireless syncing... sometimes I get a "your phone could not be synced" error with no explanation whatsoever but that's probably more the fault of my network.

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iTunes isn't fine. It runs like a decrepit old lady in a vat of treacle. It is a piece of crap.


But then again it sucks giant ass on a Mac as well, doesn't it? It's an okay program, but they kind of use it for everything so it became this jack of all trades but master of none type of software.


Also, why do you "need" Safari, Caris?

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If you have to use iTunes its fine. Its nowhere near as good as the Mac version, but it works. For what it is, it has a massive file size (~256MB I think) though.


As far as browsers go, DO NOT, under any circumstances use Safari on Windows, even in OS X its one of the weaker browsers, but in windows it has the added problem of terrible performance and an interface that resembles a badly made Aqua skin. The only thing it has going for it at all is the fact that it uses WebKit, which both IE (9) and Chrome use.


Chrome/Chromium are good if speed is what you want, but they don't have the add on support that Firefox does. Firefox is pretty versatile, and more recent versions are quite a bit faster than it has been when compared to Chrome. Firefox doesn't have the same memory issues that Chrome does. Opera while not absolutely terrible isn't great at conforming to standards (meaning pages don't always display correctly), although it tends to be the most innovative as far as new features are concerned (although the same features are usually implemented better in other browsers latter on). IE, although better since version 9 is still the browser of people who don't know how to install another browser.

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