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Cirque des Enfants (ANIMATED SHORT)


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To elaborate what I said on twitter.


I like it, definitely creepy (but then the circus normally is :p). But particularly sinister anyway. Some nice designs, I like the evil owner guy with the huge nose.


One question about it though; why is it so 'wobbly'? Presumably intentional but I found it a bit jarring personally.


And to be nosey; which uni are you going to?


Keep up the good work :)

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Thanks for the comments.


The wobbliness was intentional, and to give it a hand drawn feel. You're the first person who hasn't liked that actually, most point it out as a plus. I wanted to get as far away from the cold, smooth flash look that too many cartoons have these days.


Oh and I'm going to Kingston. :)

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Thanks for the comments.


The wobbliness was intentional, and to give it a hand drawn feel. You're the first person who hasn't liked that actually, most point it out as a plus. I wanted to get as far away from the cold, smooth flash look that too many cartoons have these days.


Oh and I'm going to Kingston. :)


I didn't say it was bad, just jarring :p Which can work given the theme. I dunno, I felt a bit drunk at times :p But by no means would I say its bad and should be removed, just a comment.


And cool, I'm heading off to Central St Martins (Uni of the Arts...people tend to give me a strange look if I just say CSM).

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Hey I'm going to Kingston! (unless my parents TOTALLY REWIN MY LYFE AND SAY I CANT)


Loving it.




Anyway, it was pretty cool. I got that the wobbliness was to make it a bit more vivid and lively, it was fine for me personally. I liked the story, it was cute/creepy. :)

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I'm at a local college completing an Art Foundation course before I specialise at uni. Everyones doing totally different things for the final project, this film will be up against textiles pieces, photography, huge life drawings, paintings, etc. It's pretty awesome.

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So yeah, now I'm an award winning film maker. :P I won the art college's Best Film Prize and got myself £100 so top banana! :)


I'm collaborating with the musician again for a shorter video but it couldn't be further from this film so don't expect more of the same :p. Think more... ThunderCats meets ... Tron...

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