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How much to charge? (Web Design)


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I was asked by my partners boss if I would be willing to design him a new website.


His old website is here is really dated and the company was charging him £120 a month for maintenance etc, he complained and they knocked it down to £70. Which is crazy to say all they really do is print out a stats page and send it to him every month.


His new website is here whilst not 100% complete you can get a good feel for the quality and how the overall look for the website.


I would like to update his

  • His company logo (probably unlikely)
  • Reposition a few images as they don't seem to site right (eg. the image on the home page)
  • Incorporate the navigation (Home, Eyecare, Services etc.) onto the main body as tabs instead of floating.
  • Create a newsletter subscription


The main question is how much do I charge for this design? Whilst I've never made a website before I cannot charge by the hour or set a price based on how much time I have invested into this website as I had a lot of trail and error and researching CSS etc. He did me a favor allowing me design his site. I do want the pay to reflect the time and effort I have put into the site. Could anyone give me a rough ball park figure?


Thanks :)

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charge as much as possible to get and maintain the contract. so you offer a cheaper price and more features = win win . So £60 is fine per month without even looking at the designs (actually its bloody good).



you can bill separaterly for the company logo. It is a separate piece design. or use it as a sweetener.



you will make money for a "maintenance contract". dont go for a lump sum. especially as you dont sound too experienced and will probably need to maintain your own initial mistakes. However, for an amateur, i would as for £150-£200 and guarantee to maintain it for 12 months.

Edited by blender
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While I'm doing something similar, I really can't say as I'm employed by the company and do other roles.


£70 a month is hugely expensive. They don't need a host with massive bandwidth/storage, and the stats could be done by Google Analytics (just slip a bit of code into each page - or one included page for php). I personally think that you could charge £50 a month and he'll be happy. It really depends on what you want out of it (and you could always ask for a one-off fee for the initial website),


The logo is another tricky one. It depends how integrated the old one is (business cards/signs/letters/etc).

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While I'm doing something similar, I really can't say as I'm employed by the company and do other roles.


£70 a month is hugely expensive. They don't need a host with massive bandwidth/storage, and the stats could be done by Google Analytics (just slip a bit of code into each page - or one included page for php). I personally think that you could charge £50 a month and he'll be happy. It really depends on what you want out of it (and you could always ask for a one-off fee for the initial website)


I can't believe he used to pay £120 a month to the company for hosting and for them to print him out a stats page and post it. Then if any changes needed to be made to they would charge him extra. OUCH!


I was thinking in the region of £300. With no monthly charge just a small fee when he needs anything to be updated. I don't want seem unfair as he didn't have to offer me the work, and the website is basic and could quiet easily go a few months without any changed therefore I don't feel a monthly fee would be appropriate.


I've just found out about Google Analytics today and I've already slipped it in :D

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