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My Fake Pokémon Bring All the Nerds 2 the Yard & They're Like "Its Better than Ninty"


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I did start drawing Mecrobit but I couldn't visually make it different enough from Black & White's cell Pokémon, so I made this dust mite one instead. But I will be sticking mostly to the list I posted.




COUGHY: http://urionpokedex.tumblr.com/tagged/coughy

STALEMITE: http://urionpokedex.tumblr.com/tagged/stalemite

dA: http://spune.deviantart.com/art/81-Coughy-82-Stalemite-208052969



Coughy is tiny but you can always sense one is in the room as you begin to start coughing. It’s body is made of a super absorbent material which draws in fresh air. It uses the air it intakes to float about and have fun, not really realising everyone in the room is choking.


So while the Pokémon is quite small, don’t underestimate it. It’s “Stale Air” ability means the Pokémon it battles will get the unique “Suffocate” effect, meaning all their stats drop each turn.



Stalemite likes to sleep in attics, slowly drawing in the fresh air of a house and converting it into stuffy air. If they go outside though, there is so much fresh air they can “drown”.


Sometimes families of them are found in old buildings, sleeping in huge mounds. Trainers are often called upon to catch them before old buildings are knocked down.

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Did you steal my poorly? Did you give me YOUR poorly? DAMN YOU REZ


Also lol digimon


Also I like everything except something about komit/astromit, didn't seem to fit for me


Without blowing my own trumpet, I don't think the odd unliked one is not a problem because there's enough of those in the real Gens.


Oh and this.








Also... OMG. Someone on DeviantArt said on my KALECTROID Fakémon "You gave me inspiration to make this".




I like to think my Kalectroids were a little more subtle than this. He also seems to have tried to mimic my template. :P

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Forgive the type in "Warriors"


Also Something Occurred To Me


I was watching the anime today, the episode in the Orange Islands which has a sunken ship and the Pokemon of a trainer from 300 years ago.


Now... the history of Pokemon training in the Poke-World is something not really covered...


What if at the end of Time & Space, you could travel into Urion 100 years ago? A whole new world, a whole new set of characters, some new Pokemon, new starters. Instead of a Pokedex, you had a diary and had to draw the Pokemon you found. It could be a cool bonus adventure, like going back to Kanto in Gold and Silver. And with interesting costumes and Pokemon centers and stuff...


Or am I going mad?

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What if at the end of Time & Space, you could travel into Urion 100 years ago? A whole new world, a whole new set of characters, some new Pokemon, new starters. Instead of a Pokedex, you had a diary and had to draw the Pokemon you found. It could be a cool bonus adventure, like going back to Kanto in Gold and Silver. And with interesting costumes and Pokemon centers and stuff...


Or am I going mad?


My first thought when reading this was 18th century/steampunk Pokémon.


I approve.

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My first thought when reading this was 18th century/steampunk Pokémon.


I approve.




SO! Brand new info leaked from the Japanese release of Time & Space tonight!


Once you defeat the Elite Four at Red Stadium and the Champion there is a whole wealth of new things to do!


Red Stadium


Here you can battle the Urion Elite, or a whole number of different Leauges including the Kanto Heroes, Rocket Elite, Sinnoh Warriors and Aqua Magma Team. New Leagues will be uploaded to play.


The Greco Islands


The Greco Islands will open up, home to the Pokélympics.


The Greco Islands are the only area of the game with a properly MMORPG. Everyone else there are other players and there are many different islands. You can even get an island of your own, a base of operations and find other trainers to be in a League with you! (Custom leagues can also be uploaded and battled at Red Stadium!) You can even start a Gym on your Island, designing the layout, hiring NPC trainers to stay in it, designing a badge (expect plenty of Penis and swastika Badges) and making a NPC version of you and your team as the Gym Leader.


On the main island, Mewey Island (named after a legendary Pokémon) there are three stadiums. The Battle Stadium (where you can battle players you've met with highly advanced options than those at normal Pokémon Centers), the Event Stadium (mini-games and events like those in Heart Gold / Soul Silver using your Pokémon) and the Contest Stadium (the contests from Ruby / Sapphire / Emerald). These are all called the Pokélympics.


This is the home of rankings, leader boards and competitive online Pokémon battling. It is also home to a comprehensive Search and Trade center when you can specifically search for a Pokémon you're after and see what they're willing to trade. You can also properly dress up your Pokemon (not the lame musical stuff from B&W, I mean buying actual stuff like neckerchiefs and things that they wear in battle.)


The Vortex Dex


The evil Time-Travelling Team Vortex have been defeated and you've taken their Vortex Dex... but what does it do?


If you take it back to Prof. Redwood he'll examine it and discover it is actually their means of teleporting back in time.


Press it and BANG! You're back in Urion but 100 years in the past.


You can only explore half of the map, as the rest is still forests, but here you'll get to see the dawn of Pokémon training and battling.


You need to get Pocket Monster Capsules (wind-up Poké-Balls). There is also a set of Pokémon not found in the main game! (I'll be designing about 30 extra "Historic Pokémon"). There is also 4 Gym Leaders and a basic Pokémon league too!


You can flip between the present and past whenever you want.


Pokémon Light Version


And while Ghozeon and Ghizero might have been captured... something still hides in space... a light... Ghortex! And what is Mewey and Minale... they look familiar?

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The more that I read about your awesome Pokemon games, the more I feel saddened that they will never actually be released... :(


... I want to play them and would pre-order them now if I could. :p



But alas I cannot, anyway keep up the excellent work Hamish. : peace:

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Cheers! It's all just a concept. I doubt anything close to my dream would ever happen.


Anyway, here's some more Gym Leaders. I dunno why I'm even doing these, they just make me happy. I'll do some more Fakemon soon. I've finished my uni projects, so I'll have more free time. :)





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This isn't really related but seeing the entirety of Kanto mapped out in Minecraft makes me more than ever want to see the Pokemon world in full 3D.



In my game I'd retain the classic top down look and everything but just make it bright and colourful and 3D with a moveable camera like this.

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This isn't really related but seeing the entirety of Kanto mapped out in Minecraft makes me more than ever want to see the Pokemon world in full 3D.



In my game I'd retain the classic top down look and everything but just make it bright and colourful and 3D with a moveable camera like this.


That's insanely fucking amazing.

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