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Creepy Stories that happened to you

Guest Maase

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that is kinda creepy, but theres probebly a reasonable explanation. its human nature to pick out faces, even when they dont exist. the face of mars being a prie example.


obviosuly im not calling you a liar, years ago i had a ghostly expereince i was so sure was real, but over the years ive managed to explain it.


is there much scarier then hearing a bump in the night, especialy when alone? i have a lot of swords in my room, and if im in the house alone, i sleep with my katana in grabbing distance, despite never having had a single problem at my house in like, 15 years.



edit. a story this reminded me of. years ago id just got home fromt he cinema seeing signs, which for reasons i can't fathom, terrified the living piss out of me. i went tot he kitchen, and was all tense, so stood in the door way, flipped the light on while checking no one was stood outside. light comes on, see a human figure int he window, staring at me wild eyed. it took me a second to realise it was, in fact my own reflection.


It has a really crippy vibe to it. I remember I watching it during the day at a friends house with his dad and another 2 friends, but when that first sighting happened with the kids in Brazil, my heart skipped a beat.

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This isn't creepy as such, but I figure I could post it here.


My Dad has been trying to sell his old Toyota MR2 for a few weeks not but has had no luck. He was gonna put it in the new scrappage scheme for a new car until this morning.


He drove to Morrisons to get some stuff in and he pulled up next to this man with a new BMW. As my Dad got out the car the man said, nice car is it for sale haha? (joking) and my Dad said, it is actually. It turns out the man had just been to the cashpoint to draw some money out as he was going to buy another MR2 straight from there via another guy. So the man had a luck, explained it was the exact colour he was looking for. My Dad took him for a test drive then they shook hands and now it's sold.


Just thought that was pretty damn coincidental, freaky almost.


Yay! An MR2 saved from the scrappage scheme. What colour was it?

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Maase, creepy story dude, it scared me. Man, I feel sorry for you.


Remember, my story happened about four years ago...


Anyways my creepy story starts in a graveyard (I know, funny location) but still...


Me, my Dad and Grandad were researching our family history and we found their graves. We started to drive up to the graves where they were and we get out of my Grandad's car and start looking.

"They're here! I found them" he tells us.

Me and my Dad rush to find him (and I trip over....trust me to do that) and we found them, only the three headstones were flat on the floor, they weren't standing up.

"They must have fell over." I said to them.

"How would they have fallen over?" My Grandad asks.

We didn't really answer it because we were too busy looking at the headstones that have fell.

"How do you know this is the right one?" I asked.

"Our last name is on the back of them" he said.

Me and my Dad looked on the back and surely enough, in small writing, there was our last name.

"We're going to have to lift them up" my Dad said.

So I grabbed the left headstone and my Dad grabbed the middle and with a bit of struggle we managed to lift it up. It took us a minute, the thing was really heavy.

"Don't you lift that!" I told my Grandad. So I lifted it.

Anyways, fast-forwarding about twenty minutes about discussing who they are and what they done. We went back to the car.

The horn beeped three times and the lights flashed three times simultaneously. The alarm went on and off three times as well.

I ran straight to the car and no-one was in it. I checked the door and it was locked.

"...That's strange" my Grandad says.

My Dad looked at him. "I know, what the hell was that about?"

My Grandad shook his head. "No, not that. The alarm...it don't work, it never has"



I know it don't probably sound creepy now but back then, it was truly a WTF moment. My friend thinks it was them saying thank you for lifting their headstones, lol.

Edited by Animal
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In my old university house there was a poster of Lucy Pinder in her usual topless form on the inside of the kitchen door. During the day the door was jammed open so you never really noticed it, but at night the kitchen door would be left to swing closed. The result of this was that everytime I went to the toilet in the night I would open the bathroom door and have a heartattack at seeing the poster in the dark. (I would say I crapped myself, but that should have been taken care of in the toilet)


Also yesterday I heard my mum scream after seeing a terrifying figure. It turned out to be Tony Mowbray's face attached to a pillow.

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