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It's ok. Suffers from a few irritating problems but the base idea is great.


Needs a volume button, and the UI needs to look better. It's very clunky.


Yeah imo the base idea on this is fantastic, great twist on two already existing formulas. Totally can't beat Mt Moon yet though :p


As Dyson said, it's a bit annoying in places, but once getting used to it I guess it's not too bad. One thing, why did you not make the pokemon swappable betweeen spots? You can't just drop one on the other and have them switch round, which would have been nicer for when you're moving them around etc.


Yeah I wish you could swap. I have beaten all of the available levels :p There is clearly a lot of work to be done and not enough levels. There aren't enough levels to do the levelling he wants without hardcore grinding(which is what I did :woops:). The difficulty curve is almost vertical :nono:


Pikachu lvl 32

Beedrill lvl 32

Butterfree lvl 32

Other beedrill lvl 31

Wartortle lvl 28

Ivysaur lvl 28


So who made it? Definitely needs some adjusting on the ol' difficulty curve, I had to replay/grind a few levels to beat the 'gym' but Mt Moon is a stupid step-up from the previous level. It'll probably lose people quickly like that. It's kind of already lost me because of it :p


Yeah and cerulean gym is ridiculous, that took so much grinding. I think it's not worth it until it is finished tbh, and has more levels to let gradually level.


Looks like a Pokemon game style of difficulty.


Nah pokemon games are easy, you can win with almost no grinding.

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