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Hullo! I have a series of images over the space of 8 keyframes that build up a frame by frame animation. I want to duplicate this animation and place it at a difference position on the screen. I've been doing this by duplicating the frames and then changing the images location on each frame. This is very time consuming and I was hoping for there to be a much faster way of doing this.


Anyone? If you need more information to what I'm doing/explainging then just ask, I probably didn't use the correct Flash termonalogy as I don't often use it. Cheers.

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So do you want it on the same layer or a new one? I think it might be easier if you place it on a new layer, putting empty keyframes in the new layer until it matches where the original animation is and then placing the animation after it on that new layer in the place you want it. That way it'll place the animation on the first layer and then the second straight after.


From the sounds of it you don't seem to know about motion tweening or shape tweening. Both incredibly handy. Motion tween does what you'd do with key by key of moving an image. It's basically the start keyframe of an image and then the last keyframe of the image in the positions you want and then the tween moves it for you. Makes it much smoother too.


If you need more help, pm me, I've been recently learning about alot of flash and it's mostly fresh in my memory :)

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Motion and shape tween can't really be applied for this animation I'm trying to set-up. Let me put up a screen to show and tell.




So you can see how I've done it. This flame animation is done via 8 frames placed one after the other on one frame and then repeated. I've then done the same on another layer but positioned the original 8 frames differently and then duplicated them. Now, this takes a fair amount of time to reposition each image (especially because the different images are slightly, slightly different sizes, meaning I can't just type the one position for all, I need to reposition).


So what I wanted to do was to some how select all the 8 images on the 8 frames and move all their positions together.




EDIT: Yeah but your animation is awesome Pantsu. *thumb up with the shing*


The image is terrible. Split.





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Hmm, tricky. I'm still abit unsure. Onion skinning makes life easier with re-position things surely? It means everything will still be in the same place because you can see the ghost of the previous one.


Am I still being retarded? haha. I have to say that I really like your flash images. I'm still awful with making images in flash. Even though the brush smoothes everything out for me!

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Onion skinning wpuld help with the positioning but not with the time consuming bit. Thanks for the help, but I to don't have a clue how to do it, lol.


And thanks, they were done on photoshop and then the black outline in flash in order to remove the white around them (by breaking the image up and removing anything outside the black lines). I only had to do this because I don't know how you paste on Flash with transparency...

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My animation was done purely in flash and a load of copypasta though. lol.

You're trying to make the flame animate 8 different flames aren't you?

Would it not be possible to just do one flame. Create the animation for that on one layer. Then on another layer copy and paste that, change some of the frames positions then merge it with the layer with the already completed frame on? Surely then all of the frames are in the right position on screen, it's just the order which you want the flames to show that will change.



Why not save the image as png for transparency? Or even flash accepts psd format doesn't it? Surely it should work if you got rid of the background layer.

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Press the edit multiple frames button. Thats the one at the bottom of the timeline with the two purple squares picture on it. These things will come up on the timeline and you have move them to select which frames you want to see, once you can see all the frames you want to edit, select all the keyframes that you want to move the objects that they contain, and then just move them on the stage. Turn off edit multiple frames mode when you're done.


This is probably the best way to do something like that. Assuming I understand what you're trying to do correctly.

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Oooooh beautiful! I have never wanted to kiss a man, let alone a Canadian, but I would right now. Thank you so much. Thanks everyone for their help!


And don't rub in that you've already done yours and it's awesome Pantsu! :P

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Press the edit multiple frames button. Thats the one at the bottom of the timeline with the two purple squares picture on it. These things will come up on the timeline and you have move them to select which frames you want to see, once you can see all the frames you want to edit, select all the keyframes that you want to move the objects that they contain, and then just move them on the stage. Turn off edit multiple frames mode when you're done.


This is probably the best way to do something like that. Assuming I understand what you're trying to do correctly.


AHA! I should have known that really, I used it in a mini exam the other week *facepalms*

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