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Unusual controllers

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Wait what? That doesn't sound right. The way I fire a rifle is with the Butt square against my shoulder. To aim down I'd lower my left hand which would lower the barrel, not raise my shoulder.


But the riffle would still be going at the same angle as the stick is going.

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I absolutely refuse and find it hard to believe how any non symetrical system can have a handedness.


I'm the oppsite. I'd find it hard to believe that a symetrical system could be handed. If it was non symetrical, there could be more emphasis on one side of the pad. If the half with more emphasis was more complex, it would benefit someone who has that side as their dominant side/hand.


A good example is a racing game. The right side of the pad is buttons and the trigger for accelerating, the left is steering. Since steering needs to be more accurate and the face buttons are either not used that often or are just an on/off sort of action, I'd say most precision is needed on the left side of the pad. Surely a left handed person would have the advantage since they have better control of their left hand than a right handed person, having used their left hand for most things throughout their life.



It's also like playing a guitar. There are right and left handed guitars. Left handed guitars are mirrored versions of the right handed ones, so you strum with your left hand and do the notes with your right. I would have thought it would be the opposite since choosing notes is quite tricky, but it could be that holding a plectrum is like holding a pen and needs to be done with the dominant hand.

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