mr_bogus Posted November 17, 2009 Posted November 17, 2009 Strange_Cookie: +10 points for Ghostbusters reference
K-project Posted February 27, 2010 Posted February 27, 2010 Quite fancy picking this up. The reviews have been mostly pretty good, but the main thing for me is that it looks enormous fun to play. I'm really missing a fun racing game after Mario Kart and Excite Truck. Normally (on the older consoles anyway) I dismiss the NFS games as being all style and no substance, but after reading up on this and watching some videos on YT I think I'll give it a go. I love the graphics style (apart from the character designs - too much of those type of designs on the Wii), and 60 frames a second is a deal sealer. What's the cheapest I can get it for? I've currently got it at Amazon for £12.99. Anywhere else better? Plus, if you've been playing it a while, what's your thoughts? Ta.
K-project Posted March 6, 2010 Posted March 6, 2010 OK, OK, I'm bumping old topics. Sorry. Just wanted to post up and say I did end up getting this, and it's really quite brilliant. A real surprise. Tailoring NFS for the Wii in this way is imho a success. Some have commented about the drift being a bit simplistic, and I suppose this is true to some extent, but it still requires skill to master and gives the game an almost OutRun 2006 feel. Huge screeching swings around corners makes me happy. There's a terrific turn of speed too, especially when boosting with the dual Nitro, and thanks to the general arcade-feel to the thing it makes it just a lot of fun to play. Watching the videos of the game though, doesn't prepare you for how pretty it actually is when running. It's not quite as detailed as other more serious racers, but it still looks sharp and polished. The speed hasn't harmed the appearance. There's no pop up or glitching. I know! In an EA game! Hats off to the devs for really making "Custom built for the Wii" a lovely surprise for a change, rather than a crushing disappointment (ahem FIFA10 cough). I really hope this style is kept and built on for future titles in the series on the Wii.
STOOPIDDITTIES Posted March 6, 2010 Posted March 6, 2010 This does interest me slightly, but the only thing that stops me from getting it is its lack of online. Online is what gives a racer its lifespan these days. Especially if you have no friends.
K-project Posted March 6, 2010 Posted March 6, 2010 I have no friends, and I only play offline. Never bothered with any online component in a game, not on console or my PC. I just prefer the solo experience. But yes, sorry I didn't mention it. There's no online in the game. It's still well worth it though. I reckon if it had a Nintendo badge on the front rather than an EA one, it would have perhaps been received more positively. As it is, it's yet another one of those Wii hidden gems imho.
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