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Price for selling images/logos?


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Hey, I don't know if anyone can help me with this, but I've been wondering about this for some time. I've had some people ask me for my services to create a logo for them, or just have someone ask if they can use an image for their business.

I'm all for this of course, as it means I can make a bit of money. Problem is however, that I have no clue how much I could/should actually ask for this. Of course I don't want to overprice, but I don't want to undersell either... But yeah, I really don't know how much to ask for stuff like this.


Does anyone know what prices are usually used for this kind of stuff, or know any place where I can find out about this? =)

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I'm thinking of starting to get some freelance work for myself, designing logo's brochures, business cards, anything really. Im unsure how to price myself, I want the business but I'm not a charity. I remember doing a business card for a woman and her small business. I think I charged £25 for the design and made around £10 on the printing. So in total I made roughly £35 which is just slave labour, but I wanted to deal. I wanted the experience.


Also how do you price yourself? Do you charge by the hour or per project?


A good website all about freelancing is on the Freelance Switch. Sorry I cannot provide you with an answer, but your not the only one in this situation.



I've seen a small design company in my area advertise that they have a business design package for £999. This includes a logo, business cards, letterheads and a website.


Once a logo has been created then it doesn't take long to make a business card / letterheads from then on.


A friend of mine works in recruitment, he mainly deals with website developers. And he recently placed a front end website developer to a company. He charged the company £22 p/h and around £14 p/h to the actual person, which is something to bear in mind the fact the company are willing to pay £22. So if your ever doing this alone without an agency (i know this is pretty basic stuff) and your doing short term for a fairly large company then they are willing to pay a fair chunk of money.


I guess in terms of working out a price you need to work out how much time you will need to spend working of the project, take in to consideration how much you need to earn to live your live and how much your worth an hour.


Does anyone know where there are any industry standard rates as a guide line to follow?

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As a professional photographer I'd expect around £30 p/h, plus printing costs, any studio/specialist equipment hire. I don't know if design is similar, but maybe. Don't forget to factor in all your time.


My old lecturer told me a good way of telling if you are pricing correctly:

If you get every job you go in for, you're too cheap, if you don't get any, you're too expensive.

Try and find the middle ground.


edit1: Another way of finding out is to get a quote from a couple of rival similar businesses.

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Professional logo companies in Europe tend to sell pre-made logos (ie, they've made a whole host of them for sale and you can select one) for about EUR 100-150 depending on the quality. And then for custom ones they charge around EUR 200-250. Check out sites like logotion.com


Btw if you ever want to partner up... say if I'm doing a webdesign and they want a logo, I could come to you? I would give you the whole cut minus a teeny finders fee (like 10%)? I mean right now I'm doing a £5-600 web design, they didn't particularly like the logo I came up with, so I adjusted it a bit as per their wishes - but logos aren't really my forte and if they get back to me with a negative, then I could have work for you. I'm not saying it'll be regular (design isn't my degree or day job) but it's a contact :)

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Well I made a custom logo for a company recently and asked €200 for it (which includes the rights for them to use it for whatever), so I guess that's a decent price then.


At the moment though, I have someone asking to use one of my drawings for their bakery (probably as a logo as well), but since they're just a small business I'm not sure they're willing to pay that much. Plus I'm afraid if I ask too much they'll just end up copying my drawing theirselves or something. >.>;


And Shorty, I assume those logos are pretty... graphical. While the ones I make (well I only really sold one so far, haha) are usually more like a small illustration.

I have done a bit of logo design last year in school, but I was never that good at it, so I'm not sure I'd be of much help, sadly. ^___^;

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Haha, they're nothing interesting though. And so far I've only sold one. =P


I made this for a store/organisation that sort of helps parents with raising their children (ranging from babies to 18 year olds). They wanted something simple, and were really happy with this, heh.




And this is the image someone wants to use for their business. Gotta see if I can get some money for it (probably aim for €135 or something).



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As a professional photographer I'd expect around £30 p/h, plus printing costs, any studio/specialist equipment hire. I don't know if design is similar, but maybe. Don't forget to factor in all your time.


My old lecturer told me a good way of telling if you are pricing correctly:

If you get every job you go in for, you're too cheap, if you don't get any, you're too expensive.

Try and find the middle ground.


edit1: Another way of finding out is to get a quote from a couple of rival similar businesses.


Your lecturer is stupid and you should ignore his advice! :)


As someone who has worked for 5 separate organistions, all of which I have led on sorting out he branding, I can tell you what we have paid and thought reasonable.


Though it all depends on the quality. I mean the full branding for £999 is stupidly cheap and I would imagine the website will be insultingly basic and I would seriously doubt the skill of these people. Though if they're young to the industry then they could just be trying to get as much experience as possible.


I would say do as much as possible and don't worry about money too much; however good you are, experience sells 90% of the time in my opinion. I would rather spend 5k on a website by someone who can show me they are amazing from their previous work then 3k on someone how seems amazing, but hasn't done much. So get as much work as possible.


As for costings, in design, paying per hour just doesn't work though you need to try and aim for around £40 p/ eventually. maybe starting around £10,15 at the beginning. But don't charge this; because if you don't fulfill the spec of the client and take longer on it, it's not their problem. I think somewhere between £50-200 for a logo design is reasonable, probably towards the lower end to be honest; though I would just accept anything at this stage and get as many clients as possible to build up your portfolio

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