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Simple demo


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Hi guys long time reader (N64-europe days), first time..errr.."poster". I made this simple (very simple) demo of how the rev controller works for FPS. I made this for my own enjoyment and the majority of you would already know how it works... This is for people know nothing about the controller...



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Here is another simple movie of how a platformer might be done. I was worried that future mario games might not be much good with the new controller, but now i think it could be quite cool. although getting a good camera angle will be hard to pull off...



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nice stuff, thanks...but I really think we should just wait untill E3 2006 so we canactually see some graphics and controls. the only thing we have now are concepts



true...but i can't wait that long for real stuff!

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Nice attempt to demonstrate how it will work, but from a technical standpoint you've made one mistake; you depict the controller as pivoting about the front end, when in reality most of the controller movement is going to come from the wrist, so it should be the back end that the model pivots around.

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Fighting demo. Point and click on enemy to attack. "nunchuk" for movement, Z1 - punch, Z2 - Kick. (depending on where you clicked it will be high or low)


Might do another one with:

Special moves(powerfull attack, jump, etc) with "Pointer" Z-trigger or Big A, D-pad.



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Another demo: of the mario doing 3 jumps. Instead of clicking where you want to jump, you flick the controller up. This seems to be what nintendo are planning judging from the controller promo video of the girl flicking the controller...


nunchuk for movement.



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Guest Stefkov

cheers for the link to that win rar, some cool videos,

How bout the nextgen Zelda?[/Quote]

i agree wouldnt mind seeing a sword fighting one

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It's not too much work, I modelled the controller before (in cinema 4D). took about 2 days i think. the biggest problem is timing the controllers movements with the video clip. thats why all the videos are short.


I think the next zelda for rev will be in first person perspective (assuming the controller is used for swinging the sword). Can you see it working in 3rd person?




Interesting article...

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