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Raining_again realised that Mcoy was making a joke and didn't want to come off as nasty. It's just Raining_again is very touchy about her skin condition! :heh:

If its any conselation, at the meet, i didnt notice it and nor did my girlfriend as far as i know.


AS goafer said, I dunno how much factor it does play but I heard allergies can be caused by growing up in conditions that are too sanitary, if you ain't exposed to dirt and all sorts of germs I think your body learns to fight them all wrong and spazzes out at harmless stuff, and BAM! There it is, your allergy. I find it amusing if that is the case(as a twist of fate, it's horrible for the girl, I'm hoping they could do something for her) that someone starts their life in such a sanitary world and is later forced to continue to live in it.


Personally if that were me, I don't know what the hell I'd do, come to think of it, what things could I even do? Is it a fair life and existence? I'm unsure I'd want it, though I've got the knowledge of what I'd be missing, whereas she has not. Which is worse?

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