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Windows Live Login Problem(s)


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Hello All


I don't usually post a lot of issues (ok, sometimes i lie). Here is one though i am having, and cannot put my finger on to solve.


I am having an issue with my MSN login, namely Messenger. Everytime i type the password in and press "save", it stores it with 1 less digit. I have tried numerous times to fix this, including wiping Live and re-installing it, deleting all credentials and all that.


Anyone got any ideas how to help with this, i had no problem before i changed my password (i'm not changing back, i was hacked last time with that password)

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You've said you're not changing your password back... ok, but have you tried just changing your password to something else to just test it?


It would help narrow down the issue...


It seems to have solved itself, somehow. Cheers for the advice though.

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