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Killzone 3


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Ofcourse. If i can.


Got my Helghast Editon. The box is much bigger than a console box lol. I wish the helmet could be worn and had lit eyes :p but its made of nice parts and materials. Artbook is nice and the Marksman figure is very nice. Its actually a toy you can move around etc. Another steel edition also included inside.


If you got it at a discount I'll lose the will to live.


I'll play tonight once I've activated my code.

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If you got it at a discount I'll lose the will to live.


I'll play tonight once I've activated my code.


I'll shut keep my mouth shut :heh:


Use the 24 hour xp code when you have time and watch the ranks fly. It takes ages to level up later on.

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Hopefully anonn. are not messing up PSN servers today.


I just intended to play the dlc for a short while and then played till 4am :p


Stahl Arms is perhaps one of the absolute best Killzone maps to date. Very well designed. Graphically it is a showcase stage(Junkyard is also awesome with rain). There are only two but very well placed tactical spawn points. There are no artillery strike spawns. The map is very easy to navigate. It is open ended but very dense with equipment from the factory with rooms and indoor bits (stahl arms single player but a fully unique map). Multilayered and good verticality in design. The middle and outside have different floors. Should have been on the disk not dlc. Every moment is a pleasure in this map. I fail to see why this did not make it to disk when maps like Frozen Dam or Mawlr Graveyard do! It on fact might be my favourite map in the game.


Also I would like to give a mention for Junkyard having those swaying containers. Standing on them is pretty cool as they wobble and adds to the immersion. I think more fps should do that.

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I've been borrowing this and I have to say that I really don't rate it. There's just too much bullshit to contend with.

Killzone 2 still trumps this.


Which things to do you think are bullshit?


I don't think its quite as good as KZ2 so far but nevertheless an excellent game. Yesterdays patch and map pack brings it even more closer and i played into the morning. Ribbons less effective and mute all option for example. Now that they have moved offices hopefully they can roll out the patches faster. A fix for dlc map rotation is also being tested right now. For custom games people a patch incoming for turning off certain abilities/ stages of a class.


Though I question why Frozen Dam made it onto disk and not Stahl Arms? Played BLOPS, Crysis 2, Homefront, Brink and Socom(betas/demo) recently and they don't handle a candle to KZ3 in terms of fun factor or netcode.

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Some of these I've mentioned before but here we go:


- New class system. Namely the choices made available to you; having scouts that can doorway camp, completely invisible, whilst housing an assault rifle/machine pistol... Stupid. Plus they can no longer be marked. It's an exploit, and it's milked for all it's worth.


-Less health. You die a lot more frequently. It can be easy to tear up on Guerilla Warfare, but Warzone is unmanageable in a 32 player match when there's so many things to inflict damage


- Like rocket-firing turrets


- Especially when there's little to differentiate weapons now, allowing all classes to have long-range options


- And ribbons. Why add ribbons? No


- Warzone was destroyed. More games have ended in one-sided spawn camping, made more ridiculous by the overpowered classes. Removing boost and spawn grenades has meant matches can be over before they get anywhere. You can't exert as much control over the game, considering health limitations. Tacticians aren't as viable when their abilities have been changed to more passive roles. They're vital to have but remain comparatively weak.


- Maps with choke points. This makes Warzone an absolute chore to play, and restricts any freedom you felt in the openness of Killzone 2


- In maps with two spawn points, either one team dominates both and therefore wins the game, or they act to discourage team work by lying opposite each other. It boils down into a gun-fight across an expanse, blinding players from their objectives because they can get an easy buzz fix.


-In this way, Guerilla Warfare is the only thing worth playing (it's hard to matchmake in operation, and my thoughts on Warzone are already clear). This is a shame because teamwork and class abilities don't really apply to this mode. It's frantic and entertaining, but it's not what Killzone is about, and other FPS games provide a team deathmatch mode with more depth, and don't get boring as easily. There's no progressive/slow-building matches anymore. You hurtle into a fire-fight immediately with every bloody spawn.


- Gone is the progressive/slow building game.


There's other niggles when I play the bastardised thing, and I'm glad I didn't buy it in the end. It might look like a more streamlined sequel, but the formula is radically different. More importantly the design choices were just naive. The concepts might've sounded enjoyable on paper but the reality is that they've destroyed it. They bit off more they could chew, yet not changed up the right things. All I can say I like about it is the reward interface (for scoring triple kills and the like) and the pretty visuals. But neither points come close to redeeming the game.

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I am glad Guerrilla Games listened to the right people in the betas for both games. Feedback is a tricky business because everyone has an opinion.


Perfect example: The Marksmen may seem unbalanced at first sight, but they are perhaps the weakest class. Tip: Even when invisible, cross hairs can catch them by simply looking at them and go red. Works a mile away with a pistol or right up close. So scan sniping spots whether close or from the other side of the map(!). Also do not forget that their radar defences work at 15m distance only. Lastly, have fun killing them. I swear some people do this so I can get free Marksmen kills.


I wont go through the rest of them as all are actually areas where KZ3 excels compared to KZ2.


KZ3's main disadvantage compared to KZ2 is in map design. 8 Warzone maps are not enough especially when some are weak. Custom public games are another. KZ2 needed that as it was imbalanced. I still think lots of playlists/gametypes should be a normal part of the franchise in the future. Lastly polish. KZ2 was more polished at launch. But maps are the main issue right now. When the game doesnt feel good, everything feels wrong sometimes. It can be tricky finding what works and what does not.


When you play a very good map(Stahl Arms or Bilgarsk Boulevard) the game feels perfect and all the little annoyances or issues melt away. So Map design is the main thing they need to get right for future dlc. Stahl Arms is a very good map so i am excited and I hope they can keep releasing good maps. At launch I was not as excited to play as I am right now funnily enough lol.

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I can't understand the hate some of you lot are giving this - it's easily my fave first person shooter right now. Looking forward to playing tomorrow night when I get back from Portugal. The new DLC pack sounds sweet and the fact it´s free for PS plus users is brill.


I guess I´ve been lucky as myself flameboy and deathjam have all been playing with the guys over at Gamerdork and an 8 man squad is a hoot!

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I can't understand the hate some of you lot are giving this - it's easily my fave first person shooter right now. Looking forward to playing tomorrow night when I get back from Portugal. The new DLC pack sounds sweet and the fact it´s free for PS plus users is brill.


I guess I´ve been lucky as myself flameboy and deathjam have all been playing with the guys over at Gamerdork and an 8 man squad is a hoot!


I applied but no one got back to me. I may contact someone. I am in a crazy clan right now anyway :)


Did a match where I got over 27000 xp and over 80 kills. Was a very close match. My highest xp match ever was over 30k. I should take pictures :p


Loving it here too. I was very worried when i got the game but the more i play, the more i love it. I have played some KZ2 on the side to compare and contrast the changes etc. Right now KZ3 is looking excellent long term compared to KZ2. I only have 4 unlocks left(12 points worth). The increased tools in this game make a big difference. Everything seems well designed after the induction period. I think many people and myself were rightfully worried though as the first beta was a real mess and it instilled little faith in what was happening(right or wrong). But that is exactly why betas are so handy.

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I can't understand the hate some of you lot are giving this - it's easily my fave first person shooter right now. Looking forward to playing tomorrow night when I get back from Portugal. The new DLC pack sounds sweet and the fact it´s free for PS plus users is brill.


I guess I´ve been lucky as myself flameboy and deathjam have all been playing with the guys over at Gamerdork and an 8 man squad is a hoot!


Yeah it has been so much fun I won't be on for 2 weeks now though girlfriend is visiting from Canada can't see me getting the time!

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Not an actual announcement yet but soon:


Hey all,


The next patch is incoming. We don’t know exactly when the patch will be released yet, but we are aiming for the beginning of next week. It will go live at the same time world wide and we will also be doing a server update around that time to support the patch.


Patch 1.08 Contents list:


Fix for DLC map rotation - Matchmaking will make the closest possible match based on the maps players have and other players online. All maps will be included in the map voting when rolling over to the next round

Fix for a network error (5022) after respawning in Pyrrhus Crater

Fix for a crash in Kaznan Jungle at the end of the round

Fix for a crash in 16 user Custom Games on Corinth Highway

Once we have a solid date and time we will update you.




Looking good. Awesome support so far. Other major stuff is also planned in the near future including more custom games options for things like class abilities etc.


The dlc levels will only show up in map votes or matchmaking if the group you are in has the maps. No kicking people off or forced rotations, going by what Lev says. So playing with friends is easy.


Should reach level 40 tonight if i am allowed to play(playing coop LBP 2 lately). Level 42 = everything unlocked. The 3 ranks after that are extras much like KZ2.


I am a bit surprised at how much I am liking this game. It has come out much better than the recent competition in almost every way possible offline or online (BLOPS, Homefront and Crysis 2) and bests KZ2. With the beta I admit I fell into the 'demo' trap and went into the game with the preconception, 'kz2 is better'. Final game came out much better and the patch support has also made a big difference :)

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