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Loved the concept until it went all super-meat-boy, then I couldn't be bothered.


I want something that isn't time sensitive, or about quick reflexes. I want a smart game!


(says me playing bulletstorm for the first time, btw)


OMG, Bulletstorm is amazing. I thought it was going to be utter turd.


I've never played Super-Meat-Boy. I like the art direction in this (in other words, I fucking love pixels). Also the messages on the wall, very Portal.


Yeaah, but I dislike the whole mentality that a game has to be bastard hard. I like games that aren't pressuring you to be pixel perfect, and for stealth I think of Hitman or MGS, where really there are alternative ways of completing an objective. This looks too sensitive. Essentially, if I look at a level and go "oh, so to solve it you need to do that..." I want to then be able to do that without being forced to feel like a retard because my hand/eye coordination isn't up to scratch with my cognitive processes.

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