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Eurogamer Expo 2009 October 30/31


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Why didn't you say hi?!


I wasn't bothered by that little game, it was just kind of annoying, grr.


Brink was my favourite thing of the whole day, I got a free tshirt from them guys too! Plus a little foam dude, which I didn't think I was allowed to take, but when I showed it to my group the guy who made them was behind me, thanking me for taking one. So now its start on my desk. :santa:


Definately going to try and go to another or next years. It was awesome, much better than I thought.


Only problem was the location, it was difficult to get food, tesco was wiped out of sandwiches and pizza express is way too expensive.




Yeah for a consumer show I think it was great. I mean I remember years and years ago going to ECTS back when I owned an Amiga, it wasn't a consumer show but so many people seemed to get tickets somehow (We got 4 off my uncle) that publishers started gearing their displays more towards this and would even sell you games there, as a kid I thought it was great getting thrust with all these games but realise how a lot of it was just the hard sell! One bloke in particular sticks who sold us some shitty light gun game on the Amiga which just didn't work and the light gun broke after a few months. This mix is good where there is something new for peop;e to play and even stuff thats new to the press as well...


As for Tesco next year they have to get their shit sorted and order more sandwiches...I do have a slight inkling that the show might not make it to Leeds next year...yes it was a success but in the Ask Eurogamer session they admitted they struggled to find a better venue and for the event to move forward I do think it needs to get bigger and try and ensure they push on to try and get more developers up north. I wonder if they might try Manchester or Newcastle next year?


I'm sat now in my Brink t-shirt still wearing my wristband with my journalist hat on getting ready to flood my blog with hands on impressions as well as observations.

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My shirts big for me being a medium, but its nice to have something for bed and having around in.


I'm annoyed with myself that I dismissed Brink and only went after the tshirt, serves me right for thinking a UK based game would be rubbish. :o


You should have known better seem as Bethesda have picked it up!

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I know, I know, silly me eh?!


Splash seem to be doing quite well then from the sounds of it too.


I'd say so yeah...


Anyway put a quick write up on my blog, theres more to come..




also if anyone has any pics please send me them I will pop them up on the site no matter what they are of and what the quality is.

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Today was also excellent! I found Stefkov fairly early on and had a great chat with him (I was relieved to find that it was indeed Stefkov, and that I hadn't pulled aside a random stranger), and spent the rest of the day gaming and talking to the various people at the careers fair. Unfortunately I missed the session that Johnny Minkley was doing, but he was nice enough to sit with me one on one and discuss getting into professional games journalism. He then forwarded me to Eurogamer editor Tom Bramwell, who now has my details for a potential work experience placement next year.


Amongest the highlights of the show were watching Nathan high five himself to play the co-op The Happening (seriously wtf was up with that game?)


I just want to highlight this for those of you who didn't experience Happening Game: it prompted me to fist player 2.

Edited by Tellyn
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Guest Stefkov

To be honest I think I'm quite used to meeting internet people so the meeting wasn't at all weird. But yah, glad to finally see the face of the chainsaw bayonet maniac.


In all I didn't think it was all that great. The only thing I really enjoyed was watching Heavy Rain and God of War 3, then the Brink talk. The rest of it seemed lacking.


I'm quite annoyed I missed this 'The Happening' game though. Sounds pretty good.

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