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Conventional Wii comparible games


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This thread is all dedicated to all forms of conventional Wii compatible games.

It doesen't matter if it's a retail Wii game, Wiiware, VC or GC games. If it's good, conventional and somehow compatible with the Wii, it goes.


My tips:


Lylat Wars

I allways thought that on rails shoot em ups were an idiotic, lazy idea. Then I played Lylat Wars. I don't know how many times I've replayed the singleplayer mode, but I've collected all the medals, although I haven't finished the game on hard mode yet.


Metroid Prime

Kick ass game, great story, loads to do, but I'd wait for it to get released in the Play on Wii range:wink:


Soul Calibur II

Unfortunatelly, the best fighter out there, still four years after release. Special GC exclusive character was Link.


Hitman 2

Dark, dirty and huge fun. Didn't sell too well, so it's probably rare, but this Danish classic is deffo worth your cash.


Godfather: Blackhand Edition

Underrated alternative to GTA. The Wii version is the best version in my oppinion, the shooting mechanics work better than in any Wii FPS I've played so far.


Zelda: Collectors edition

A disc containing Zelda, Zelda II, Zelda OOT and Zelda Majoras Mask. Majoras Mask has trouble regarding audio and framerate, but otherwise an excellent package. Too bad it didn't contain a Link to the Past.


Zelda: Twilight Princess

Although it didn't live up to my expectations, it's still a kick arse game. It's Zelda (not Celda:wink:) for crying out loud! What did ya expect?


Wave Race: Blue Storm

The only reason this game didn't score as highly as its predecessor is that the bar had been raised between 1996 and 2001. Slightly polished gameplay, and much better graphics than the N64 itteration.


1080: Avalanche

Same story as with Wave Race: Blue Storm


Star Wars: Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II

Apart from an unnecesserilly long title, this game had intense flying action, TONS of unlockables and some of the best graphics ever. I still haven't seen such a good looking Star Wars game.


Super Mario 64

Yup. 13 years old, but still going strong. 13 years!?! Damn, I'm getting old!


F-Zero GX

You ain't hardcore until you've beaten this. Errr... I haven't :nono:

Lightning speeds, exciting tracks and gorgeous graphics. Everything F-Zero X lacked, although there aren't any guitar versions of the old soundtrack.

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Ah, there are so many good games on GameCube, N64, SNES and Megadrive.


Zelda: Collectors edition

A disc containing Zelda, Zelda II, Zelda OOT and Zelda Majoras Mask. Majoras Mask has trouble regarding audio and framerate, but otherwise an excellent package. Too bad it didn't contain a Link to the Past.


You need mega-patience to play Majora's Mask from this disc. Mine froze on me three times, but I still completed it 100%! Does that mean I'm patient or just sad? ;)


The funny thing is, I actually found it much easier than when I'd played it on N64, probably just because I remembered more of if than I thought I would. Plus, I honestly think games like Zelda (and Metroid) develop your brain.


I wonder if the Wii can emulate the N64 + 4MB RAM? Oh well, there's always the Wii 2.


But yes, that disc gave me the chance to complete the original Zelda and almost complete Zelda II, which was nice.

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Mario Kart 64

It has it's flaws but it even beats Smash Bros Melee in multiplayer for me. It's so much fun and the tracks are great.



I think it's a very overlooked game. It is quite linear and the controls are "challenging" or to put it less nicely not very precise but the whole concept of floating around like a ghost an possessing other people is really fun.



I think if you played this game few other games can scare you anymore. It's like being stuck in the nightmare of a psychopath. Gameplay, graphics and storytelling are very unique. It's really a love or hate game. I really liked it because the whole concept appealed to me and the on-rails controls made it even more tense and interesting.

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World Sport Competition - (TGX-16)

On the VC for a measly 600 points. One of the most fun party games ever. Made waaaaay back in 1990 this is one of the best button bashing olympic games of all time. Lots of games to choose from, cheesy graphics and music but oh so much gameplay.


ToeJam and Earl - (Mega Drive)

Excellent 2 player game and very, very difficult. Fairly unique game that you cant really class in a genre. It's rare you'll come across something so original and funky. Classic co-op experience!


Viewtiful Joe - (Cube)

Quirky platformer/beat 'em up hybrid from Capcom. Beautiful art style, phenomenal gameplay and extremely difficult (but oh so rewarding). A highlight of the gamecube and (in my opinion :wink:) the best of 'the capcom 5' including Resi Evil 4.


Kid Icarus - (NES)

Thought the Mega Man games were hard? This is one of Nintendo's finest moments on the NES. Brutal, but quite possibly the most rewarding game I've ever played. Music, atomosphere and qulity old school platforming proved that Nintendo could do something drastically different to Mario and pull it off with ease.


Honarable mentions, not on the Wii (yet).

Beetle Adventure Racing, Rocket Robot on Wheels, Pilotwings and World Driver Championship (N64). Aladdin and Super Mario Kart. (SNES). Battletoads (NES).

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Resident Evil 4

I bought the GC version shortly after release, although I'm thinking of swapping it for the Wii version.



I love the new graphical style, even though the developer could have done so much more to the environments, and some people dislike the too Matrix-like cutscenes.

Nontheless, this is MGS with improved graphics and gameplay. Lots of unlockables, even though I'd want more modes, like VR missions.


Beach Spikers

Very good looking game for all you guys whom are tired of conventional sports. Great graphics, gorgeous girls, smooth gameplay. The tournament's on the short side, but with friends it's great.


Crazy Taxi

Not the greatest game on the face of the planet, but considering you can now pick it up for virtually no cash at all, it's great. Some people will hate the soundtrack, other will love it. I myself think it's allright, certainly fits the summery feel of the game. This game isn't about a long time challenge or epic experiences, it's about putting a smile ON YO FACE! I'd like a LOT more unlockables, but like I said, for the cash it's OK.

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Sorry dj but could you elaborate a bit as to what this thread is about? I've just read your post and I have no idea what you mean!


List all the good Wii compatible, conventional games you know. It don't matter if they're Wiiware, VC, regular Wii games or GC games. If it's good, conventional and compatible with the Wii, it goes!


The thread exists because a lot of people think that there are few conventional quality games for the Wii, but as a matter of fact there are, if you look outside the box. No "casual" games are welcome in this thread, as there are plenty of other threads embracing these.

Edited by darkjak
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