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Gaikai: Cloud based gaming it works!


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Ok so those not in the know Gaikai is very similar to OnLive in that they have this idea of Cloud Based gaming being the future. However they are slightly different in that they plan on doing it purely through your browser.


I signed up for the beta ages ago and got sent my email the other day to play...and all I can say is wow! I own a Samsung NC10 netbook and I played get this Mass Effect 2 in real time with no lag and only slightly reduced graphics at times....all through my browser window. At the moment the system is still buggy in that they sometimes struggle to connect you due to high network usage but after seeing it work and playing myself there is little doubt in my mind that once they roll out the infrastruture this service cannot possibly fail if they get the support and pricing structure correctly.

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Not that anyone seems interested enough to reply but more news none the less it would seem they've rolled it out beyond the initial Sunday invite I got. Seriously try it out on the crappest PC you own and be amazed at how well it works!


David Perry's cloud-based gaming service Gaikai.com launched quietly on Sunday, and is now officially in open beta.


Perry sent out a blast of 1000 invites on Sunday, and another 10,000 after that. Players are hitting 15 of Gaikai.com's 24 data centres, Perry wrote on his blog.


Perry will continue to send out invite blasts in waves of 10,000 until all reported issues are fixed.


Gaikai.com launched with sci-fi role-player Mass Effect 2. "Bioware simply rocks," Perry said. "They've been very supportive as has Electronic Arts. The good news for them is we are getting a surprising amount of people clicking 'BUY' without even making them a special offer."


60 deals are in the works. Invites for a "special build" of Second Life have also been sent out.


To get invited, you have to register on Gaikai.com. The site checks your internet connection to see if it's fast enough – or you're close enough to a server – to stream videogames.


"Everyone will be getting invited in batches and if you are too far from our servers, don't worry you've actually helped as you've shown us where we need to install more data centres," Perry offered.


"We're effectively reverse-engineering the internet, letting the traffic show us where the best data centre position would give access to the most people."


Last year Digital Foundry took a close look at Gaikai.com, and Tom chatted with Perry in an interview.






Also just to say I have now completed the full 90 min demo without a hitch!

Edited by flameboy
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OnLive works too. The concept is not that special.



To be fair onlive needs a client to run and currently only works in america. Gaikai will work on any comptuer anywhere which I think sets it apart... Both are great and its still amazing to have my lil netbook running mass effect 2 when it struggles to run games that are a few years old.

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To be fair onlive needs a client to run and currently only works in america. Gaikai will work on any comptuer anywhere which I think sets it apart... Both are great and its still amazing to have my lil netbook running mass effect 2 when it struggles to run games that are a few years old.


Ok I will try it out though I can run Mass Effect 2 demo maxxed anyway.

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No pleasing some people lol! Well I have a crap pc because I gave up long ago on the rat race of upgrading my pc. However in this case have the advantage of being in one the fastest areas for internet. However they do say it can run on lines of around 2mbps. Also apparently will run on linux machines and even eventually ipads etc through safari they've had WoW up and running on it!


I think this tech is great I think and the way forward or a way forward certainly. I'd pay to play games via such services if it worked as well as this. I'm hoping mass effect 1 pops up and I may end buying both them via them instead of the new stand alone version on PS3!


Posted from my BlackBerry using BerryBlab

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It's times like these when I wish I had cable. Still, might get fast speeds here one day, Philips have come up with a new tech that allows 750Mbps over copper with only minor modifications to the exchange. Once that hits the market hopefully BT will upgrade us (I'd even happily pay, but right now they'll only consider upgrading us if 75% of the 750 houses in the area petition them).

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It's times like these when I wish I had cable. Still, might get fast speeds here one day, Philips have come up with a new tech that allows 750Mbps over copper with only minor modifications to the exchange. Once that hits the market hopefully BT will upgrade us (I'd even happily pay, but right now they'll only consider upgrading us if 75% of the 750 houses in the area petition them).

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