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Call of Duty: Black Ops

Zechs Merquise

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The lack of Wii Speak in Goldeneye has me thinking that this won't support it either, but there is hope as back in May there were reprorts that Treyarch were negotiating with Nintendo about having no friends codes and including Wii Speak support plus this is the first Wii version of a COD game that will have an online Co-Operative mode, so it would be foolish not to include voice chat for that mode at least!

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The Call of Duty multiplayer reveal event was last night... here's some vids and what was revealed:




EDIT: GT have just posted a new one:



These are obviously NOT from the Wii version, but should give a very good indication of what to expect.


This is what was learned last night:


- There are Pro Perks, no stopping power

- Secondaries: are pistols, crossbow, and launchers

- Equipment: Camera Spike, C4, TI, Jammer, motion sensor, Claymore.

- Tier One Perks: Lightweight. Scavenger. Ghost. Flak Jacket. Hardline

- Tier Two Perks – Hardened. Scout. Steady Aim. Sleight of Hand. Warlord.

- Tier Three Perks: Marathon. Ninja. Second Chance. Hacker. Tactical Mask

- Lethal Grenades: Tomahawk. Frag. Semtex.

- Tactical Grenades – Willy Pete (smoke), Nova Gas, Flash Bang, Concussion, Decoy

- Launchers: M72, RPG, Strela, China Lake

- Sleight of Hand, Steady Aim are back

- Tier 1 Perk choices show up on your character – flak jacket, scavenger, etc.

- When you sprint and go prone, you dive

- 50 ranks for prestige

- CTF confirmed

- Killstreaks come form kills you get yourself, don’t count kills from other killstreaks

- Map names: Fuel, Summit, Cracked, and Radiation

- Spectator Mode

- No Juggernaut, stopping power

- Bling called Overlord, Tier 2 Perk

- Can play with bots

- Combat Training: sort of like multiplayer training

- Combat training has a progression system (not the same one as online)

- Combat Training designed for those who don’t play online

- When creating a class, can see your character on the menu

- New weapons in Care Packages

- These weapons include the Death Machine and Grim Reaper

- Death Machine is a mini gun

- Grim Reaper is a grenade launcher

- Killstreak rewards include Napalm Strike, Gunship, Mortar Team, the Radio Controller Car, SAM Turret

- SAM Turret can take down a chopper

- Currency: Earn money (CP)

- Buy contracts with CP

- Contracts are limited challenges

- Mercenaries, Operations, Specialist categories for challenges

- Particular gameplay and achievements for the challenges

- Better reward for a more difficult contract

- Wager Match: gambling, bet points during a match

- Top three players earn points from the pot

- Four new modes for Wager Match

- Sticks and Stones: Crossbow and throwing knife available

- Gun Game: Have a pistal, obtain more weapons with more kills

- Sharpshooter: Every player has the same weapon, unlock perks per kill

- Customization: Player emblem, red dot, color pattern, different gun colors with decals, targeting reticule

- Emblem editor (includes images, layers, background)

- Theater Mode: Choose a player’s perspective (first or third-person)

- Can remove the camera in theater mode and move it around freely

- Tag, edit, search videos in the theater


I should imagine that the theatre mode will NOT be making it to the Wii. However Treyarch already confirmed that Co-op and other modes would.


EDIT: Awesome youtube video explaining a lot, this is just part one of a striong of vids and I recommend watching them!


Edited by Zechs Merquise
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The list of perks has been released, at this point some of the pro perks are still to be revealed:


Perk Slot 1


Lightweight | Lightweight Pro


Ability: This allows you to move faster, but how fast depends on the weapons mobility.


Pro Ability: This gives you the chance to aim faster after sprinting.


Scavenger | Scavenger Pro


Ability: Resupply from dead players. This is great for weapons and launchers that run out of ammo quickly.


Pro Ability: Doubles your ammo with extra magazines.


Ghost | Ghost Pro


Ability: Ghost is similar to the Cold Blooded perk from Modern Warfare 2. Enemy AI controlled killstreak rewards are unable to see or attack you. You only show up on the radar if you fire a weapon that doesn't have a silencer.


Pro Ability: The enemy won't see your name or a red crosshair when targeting you.


Flak Jacket | Flak Jacket Pro


Ability: This perk reduces explosive damage and allows you to survive nearly any indirect explosive attack. The Flak Jacket was first featured in Call of Duty: World at War.


Pro Ability: ???


Hardline | Hardline Pro


Ability: Killstreaks require 1 less kill. For example, the RC-XD normally requires 3 kills, but with Hardline you only need 2 kills.


Pro Ability: ???




Perk Slot 2


Hardened | Hardened Pro


Ability: This gives your weapon increased bullet penetration. Works just like the FMJ attachment from Modern Warfare 2.


Pro Ability: ???


Scout | Scout Pro


Ability: Increases the time you can steady a weapons scope. This is very useful with sniper rifles.


Pro Ability: ???


Steady Aim | Steady Aim Pro


Ability: Significantly increases hip fire accuracy. This should be used with the Dual Wield attachment, since Dual Wield prevents you from aiming down on the sights.


Pro Ability: ???


Sleight of Hand | Sleight of Hand Pro


Ability: Cuts the weapons reload time in half. This should be familiar to Call of Duty veterans. Useful with light machine guns since they have long reload times.


Pro Ability: Allows you to aim faster. This halves the time it takes to aim down the sight.


Warlord | Warlord Pro


Ability: Bling returns from Modern Warfare 2 with a new name. This allows you to equip 2 attachments to your primary weapon.


Pro Ability: Allows you to equip 2 attachments to your primary and secondary weapon.




Perk Slot 3


Marathon | Marathon Pro


Ability: Extends your sprint time. Marathon does not increase sprint speed or give you unlimited sprint.


Pro Ability: ???


Ninja | Ninja Pro


Ability: Makes your footsteps silent, thus giving you a powerful stealth advantage.


Pro Ability: ???


Second Chance | Second Chance Pro


Ability: Allows you to survive a normal death. You will drop to the ground and pull out your handgun. Second Chance ends after 10 seconds or if you take a single hit from the enemy, and in both cases, you will die.


Pro Ability: You can use your equipment as well as your handgun.


Hacker | Hacker Pro


Ability: Allows you to detect enemy explosives and Tactical Insertions. This highlights them with a red color.


This is basically SitRep from Modern Warfare 2.


Pro Ability: Allows you to booby trap enemy Care Packages and turn enemy killstreaks and equipment friendly. For example Sentry Guns, Claymores, SAM Turrets, etc.


Tactical Mask | Tactical Mask Pro


Ability: Makes you resistant to flash bangs and gases.


Pro Ability: ???

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I have no idea what to do regarding this, get the 360 version and play with annoying people but enjoy the single player as it was meant to be played (HD graphics n all) or get the wii version and play online with a group of people who I can have a good banter with (ala the conduit & MH Tri)

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I have no idea what to do regarding this, get the 360 version and play with annoying people but enjoy the single player as it was meant to be played (HD graphics n all) or get the wii version and play online with a group of people who I can have a good banter with (ala the conduit & MH Tri)


You know what you should do Lostmario, you know what you should do!






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We'll see, last year I got Modern Warfare 2 for £20 on release.


If I could somehow get that kind of deal again, I'll buy 360 version, finish single player and trade it for the wii version. Chances of that are slim though.


How much is the Wii version going to be on release?

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How much is the Wii version going to be on release?


It'll be £30/£35. The supermarkets have never done a deal on the Wii version of C.O.D , as the Wii version doesn't 'exist' when it comes to the marketing and promotions side of this game.


Anywhoo just spotted this over at Play.com :-




All the features of the original Nintendo remote

Remote works with Motion Plus

Compatible with all Accessories

Includes Remote Skin





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With the Wii version being a FULL version like MWR, and this time including voice chat, the preference is really down to how you like your controls or whether you value the HD graphics or not. I'll be defo getting the Wii version on release, also I'll be picking up the headset, I really hope Lostmario, Mokong, Welshgamer, Ben and of course Kav will be picking it up too. An [N-E] clan is a must!


I should imagine this will sell well over a million units and will have a good online community, just like the other Wii COD games.

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With the Wii version being a FULL version like MWR, and this time including voice chat, the preference is really down to how you like your controls or whether you value the HD graphics or not. I'll be defo getting the Wii version on release, also I'll be picking up the headset, I really hope Lostmario, Mokong, Welshgamer, Ben and of course Kav will be picking it up too. An [N-E] clan is a must!


I should imagine this will sell well over a million units and will have a good online community, just like the other Wii COD games.


I'm getting the Wii version for sure, the controls seal the deal for me... I'm getting it with the headset too!

[N-E] clan for the win!

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I'm getting the Wii version for sure, the controls seal the deal for me... I'm getting it with the headset too!

[N-E] clan for the win!


Well, after this afternoon's massacre, could you do anything else but get it? We were on fire until that last game, when to be fair we were 'codded out' hahaha.


But seriously, if anyone wants to join us on MWR in the run up to COD:BO please do, we chat on Skype to co-ordinate, so if your PC is close to your Wii or you have Skype on your phone, get on board!

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List of weapons and attachments!


Assault rifles


■ M16

■ Enfield

■ M14

■ Famas

■ Galil



■ AK-47

■ Commando

■ G11


Sniper rifles


■ L96AW

■ Dragunov

■ WA2000

■ M40


Submachine guns


■ MP5k

■ Skorpion

■ MAC-10

■ AK74u

■ Uzi

■ PM63


■ Spectre


Light Machine Guns


■ HK21


■ M60

■ Mini-Gun (obtained from Care Packages)





■ KS-23

■ Beretta

■ Ithaca

■ HK-10




■ Crossbow




■ M1911

■ .357 Magnum

■ Python

■ Makerov


■ CZ75




■ M202A1 “Grim Reaper†Rocket Launcher

■ RPG-7

■ China Lake Pump Action Grenade Launcher

■ Strela

■ M72


Assault Rifle Attachments


■ Extended Mags (500CP)

■ Dual Mag (500CP)

■ ACOG (750CP)

■ Red Dot Sight (750CP)

■ Reflex (750CP)

■ Masterkey (750 CP)

■ Flamethrower

■ Infrared Scope (1000CP)

■ Grenade Launcher (1000CP)

■ Suppressor


Pistol Attachments


■ ACOG (750CP)

■ Snub Nose (750CP)

■ Speed Reloader (750CP)

■ Dual Wield

■ Upgraded Iron Sights


Lethal Grenades


■ M67 Frag Grenage

■ Semtex/Sticky Grenade

■ Tomahawk


Tactical Grenades


■ Nova Gas

■ Willy Pete (Smoke Grenade)

■ Flash Bang

■ Concussion

■ Decoy


Alternate Ammo


■ Incendiary ‘Dragon’s Breath’ Shotgun Rounds

■ Explosive Tipped Crossbow Bolts




■ Camera Spike (2000CP)

■ C4 (2000CP)

■ Tactical Insertion (2500CP)

■ Jammer (2500CP)

■ Motion Sensor (3000CP)

■ Claymore (3000CP)




■ Knife

■ Ballistic Knife


Custom Reticles


■ Dot

■ Semicircle

■ Line with dot

■ Circle

■ Smiley

■ Arrows Horizontal

■ Arrows Vertical

■ Arrows with dot

■ Boxes

■ Burst

■ Circle within a circle

■ Circle with dot

■ Circle with Crosshairs

■ Circle with inner line

■ Circle with outer line

■ Circle with arrows

■ Circle with triangles

■ Outer crosshairs

■ Small crosshairs

■ Large crosshairs

■ Diamond

■ Diamond outline

■ Heart

■ Radiation

■ Skull

■ Square

■ Square outline

■ Star

■ 3 dots

■ Treyarch

■ Triangle

■ Outer triangles

■ x

■ X with dot

■ yin yang




■ Sahara


■ Tiger

■ Berlin

■ Warsaw

■ Siberia

■ Yukon

■ Woodland

■ Dusty

■ Ice

■ Red

■ Olive

■ Flora


CP = Call of Duty Points required to purchase

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I can't wait for this game! It's seems to be that there are only a few people on the forum interested in the Wii version though... which is a bit disappointing as I was hoping for a fairly large [N-E] clan so that there's normally always a few of you knocking about to wage war on randoms! Haha

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Few questions before I decide whether to pick up the Wii version:


What co-op options does the Wii version have? Can you do a two-player split screen/online campaign mode? Does it have bots? Lastly, can you go online with more than one player on your console?

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Too bad they didn't include the Swedish K SMG:



Very strange, since it was a very popular gun among US Marines and CIA from Vietnam until at least the first Gulf war.


That is the full list revealed so far, so there could be one or two more in there! I'll do another post when everything's revealed. :)


Few questions before I decide whether to pick up the Wii version:


What co-op options does the Wii version have? Can you do a two-player split screen/online campaign mode? Does it have bots? Lastly, can you go online with more than one player on your console?


The Wii version is going to be as similar to the other versions as possible - Treyarch have already said this. The limits on it will likely be 5 vs 5 in multi, so that means no ground war, however all the other multi-player options will be in, just like in COD:MWR.


There is no co-op campaign in the other versions of the game, however the Wii version will again allow a second player to join in just like in WAW and MWR, but only as a reticule on screen. It's like a buddy mode, one player plays like a regular FPS and the second player comes along as a passenger and plays as an extra reticule allowing for double the firepower. This is only in the Wii version and not in other versions.


There is going to be a seperate co-op mode, which will most likely be a zombie mode, which is sort of confirmed as the preorder packs boast '4 classic zombie maps' which is a big hint of some form of zombie mode. Treyarch have said that the Wii will have the co-op modes. The co op modes are yet to be revealed to the media.


Apparently the game is going to feature a training mode which will include bots, however this is yet to be shown to the media.


I don't think you will be able to go online as two players from one console on the Wii version. This has never been the case in the past and I'm pretty sure this won't change.


So in summary:


YES to campaign co op of sorts (other versions won't have this)

YES to 99% complete multiplayer with voice chat

YES to online co op most likely in the form of a zombie mode

YES to bots

NO to two players going online from one console


Hope this helps :)

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