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Not really sure where to put this thread. Hopefully, it's not classed as spamming. But I could really do with getting my website higher on google for the sake of my being able to afford to eat and such.




So that when someone types in "driving lessons bolton" I end up on the first page.


Somebody on another forum tried to explain stuff about metatags and the like, but I had no idea what he was on about. And also something about my site being hosted in germany, but I've no idea how to change this.


So basically, I'm looking for someone who can advise (in plain english) and maybe do this for me. Obviously, I don't expect it to be done for free, but be aware that I can't afford that much at the moment, but hopefully that will change if I can get more work.


Anyway, if anyone can help, then please reply on here or a pm would be great too.




metatags while still relevant in some places aren't as important as they once were, start looking up some simple SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tips. That will get the ball rolling.


I've already looked at stuff like that, and it may as well be in Dutch as I really don't understand any of it.


I've tried registering my site on Google webmaster tools, but now I'm even more confused as to what's the best thing to do.


To me, a spider is something to make you reach for a rolled up newspaper. I need someone to explain it like you would to your dad!




I suggest having putting this in your sig,


[noparse]http://www.idrivesom.co.uk/ Driving Lessons Bolton[/noparse]


And then when google crawles NE's Pages, they will index your site slightly higher.

In a while when you search google for that phrase, this thread will show up somewhere too.


Also put your site link and that phrase in the description of all youtube videos.

Sign up to a few Link Exchange programs, and post about it on any forums you can.

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