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Dark Wolf

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I don't find it that hard to work under pressure either. At the moment I'm doing a BTEC Diploma, and last academic year I sat back and chilled out, then did half a years work in the final week and got merits and distictions. This years a different matter though, as the work load goes up and up.


I finished my nat diploma last year and i, like you, left ALL of my work til the last minute. I kinna missed exams (mine was all coursework based) cause they were over in a matter of a few hours, but my assignments took me forever! the second year & second term is the hardest especially if like me you didn't do the assignments from the first term :heh: whoops!


I was never ever motivated to revise for gcses, (i had slipped discs and missed my mock exams) but i thank my lucky stars that i managed to do well :D

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I did alright in GCSEs but now I'm getting really fucking lazy.


I have so much work to do and I'm not so I'm just getting behind in subjects. The worst bit is I don't care. When it comes down to doing work or seeing my girlfriend I always chose her, I say I'll do it that night but she then just stays at mine so I don't do it then. It's just the same but with my bass playing too.


So kids, stay in school and do your fucking work or you'll end up like me.

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This is actually how i feel about my whole life, which is terrible i know.


I have no motivation for anything and haven't for at least a year..i feel quite depressed actually....i want to do something with my life but i can't.


God i wish i was someone else most of the time!



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i was in the same situation you are in now. i decided not to bother that much. i passed my GCSE's but they were only just passes. i was capable of really high grades as well. now i am training as an accountant and i tell you what i wish i had bothered at your stage. i have wasted 2 years trying to get better grades when i could have done it back then. it has cost me 2 years in training. if i had done better initially i would be qualified now and probably earning £50k a year easy but that is a very hard lesson to learn.


dude wtf are u smoking? i mean £50k starting pay for a accountant? i think your teacher has been feeding some pipedream to make u work harder, the average salary for a accountant once qualified is £25,000 and it goes up when u gain experience and the company u join (this if u you do the traditional route i.e uni degree etc) however if u get a degree from a top "red brick" uni like Oxbridge, then it is possible to get at least £30k and up, the only job that will get a a high starting pay with is academic prone jobs like a doctor (which i believe is £70,000) or dentist etc,


back to the topic


i know how u feel, at gcse i got crap grades (mostly c's d's e's) due to the fact that i was not bothered, however once i hit a level, i started to get my act together and became more motivated due to the fact in summer 03 i was doing degrading job at the airport, which was pushing baggage trolley’s (hey i needed a job), any most of the time people looked down at us, swearing, making fun etc, so i made a pact with my self, i will get to uni and gain a first, so any how when i finished my 2yrs at college (which i miss dearly) pulled ABC grades at a level, (quite a achievement for a person, who was predicted to work in a factory after i leave school) any how i am at uni now doing computer science and its gong well but i may change


my advice is to you is get a crappy job some thing like a labour and u will see how hard life is and how worthless u will feel, it'll give you the right motivation n to get back in to education

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